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Adam Lambert Vogueing at BBQ

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, July 5, 2013

Posted at : Friday, July 05, 2013


Anonymous said...

What's up with the cut off pants?!

Anonymous said...

Oh, his hair is down. Love all his different styles.

Anonymous said...

Hot hot hot Adam:)

Anonymous said...

Was that Sam Sparrow at the very end?

Anonymous said...

Dance Adam!!:)

Nice to see him with Sam!:)


Anonymous said...

I can't sleep so watching Adam celebrate with friends. I like Adam's look. Keep facial hair if that is what he wants. In thing at the moment.

Anonymous said...

Adam is so this

Anonymous said...

is that Bridger wearing Adam's plaid shirt?

Anonymous said...

4:54 AM

If you mean the photo down left, that seems to be the dancer guy and down right it is Adam himself . The dancer guy's shirt is different .

Anonymous said...

Adam and friends certainly know how to have a good time. I'm sure many of us were celebrating Independence Day yesterday and having fun in our own way. Great fireworks from Macy's last night too. I'd love to see Adam dancing somewhere in a club or at a party. We see some of his moves on stage and he always seems to laugh at himself as if he can't believe he just did that. Summertime and the livin' is easy and fun.

Anonymous said...

Who is that dancer guy?

Anonymous said...

7:48 AM
I don't know. He dances with that girl while Adam and Sam sing on that Vine. Some friend of Sam ?

Anonymous said...

He is also the pool picture. I think he is with Adam?

Anonymous said...

Adam's hair looks so good down. no product. He pretty much looks good ANY WAY

Anonymous said...'s summer and its freaking hot dumb ass.

Anonymous said...

Check out Breakfast in Bed with Danielle Stori:

Anonymous said...

Looks like Adam is having a good and happy time. Other than Sam, looks like a different crowd of friends. Adam doesn't seem to mind when a personal party is tweeted to face book. Hope he does have something to work on with Sam, he hasn't gotten very far with his 3rd album yet. Queen has been very busy with his badger project, and has also done a few small tours with a couple of female singers. I am wondering if Adam is holding off a little bit with his album, until he hears a definite answer from AI. That seems to be what he would really like to do, it seems to be in his bucket list. The person or persons who manage his tours and events, are the ones who would be the ones to work out the Idol thing. Even Adam has to wait and see.

Anonymous said...

for the first time, I do have some hope that Adam will be a judge on AI..his answer in the interview was just so coy..he seems so happy these I beleve there is something exciting in the near future..I hope this works out for him, cause I feel certain that Season 14 will be the last for AI, rendering the possibility of him being on the show moot...

Anonymous said...

Because of what Brian said and Adam I do believe there is something on the horizon with Queen. No one gonna front Queen better than Adam he was amazing at it. Sounds like an televised event. Imagine sooner will do some kind small tour. Brian said they are talking about doing an event, probably for TV. Adam also said they were having conversations. He said he could not talk about guess if it all works out he announce it in probably twitter.

Anonymous said...

11:24, thanks for that interesting link! Enjoyed it.


Anonymous said...

11:47, I agree with you. I hope that Adam's lack of answers to some questions is because he DOES know some things, not because he DOESN'T know. I agree that this could very well be AI's last season. If so, I hope Adam gets a chance to judge before it's all over. Being an AI judge is a good thing to have on your resume, regardless of the success of the show itself. It still packs some punch, even now. And we DO have Queenbert to look forward. There is so much Adam can't say. He knows he needs to put out a new album at some point. But other opportunities crop up, too. He is living his life, step by step. He is fully aware of all the things we fans worry about!


Anonymous said...

12.23 was Sue, everyone in awhile not often I'll post as long as everything seems pretty positive.

Adamluv said...

OT and LATE! - here's another review of the San Diego concert. Havent read the others yet but know there must have been several. First of all great to meet up with my good friend, PRS, see and talk with Glitzlady and to finally put a tag to a face = funbunn40! She was as nice as I thought she'd be!Of course ran into many SoCal. Adam fans that I see at all events. I stood the entire concert beginning when the first band member, Brian, hit the stage. IMO Adam was in a very happy and joyful mood as he appeared to be having the time of his life. Loved his song choices from the older IIHY, FYE and Fever to the newer ones plus the 2 Hendrix songs and the Queen ones as well. His dancing/movements were sexy as hell! And the boy says he cant dance! "What ya talkin' about Willis?" (for those that get that Different Strokes reference). Adam was playful and seemed to be very much at ease. Streaker girl was cute. LOVED his boots! Hard to look at anything else when his thighs were absolutely screaming "I'm sheer perfection". And his butt was beyond perfection as well. My friend, Nancy, was fixated on his shoulders - to each her own. He hit the high notes, the low notes, the middle notes and everyother note. FABULOUS ENTERTAINING GOOD CLEAN FUN - Thanks, Adam for just being you. "You're doing it perfectly". . . Adamluv

Adamluv said...

Part 2 - San Diego concert - a few more observations. Leila was standing a few rows in front of us (there were already pictures posted) Sutan was sitting directly in front of us a few rows closer to the stage. Love watching him as he is so graceful. He was on his feet dancing with us all. Didnt see Eber. Beautiful warm SoCal summer evening - perfect for an outdoor concert. Either hurt my back from all the jumping up and down and dancing or from lifting a dog in/out of my car since have spent the last 2 days in bed. That's why I'm so late to this review. BTW, didnt miss the dancers nor backup singers in the least. Sooooooooooo admire, respect, adore and love Adam F. Lambert!!!!!!!!! cANT WAIT TIL NEXT TIME. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the review Adamluv glad you had a wonderful time. Did you get the ticket with the dinner? I have always wondered about trying it at different venues, sounds like it would be fun.

Adamluv said...

@1;19 - yes, we had the dinner included with the ticket. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Adam is definitely a casual fashion trend setter as well. Check out Leonardo DeCaprio new look at the supermarket:

Anonymous said...

DeCaprio can be kind of like Adam's lost older brother. He resembles so much like Adam. Or he can be Eber's lost older son. Which ever you want to look at it! Check these pictures:

Anonymous said...

Awesome! RT @mmyy9 Adam Lambert @ CALIFORNIA MID-STATE FAIR Paso Robles, CA(Published June 28,2013 by CAMidStateFair)

Anonymous said...

Adam out clubbing with the guy in the pink shirt.

Anonymous said...

@AdamLambertHelp: Adam Lambert at the San Diego County Fair - Playlist on YT via @bayoulady60 76 vids (so far)

Anonymous said...

@5:46am. That's picture of Adam with the dancer guy at Sam's house for 4th of July party yesterday. The same guy dancing with the girl in bikini in one of Sam's Instagram videos.

Anonymous said...

Yes same guy. But this picture was taken at a club per the guy who posted it. There are pics from the poster of himself at the club. The person who took the pic was not at SAMs party or Bonnie's party. Adam was in three locations with this guy

Anonymous said...

OMG, Adam and a group of friends went out and stopped by Sam's and Bonnie's? I'm really more interested in he went to Sam's and Bonnie's than whoever Adam was with.

Anonymous said...

@9:15 A.M. Thanks, for the compliment! That's exactly what most people do when it's hot outside, take a pair of scissors and cut their pants legs off!!! Not!!! Seems too reasonable to buy a decent pair of shorts (cargo shorts) or summer (hot weather attire) from a department store or in Adam's case, from a designer, or take pants to a good tailor. Those cut off pants look quite tacky on anyone, especially a Rock Star!! Lately, Adam hasn't been dressing well, on and off stage. Boots, pants (cut off), vests, and T-shirts are not put together well.

Anonymous said...

Adamluv, Love your recap of the SD show! I was there, too. I don't think we met, did we? I met so many people that I can't keep track now. I agree that the dancers and back-ups were not missed. Adam can hold his own onstage just fine. We were sitting not far from Leila also, but I didn't know she was there till afterwards so I didn't even know to look for her. I would have loved to have seen her in person. She's lovely. Saw the pix of her and Eber on AO. They are both so nice with fans. I'm not sure about Adam's party pix pertaining to who may be a "date" or not. He's sure not making it known if he has a special guy at this point. He just seems relaxed and happy!


Anonymous said...

8:20 PM, too bad Adam isn't asking you for your opinion on what he should wear on a holiday spent with friends. Yes, I mean this sarcastically.

Anonymous said...

@8:20 PM, I could not more agree with you. Adam seems to have gone through a strange grunge type of change. I am one of his biggest fans, but I do notice something very different to have taken place in his wardrobe. I think it is just a phase-some of the biggest stars have gone through this grunge phase-it is just now Adam's turn. He will come back to us-we just have to wait out this one!

Anonymous said...

Nonsense he looked fine for tha horrible heat in Orlando and California. That was a back yard barbecue with friends he can dress anyway he pleases.he looked very nice for the AT&T thing it was cooler and in door concert.

Anonymous said...

Lots of hints dropped in this Rumorfix interview! (Sorry if someone already posted)

Anonymous said...

What? Adam looked great in the tall boots, jeans and leopard print shirt in San Diego. In Orlando it was something like 100 degrees and 100% humidity and I think the knee length shorts and snake print tshirt were fine for that. Adam looked very stylish in Miami in the black brocade shirt and the scissor print outfit. The leopard print tank and leather vest were rocker chic for that concert. The bleached pants and leather vest were also rocker chic for Pittsburgh. For GLAAD he wore a designer dress shirt. He wore a beautiful black suit on the red carpet for WWZ. What are you complaining about? You must be one of those who needs to pick apart everything Adam does to make yourself feel better.

Anonymous said...

@8:46 P.M. Thanks for noticing the change too. If some fans would take off their rose colored glasses, they'll see that Adam is going through something. What? I don't know, but definitely something is going on with him....
Also, thanks for the positive intelligent civil response.

@8:44 P.M. I wish he would ask me for my opinion or hire me to be his stylist. I'm serious! His image has taken a nose dive. I care too much for Adam to see his image repels new fans. Adam is in a business where image is everything to an artist career.

Anonymous said...

@10:09 P.M. Not Complaining!! Just Concerned!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Adamluv for your recap, sounds like you had a wonderful time, how could you not, it's Adam..thanks for sharing your experience!


Anonymous said...

how many times is that lady going to talk about the freaking rose colored glasses? Maybe she needs to give her John Conlee music a little rest. lol

Anonymous said...

I see nothing wrong with how Adam is dressing. Anybody who thinks they know better how he should dress needs to get a life.

Anonymous said...

@8:20pm & @8:46pm. I thought you said your goodbyes couple of days ago. Why are you back again?

Troll alert!

Anonymous said...

Hey, lol: you're not that clever, so shut the F up. lol

Anonymous said...

Adam seems to be a lost soul.He should have never let Sauli walk.Adam always took so much pride in his looks. Maybe one day he will quit being a club kid. He is 31.It will surprise me if Idol let's him on.

Anonymous said...

@11:35: Ignoramus alert!

Anonymous said...

@11:46: do you mean when he used to wear tons of makeup and silly things on his clothes? He was hiding behind all of that because of his insecurities. Maybe he dresses down and has a more natural look now because he is more confident and secure in his appearance. I call that pride.

Anonymous said...

Oh Lordie I wondered how long this was going to take to turn into a Sauli thing and now I know.

Anonymous said...

12:02 they are slipping, it took like about 49 comments. Better step up their

Anonymous said...

Here she goes again. Starts with degrading Adam in any which way she can. Then responding to herself couple of times agreeing with her first comment. Then she talks about Sauli. And finally, she starts attacking Adam fans. What a sicko. Admin should delete her ip address. Go away already!

Anonymous said...

First 11:46, if you don't like how Adam looks and what he does why don't you go away.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

12:07 I think she is diabolical.

Anonymous said...

12:09am. She declared so many times that she is done with this fandom and she will leave. But she is back every single day degrading Adam and his fans on his fansite. JUST GO AWAY ALREADY SICKO!

If some of you are sick of this, check,, Adam Lambert Fan Club on facebook, and other great fansites.

Anonymous said...

11:58 AM

He was very natural looking when he did those TP- promo gigs. That cook I liked. Not "tons of makeup", maybe nailpolish and shaved clean beautiful face. I liked liked liked his style at that time and he said himself he was not so insecure anymore.

Anonymous said...

12:24 AM here: not "cook" but "look ". Damned typos, lol. Only one "liked" would be enough, too. This tablet is terrible to write with.

Anonymous said...

By the looks of it a very gay party.

Anonymous said...

12:07 AM, 12:19 AM

This is the SICKO just for once. I have not written any comments here since I left. Now that I see some others being accused of being me, I have to comment. I'm not 8:20 PM, 8:46 PM, 10:20 PM or 11:46 PM, or any other here. Admin can confirm that.

Sorry, but there are other sickos here whom you must get rid of. If could give my e-mail address or phone number but I'm afraid I could get so much hate post that I won't do it b/c I'm a coward.

Anonymous said...

And the plot thickens...

Man it's getting weirder and weirder - or is it weirder-er (according to Adam

Anonymous said...

It's summertime. Dress is casual and easy. Adam can't and shouldn't have to be a "fashionplate" every time he is out and about and in a picture. Have you seen pictures of other celebs out shopping or doing other things and posted by the paps? It just seems that Adam can't do anything, go anywhere or dress a certain way without there being some kind of comment or criticism on this blogsite. Luckily we don't see all this in print for the general public to see and read. I am most interested in reading about a third album and any future projects(Queen concert) Adam might have and the rest is just not that important in the man's career.

Anonymous said...

Not a fan of DiCaprio but I'm a mega fan of Adam. :)

Anonymous said...

It seems 'vogueing' has a number of meanings. O^O

Anonymous said...

6:01, My thoughts exactly. Thanks for the sanity.


Anonymous said...

Purple Haze At&T Concert

Trespassing AT&T

Anonymous said...

There sure is a fine, thin line between true fans and haters when sanity is concerned!!

Anonymous said...

Had to laugh at the fans telling Adam what to and not to wear thesedays! He IS the master of fashion always. Plus can you imagin keeping your hair so perfected and stunning 24/7.

HK fan said...

just wanted to say.. I love Leonardo Dicaprio....he's the most amazing actor....hate his beard though.

Anonymous said...

So so true!

Anonymous said...

Adam looks happy. Among friends. Lately he looks grungy - NO! Lately he looks like someone who is taking a post-tour break. Dress and life casual. Good to see him relaxing. It is hot. Very few people looks as good as this when they are schlepping.

BTW, moustaches need trimming and, in this case, dyeing. Adam is taking care of his looks. Just because it is not your taste.

Anonymous said...

Lol a post tour break? He has had a nice relaxed schedule all year.

Anonymous said...

HK fan I don't always like LD movies but he his acting captivates.

Adamluv said...

@DRG - Unfortunately we did not meet. Hopefully next time. @NKLovesAdam - glad you enjoyed my review. . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

He had a 9 song performance and meet and greet for AT&T in one day. Then performed that night at a club. Prior to that he had, 2 large concerts outside in the heat. One in Florida one California, all in a span four or five days. I say he could use a little break. I would not say that was to relaxing at all.