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Adam Lambert with Brian Tranter and Chris Colfer (Last Night)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, July 28, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, July 28, 2013

At The Hideout for Capital Cities private show hosted by Glee actor Darren Criss.


Anonymous said...

Adam looks so serious here.

Anonymous said...

He takes dancing seriously. Looks pretty happy in pic #1

tea said...

Good to know the Glee cast is going forward.

Anonymous said...

Justin not brian

Anonymous said...

Yeah they don't look too tore up about Corey's death to me. Shallowness in Hollywood will alaways prevail & Adam never misses an opportunity to promote himself.

Anonymous said...

Definitely Justin Tranter!

Anonymous said...

What are these young people supposed to do but get on with their lives.

Anonymous said...

What are these young people supposed to do but get on with their lives.

Anonymous said...

Lol why would adam be tore up about Cory? He only met him briefly. Life goes on for everyone, even friends and family. As it should

Anonymous said...

Will Chris Colfer be the new love in Adam's life? We will wait and see.

Anonymous said...

looks can be deceiving. My sister cried and carried on with the best of them when her husband passed away but she couldn't stand him.

Anonymous said...

@10AM OMG!

Anonymous said...

Will sherrod is chris coffers boyfriend

Anonymous said...

wow making a judgement after looking at one snapshot is pretty shallow to me.

Anonymous said...

@10:17 Shallow comments? On here?? No way:p

Anonymous said...

9:50 AM Looking for attention? Hi Troll!

Same for 10:00 AM. (probably one and the same)

Anonymous said...

Adam looks great, esp in the first pic. Will be great to see him in Glee. He is the best looking man ever. And he will bring a diversion from the sad departure of Cory. He has massive talent, personality and generosity. So happy for him. Adam is also so giving and always lets others shine.

Anonymous said...

So happy to see Adam with the Glee cast. Adam will be a wonderful addition to the show and everyone will love him. Adam has been the same his whole life and that's why he has so many friends and is held in high regard by all who come in contact with him. I see no shallowness here just people living their life as we all should. Good for Adam!>>>>>>>nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see Adam welcomed into the Glee family, right where he should be. It will certainly be interesting to see what role they have for Adam. He will definately put a new spin on the show. LOVE HIM!


Anonymous said...

9:50 is crazy!!! just hungry for dramas & unhappiness huh! so sad for u dear:(

Live Life !
& Life goes on for the living1 sorry but it's the truth!
wake up & smell the roses Not trash!!!
Have a beautiful sunday all!:)

Anonymous said...

What are they suppose to do? They aren't Cory's close family members. They tried to help him when he was alive but he didn't accept their help and took the easy way out of this mortal life. I wonder if his parents are as much hurt. I doubt it cause they would have really invested their time to raise him well so he wouldn't seek out happiness in drugs and alcohol. The casts and crews did as much as they could and now they are moving on with their life. Don't blame them. Blame his parents.

As for Adam seeking to promote himself. What a bulls**t! Full of it! He was invited to a party on Saturday night and having a good time. Something that most of should be doing, instead of passing judgment.

Anonymous said...

who would have thought a couple months ago we would see Adam mingling with and a part of the cast of Glee? It's nice.

Anonymous said...

at 10:00 AM

It is SO embarrassing that some of you try to mate Adam with every young guy he takes pictures with.

You make Adam look like a common whore and an std hub who bonks every single boy he manages to get hold of.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1 09

Well most people know that adam takes pics with fans or friends and its no big deal. I don't think adam is dating either justin or Chris. However, your comment make me think you really have no idea what Adams well known and acknowledged sexual behavior has been. He is a very promiscuous guy

Anonymous said...

omg can the trolls please at least change their writing style when making comments and answering themselves. You look pathetic.

Anonymous said...

So what if he is promiscuous?please chill peeps!he is human not a god..let's focus on his career not how many guys he *bangs* everyday!

Anonymous said...

1:59 try again.

Anonymous said...

I agree it's no big deal. Its just people that want to deny it that annoy me.

Anonymous said...

damn trolls don't take any pride in their work anymore. The world is going to hell in a hand basket. LOL

Anonymous said...

Sharp contrast between adam and his brother neil.I have a galfriend who is quite close to elisse *neil's fiance*.he is so grounded and settled into a mature lifestyle!.I am not judging Adam,but his P.R should help him not become overexposed!..#alldbest#

Anonymous said...

Yeah!and you automatically become bitter when you point out the basic truth of life#no one is perfect#

Anonymous said...

of course I have no way of knowing, but I do not believe that Adam is banging every man he meets..he is very particular with regard to the type of men who interest him..and I can only imagine that one of these fly by nite boys could get some easy dough by selling a salacious story about Adam..and he knows that..of course we would all like to see him settled down with one person..but we are not him and we don't get to live his life..btw, it is stupid to compare Adam's lifestyle to Neil's..

Anonymous said...

Adam is not promiscuous, not a bit. When he was young he said he was. He not at all who he in his early twenties. Neil is not a celeb at all, Adam lives a very different life and mingles. He has not been out much lately, he young and enjoying himself, with a friend from glee, who been a friend for sometime. I think he one if the most grounded celebs I ever seen. Troll some where else people its getting old here!

Urethra_Franklin said...

"Adam is not promiscuous, not a bit."

LOL Okaaaaaay. I'm so sure hes Mr. Celibate between his long termers.

Anonymous said...

There have been many story's about guys who slept with adam. One published in queerty about hooking up shortly before idol. They joked anout being surprised adam was a top . One published in New Zealand about a guy who slept with him after his tour stop. One fan who is well known and had sex with Taylor green listened to adam having sex thru a bathroom vent. Pics and facebook accounts of adam hooking up with a guy in Philadelphia. A guy wrote about having sex with him during his canada tour stop . An entertainment reporter said her friend had sex with adam in a bathroom in la. There is no scandal but story's have been all over the place.

Anonymous said...

And there would have been more story's if he hadn't been fucking Taylor for well over a year.

Anonymous said...

2:47 now I know you are grabbing at straws.

Anonymous said...

That's Hollywood. Suits for Adam.

Anonymous said...

listen..Adam has a VERY strong sex only concern is that of all of us I am sure..we do not want him to contract AIDS..I'm sure he uses protection..but, you know how that goes...I was even told by a gay friend of my granddaughter that he knew a guy who had hooked up with Adam..Hell, I am a 71 yo straight woman and I'd do him in a New York

Anonymous said...

UF, no one said a word about being celibate, you are not helping things. I am slowly losing respect for you over some of your comments lately.

Anonymous said...

Tsk tsk tsk not many trolls on here getting any lately. You have too much time on your hands if you can rattle the past four years of Adam's sex life off the top of your head. Maybe next year will be better for y'alls.

Anonymous said...

U have just turned me on!

Anonymous said... Adam attending Fergie's baby shower today???

Anonymous said...

Relax please!its her body is saying AL cannot sing because we know he is GREAT!.but when ppl have opinions and are not insulting please let them be!contrary opinions should not be labelled as trolls..lois

Anonymous said...

@2:39PM those stories are all fanfictions and Adam said it multiple times he hates them. So sad you still have your head in the gutter.

Anne Marie said...

Between the Glee party last night, and the baby shower for Fergie, I would say Adam has had one of the best week ends for a long time. Lucky man.

Urethra_Franklin said...

3:00 helping things? just keepin it real.

and im sure ill lose sleep tonight over your comment.

Anonymous said...

You old f*cks who keep saying you'd have sex with Adam need to slither away. YOU ARE THE REASON he is not more accepted!! You weirdo fans have RUINED everything for him! Now, grow up and get off of these sites all of you AARP members!

Anonymous said...

2.39 no one said he was said one thing about Celibate, he 31 who would expect that. Ada quite able to take care of himself.the man goes out dancing all this bull shit. If he does not go out get photographed pap's don't care about him the care plenty for about him. If he does go out he sleeping with everything that moves. Yes certainly he slept with people but also sure most of those above mentioned stories are not true, or most exaggerated we know all the here say stories are not true.whoever lucky enough to sleep with Adam are quite lucky he not a stupid man he quite aware of aids, and would always take care if himself. You are not worried about Adam you just want to spread bull about him. I suspect Adam takes more precautions, take better care of himself that most of you do. He a young man he will have Lover's none of your business. He 31 and knows all about Aids, to use precautions ect. geez people. Live your lives and let him live his, he quite aware of how to take care of everything that needs be.

Anonymous said...

3.46 Adam is well excepted. Just because one older person makes a silly comment lets not blame all for what was said. Stop being stupid, you sure are not helping him one bit with your lousy attitude. I like Adam for his talent, have no other ideas.

Anonymous said...

I only discovered this site recently. Wow, it's really Troll Central. What a pity that Adam's name is even associated with it. I guess that apart from a handful of actual fans, it's mainly populated by the moronic dregs that post on Yahoo articles etc. Sad, sad people.

krismidas said...

@2:39, @2:47, @3:46 - Wondering if the same person made all three of these posts. I suggest this person get some therapy as a healthy alternative to wasting a Sunday regurgitating vulgar internet rumors and spewing ugly opinions on this site.

Really poster, life can get better for you if you turn away from the negative and try to do something positive to save your psyche.

Anonymous said...

So nice to see Chris Colfer smile.. Maybe he is already getting over Cory's death, but I think if he looks at his close friend Lea Michele with whom he works every day on Glee... it will be another thing. That will not be easy.

I hope Chris will find a big brother in Adam. At least they share the same love for theater. Axel.

Anonymous said...

I am the 'older' person who said she would 'do Adam'..I was JOKING for crying out loud..some of you guys just can't take a joke..this site needs more levity..

Anonymous said...

I also suspect the older person who made that remark was not that age, and a troll saying they were 71 and would do Adam was just a troll. They were were saying they were that age, to throw a bad light on the older fan. The person that wrote that whole thing sounded pretty young and stupid to me, not old at all. Probably same person making most of the nasty remarks, same troll.

Anonymous said...

@ 2:39 pm.......quote "Adam had sex thru a bathroom vent"

Gee, that must have been painful!.....JAK here.....

@4:10 pm.......more levity than sounding like an XXX rated script for a 3 Stooges Movie...?

This thread has become a slime fest for the hopelessly cuckoo infantile posters who love to dish out merde!

How about the grown up sane people abandon ship cause this thread is sinking.!!!

Anonymous said...

To all the people who write silly comments about Adam and his sex life. Nothing is believed unless there is documented proof re: times dates pictures etc. If this proof is not there then you are making it up. All sensible people on the net know this.

Anonymous said...

Okay, me first. Bye.

Anonymous said...

at 2:59 PM

What do you really know about his sex life? It sure is a part of his public image but I would imagine that in real life he is not the sex god you like to think he is. More like the man next door with needs a man has.

LOL, even the size of his glambulge is open to question since there's no picture evidence of Adam wearing thongs. It is possible that he puts some padding into his trousers just to make you girls having wet dreams about him...

Anonymous said...

old person clarify..even tho it really doesn't matter..I really am 71 (ugh)..I love Adam Lambert..I am one of his most fervent and loyal fans..I do not make nasty remarks, esp. about have me confused with others who maybe do..I read this site for entertainment..and boy, sometimes it really is entertaining...calm Adam himself says.."it's not that deep"..

Anonymous said...

is it me or Adam shows up at every place that Darren Criss is at???? coincidence or on purpose????????

Anonymous said...

rumor is he was banging some chick at the Chateau

Anonymous said...

talk about a rumor....LOL

Anonymous said...

OMG -- Some people on this site are absolutely crAAAAzy!

I don't even care anymore what anyone on blogs says about Adam's personal life (there will always be jealous people denigrating a life that they wish THEY would have). And to that person talking about Neil :), did you ever read his tweets?!? I love Neil, but please don't talk to me about Neil's seriousness and groundness -- he would be offended by that :).

Adam Lambert's voice and music is why I'm here. Why are you guys here?

Anonymous said...

3:36, thanks for the world of sanity. Anybody can say know somebody who had sex with somebody or had sex with somebody themselves. It's fanfiction or just a bunch of sophomoric gossip.

4:02, this site actually has some very good threads with good conversation. It's not all troll trash.


Anonymous said...

@12:34 You are passing judgement more than anyone. Blaming CM's parents for not raising him right so he had to find happiness in drugs and alcohol. Addiction is a disease. He may have chosen to drink when a child - a lot of kids do. But if you were more educated, you would realize that it is a brain disease and not a matter of willpower or strength. Blaming his parents is as judgmental as you can get.

Anonymous said...

3:46 You are a despicable and rude person. There is nothing wrong with older women kidding about having fun with A. It is all in good fun. How dare you. I assume you would rather the A bashing that you have on this thread. You are prob one of the trolls; you're not kidding anyone. BTW, there are all kinds of A fans - young and old alike.

Anonymous said...

4:10 You were kidding of course. Your comment was the only one that made me smile on this thread. So thank you. I feel the same way; kidding too. But we all find Adam sexy; you just said it with a sense of humor. Thank you for that.
There are some very obnoxious people on this thread. I apologize for them. AARP - well, I am barely one and I also have the mind of a 20 year old. It is just a number, right? ;)

Anonymous said...

There are couple of jealous fans of others on this site that always love to spew none sense. Ignore them! They got blocked on twitter and other blogs. They come to this site cause it's open forum and admin. likes to keep it this way. That's why I'm not posting anything news worthy anymore. If you want to get realtime news about Adam visit Adam Lambert Fan Club on facebook. I see @funnbunn40 there and other real fans.

Jadam NZ said...

Have to say I agree with 5.50pm above. I also visit other well informed sites, with great knowledgable comments, not all this personal crap.
Tho I will miss JAK, Glitzy, Lam-my, Rose Petal, Lorraine, DRG etc even Urethas sometimes cutting and no nonsense comments I think it is time to back off. Till this site is more select.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jadam....Thank you. You seem like a rather peaceful happy person; perhaps living in a beautiful country like NZ makes a great difference. And I notice you like everybody to talk nicely together. :)


Anonymous said...

James Galdofini, and Kidd Kraddick, both died recently, as well, by natural's a real shame when a young person just throws their life away on drugs. I'm sure Cory's parents and all,his friends did everything they could to save him. You can't babysit people, they are responsible for their own actions..;feel.sprry for James and Kidd's family as well. I'm sorry for Cory's death, but it was his own fault RIP to allof them, and STOP being asshole haters!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 2:39 I had sex with Adam too. Believe me because I am writing about it. I have no pictures or witnesses. \o/ \o/ \o/ You are such a fool!!!! and Troll.

Anonymous said...

I loved Kidd Kraddick's interviews with Adam and Neil too. A lot of Idol Alumns tweeted their condelances to Kidd's family. I saw the news of his passing was trending on Yahoo and AOL. He loved children a lot and he helped kids through different charities. He defintely had a full fruitful life. I'm sure he'll be missed by a lot of listeners in Dallas and other places. RIP Kidd!

Anonymous said...

.....shave that gorgeous face!!!

Anonymous said...

Yea I remember Kidd Kraddick...RIP; one of the first few who hosted detailed interviews with Adam, some 3 years ago. I wrote a couple of comments on Kidd's quick-wit, directness, eloquence...interviewing Adam.


Anonymous said...

DRUGS DESTROYS LIVES. I don't know when people are gonna get that through their thick skulls? You don't drink and drive a car and you don't do drugs and drive a car. People will never get it. Half of the accidents on the road are by neglegent people under the influence. Statistics say half of the fatalities on the highway are teenagers. Don't give them a license if they aren't responsible.

Anonymous said...

some of the comments are very sad on this site.When I listened to Adam sing for the first time I did know he was a white male & could sing like no one I had heard before I did not care if he was gay, straight, married ,single ,had sex 15 times a day or not at all.That was not my business I liked the way he performed the way he took control of the stage. If you people that are putting him down you don't like how he lives his life follow some one else you like better.Keep your nose out of his private life.I have been on this site since it started have no intentions of leaving it but who ever is running it really needs to block this garbage that is being said on here.Adam gets ahead & his own site tears him apart & I do beleive he reads this some times.

Anonymous said...

"And I notice you like everybody to talk nicely together. :)
Coming from Lam-my???? Lololololol!!!

Anonymous said...

Obsession is an addictive disorder, isn't it?


funbunn40 said...

I've chosen like many of the long time posters to comment on other sites like the Adam Lambert Fan site, direct links to interviews and others that haven't been polluted by such meaness, disrespect and negativity. I do so because of the nasty,immature Adam bashing and ficticious, button pushing comments that serve no purpose other than their need for attention and obsession to argue, inflame and bully like in grammar school. The name calling and anyone with an intelligent opinion not always in agreement with some being called trolls, such as the 71 yr old that was obviously kidding and was ridiculously attacked by a child that has no comprehension of life or manners is exhausting and just a "downer". I have to wonder if they will stop living, enjoying life, being relevant when they are AARP age. Hate to burst your bubble but seniors have sex, have had a lot of practice and have developed a lot of smarts over the many years of life. We also can appreciate a good looking, sensuous man without being depraved cougars! Should anyone over 30 be euthanised? You will eventually be that age and still love to dance, have fun, appreciate real talent and with experience, know the difference. I think it woul be more beneficial to start your own bashing, fictional blog with other like attention seekers. You can hate , name call and make up stories to your heart's content with none of us educated, respectful ones to cramp your style. I really don't know why you're here, where we support Adam, are happy for him and wish him the best. That doesn't seem to be your agenda. I ignore most of the BS on this site, but it's really getting old and I do miss the many that once made this site one of shared links to enjoy from those like Glitzylady, daydreamin, etc. There are still many smart, interesting fans here that are just as disappointed in the turn this site has taken as I am. Corey Monteith's death was a sad, unfortunate tragedy. To blame his parents whom you don't know, making that generalization is pretty unfair. Corey seemed like a pretty decent, hard working, polite man that from an early age became addicted. This is not a moral issue, but a medical one that is easily researched. I'm surprised at the lack of understanding, compassion for his family and self-righteous judgement.I wonder if those words would be said to Lea Michele'sor his parent's face. Guess if you're anon. the words will hurt people less. I just had to share my thoughts and take responsibility for them. I admire Adam's kindness and positive energy and wish more would display it here.

funbunn4o said...

As far as Adam's sex life goes, he's a healthy 31 yr old male that enjoys sex, a healthy, normal part of life. I assume he knows all about safe sex and is capable and entitled to make his own choices. He doesn't need to account or apologize for anything in his personal life. I hope he will eventually find a life partner and family of his own one day, thought a lot of Sauli and still do and respected their personal decision to go on their different paths. I love seeing Adam smile, get recognition for his talent and do my best to support him at every opporunity. I just want the man to be happy and not have to deal with the misplaced hate and envy of those that attack him. Adam has his flaws like all of us. It's one reason why we relate and appreciate his honesty and realness. Life is tough enough without creating more devisiveness. Peace,Y'all

lorraine said...

@funbunn40 Thank you for your sane and caring words about the real reason some of us continue to come back to this site- in spite of all the puzzling nastiness and mean-spirited words about each other-and Adam. I come here to share my love and admiration for this special young man -and to exchange thoughts with folks like you who seem to really care about him and want to share in all the love and excitement that is just too hard to keep to ourselves. But, yes ,I'm getting disillusioned and finding myself skipping over more and more of the hateful stuff each day.

Again, I loved seeing you at the S.D. concert earlier this month and wish I had more time to chat with you on that wonderful night. You will always be fixed in my memory as the first person I spoke with after meeting Adam,only moments before. Love and Light XO

funbunn40 said...

@lorraine, You are one of the very special ones that I look forward to seeing on this site. I was so happy to meet you and your beautiful daughter. You looked so happy and glowing! I tried but wasn't able to get to the link of your meeting with Adam. When I tried to click on the link, it said that the link could not be found.I've only had one M&G in Fla. that was so quick. His eyes were hypnotic and for once in my life I was pretty much speechless. I had given him a big, heavy David Bowie coffee table book that was not a good choice for him to drag back on an airplane, if indeed he had. It was at Jingleball with many other artists. I remember taking a quick pic with him and him saying, "Awe, you're so sweet." That was it and I thought my knees would buckle. He was so tall in his high heel boots and that smile just about melted me into a pool of glitter! I know you'll never forget that experience! I sure won't forget mine. No tickets for the Queen concert, but hope to see you again at another one!

lorraine said...

@ funbunn40 Your words touched me deeply. Yes, my daughter,Heidi, remembers you too. Still asks me about funbunn when we talk about that night.No tickets for me in Vegas either, but we will meet again,at an Adam concert for sure-I just know it.

My "Meeting Adam " story is posted on the Adamtopia site if you are able to access that. If not, maybe I can find a way to send it to you???? Meantime, it's after 2AM here in San Diego ,so-time to say Sweet Dreams.

Anonymous said...

@9:50 AM
What a nasty piece of work you are, troll.

Anonymous said...

12:34 PM
Suicide isn't the easy way out of this mortal life. It must take a lot of courage and a lot of desperation to commit suicide.

jackie said...

funnbunn: Hear you loud and clear and agree with you 100%!! Very true about some of the youngfolk who never think they too will become middle aged. I follow this site everyday and sometimes I like the give and take between the folks but have to agree there are some that are downright evil in their thoughts, makes you wonder what sad lives they lead to say such things. Adam has brought so much joy into my life and many other ladies (and men I hope). I never joined a fan club as a kid or purchased music but since this lovely young man he has woken me up to the beauty of lyrics and melody. After the debacle of AI it made me realize how homophobic people were, we all know Adam should have won (sorry its old conversation) but for certain people in media who basically outed him before the finale. I saw the unfairness and it broke my heart. Also, Adam has made me and many others aware of the struggles in the Gay community. I must say before Adam I never thought about Gays and if I did I thought it was a choice (very stupid of me). Adam has educated me and I think many others. So forgive my long comment but had to say a few words, something I don't usually do. Have a good and peaceful day everyone!!!

Anonymous said...

Some people make assumptions and speculation from mere pictures and then it doesn't take much for people to get everthing out of context.

Anonymous said...

I personally always believe fans, especially "famous" ones, who say they've had sex with celebrities. They are clearly people of quality and character.

Anonymous said...

Lol @6:08..

Anonymous said...

Wow. So this is the open forum the site owner wants? Are we sure she is an Adam fan?

Anonymous said...

@6:49am, I have never had any doubt about that! Relax.

Anonymous said...

And the attack bots once again rear their ugly heads. Something no one else mentioned; the word "promiscous" means different things to different people. For some, if you are not a virgin when you marry, you are "bad". For others, having a new partner every week (or night for that matter) is ok. It's all a matter of your perceptions and view. @ funnbunn; hey, long time no hear! Glad you are doing well. For the AARP hater, who do you think has funded most of his sold-out concerts, downloads, album purchases, ect. It sure as hell ain't the tweens and twenty-somethings, honey. Do you think that Talc and Sue26 (the ones who give us those fab videos) are young-uns? No, they are mature women who have lived enough of life to be able to afford to travel and go to all of the events they so generously share with those of us who can't. I think I might go check out some of those other sites. A few years (months even) ago, this was a site where fans could exchange ideas and thoughts without fear of reprisals, nastiness, and hate. Not anymore. It's very sad. Admin, I am sorry it has turned into this for you. You have worked so hard on this site. Hopefully, I will "see" some of you in the stratosphere. Love and peace.

funbunn40 said...

@Jackie, So nice to hear your comments! Sanity is always welcome!....@OV Great points regarding who contributes to much of Adam's success. Those on this site that research and share Adam tidbits are also in my gratitude, since I'm not tech savvy and look forward to their generous sharing of info. I really hate to see so many decent Adam supporters leave what has become a sinking ship and hope that those trying to sabotage this site really examine their motives and create their own negative site where they can insult and create ill will to their hearts content. Adam and those that respect and wish him happiness and success thrive on positive energy and not on hurting others. What we say and how we say it reflects on our character, not the one that's being the butt of insults. Wish all would "Spread the Lambert Love 24/7" and make this site once again a friendly and welcoming site full of shared, honest info and no more name calling and meaness, which is my mission. :)