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Adam Lambert Loves His Glamberts

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, July 28, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, July 28, 2013

All of Adam's love tweets to his Glamberts compiled together.

VIA nika_nikina:


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

♥♥♥ O X O ♥♥♥
from Glambert #3557

Anonymous said...

Come on that grammar in the first tweet. It should read... WEAR that name proudly. I love the comment but the grammar mistake just got to me....sorry.

Anonymous said...

Not only on twitter. He says he loves us on his interviews on videos and paper to the reporters. So sweet!

Anonymous said...

Adam really does appreciate his fans(of all ages) and all that love and more goes right back to him.

Anonymous said...

No grammar police please.
When you look like that do you have to be able to spell too? ^o^

Anonymous said...

Yes, most Glamberts are a peach, here and there a nut or two. ^o^

tea said...

The shower,,20721097,00.html?xid=rss-topheadlines

Adam's mentions....

Early on Fergie took the mic to announce, "Woo! It's my baby boy's first party!" and, appropriately, Adam Lambert arrived as "Let's Hear it for the Boy" played.

Dad-to-be Duhamel was also on hand among guests including Kelly Osbourne, Julianne Hough, Ru Paul, Lance Bass, Adam Lambert, Molly Sims, Gabriel Aubry and Matthew Mosshart.

Anonymous said...

Yes Adam, we all will support you in whatever direction you want your music and career to head. Like I've said, even if you sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, preferably rock&roll style or jazz improvised, we'll still love it...hmm, you haven't done one with a cha-cha beat or bossa-nova. lol! Or even act as Robinson Crusoe with your moustache or as Alien from Sexy!


Anonymous said...

thanks for the shout outs Adam!!

Leilani Aloha said...

Thanks Adam!
All Back at you Adam!!! :)
We love your Awesomeness, Voice, Personality, Looks, etc;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

funbunn40 said...

Adam knows how hard we work to keep his name out there, endless polls, radio requests,concerts, tweets, etc. It's a nice feeling to have him acknowledge us. He does his best to personally connect at concerts too, really looking at the many faces that adore him. With his early struggles to be noticed on stage in Wicked and trying to be noticed in the recording industry, Adam understands the need for all of us to be validated for hard work. :)

Anonymous said...

This is great to see. I have been a fan from the beginning. And I love these shoutouts to his fans. I am still hoping to be replied to or retweeted but I won't expect it. Some ppl have been replies to three times. Wow! Anyway, I will stay an invisible fan and continue to support him. Maybe I will meet this incredible man. That would be even better. Thank you Adam for appreciating your fans.

Anonymous said...

People that correct other people's grammar, spelling or punctuation (esp someone you are supposed to be a fan of) have a weird complex. I am a proofreader and I will never correct Adam. That is incredibly rude. Adam is far more intelligent than most people, so let it go. You don't have to police him. Thanks.

glitzylady said...

Adam is a sweetheart...He truly appreciates his fans and I feel the same towards him.

Anonymous said...

I love you Adam and thanks for the tweets to all of us. I'll always be your fan!

Jadam NZ said...

OT Just worked out the Super XV final was here in Hamilton and that was our local Waikato team The Chiefs where FYE was played. My daughter and Son in law were there. She did nt say anything so maybe she didn't click. Will have to ask her.

Anonymous said...

I believe Adam purposely tweet " where' instead of WEAR, knowing Adam's intelligence & sarcastic sense of humor!
Ok let's move on:0)
no spelling bee contest here!:):):)
all's good!

Anonymous said...

Grammar mistake? No! Slip of spelling!

Anonymous said...

Glamberts might be a lil' cra cra..but you can't deny the true love they have for AL!.and that love I hope will translate into buying his third album..which I know will be fantastic

Anonymous said...

Intelligence doesn't necessarily equal good speller. I'm a genious and my spelling sucks! Lolololololol.

Anonymous said...

It should be 'People who' not 'people that'.

Anonymous said...

This thread should be about LOVE & RESPECT, not about spelling, you bitches, :)))))

Right back at ya, Precious BB!

Anonymous said...

Adam is above grammar - He's a Rock God for Pete's sake! School is OUT!

tess4ADAM said...

We all LOVE you too ADAM! I've been a Glambert since Day 1 and I do wear the name PROUDLY!! I don't care about the 'spelling' ... it's the 'meaning' that counts for me!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

I love you Adam

Anonymous said...

I love you darling Adam.

Anonymous said...

You inspire us to be the best we can be, to work harder than we would work, to dream bigger than we would dream. It all starts with you, but we are loving taking it as far as it can go. This Glamily is in love with the world, enbracing even the rough spots. Did you hear the Pope say he was not here to judge a gay person - that was a HUGE moment!!!!! It works, you just keep on dreaming.

Anonymous said...

Yes, that stunned me. A pope who hasn't bought in to the idea that popes are Infallable , who in the he** came up with that idea anyway?

Anonymous said...

Pope's infallibility concerns only to matters of dogma of the faith because supposedly the Holy Spirit makes sure of that.
All else the pope is just but human.