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Jimmy Hollywood: Rumor: Freddie will be played by singer @adamlambert!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, July 26, 2013

Posted at : Friday, July 26, 2013

VIA @JimmyHollywood9: Rumor: Freddie will be played by singer @adamlambert! Rumor Day! I've got the latest whispers on: Lady GaGa, Adam Lambert, "Major Crimes," Marion Ross, Superman...


Anonymous said...

Why all the rumors? I think we should wait until Adam, or Brian say something

Anonymous said...

The hollywood reporter is a reliable site. This guy is a nobody and I am sure knows nothing

Anonymous said...

Sooo many rumors....sigh. If only some of them were true and helpful for Adam's career :)


Anonymous said...

Another rumor about Adam...first, that Adam will join the Idol panel and now that he will play Freddie Mercury in the movie. I thought the mention about Elvis and was he an actor was so truthful. In my estimation Elvis did only 2 or 3 movies where he had a dramatic role with some singing. The rest were those lousy musicals with Hal Wallis . My favorite is King Creole in black and white. He was really good in that one. We don't know much about Adam's acting abilities and I wouldn't want to see him in a movie where he will be criticized for his lack of acting experience. Sure he can do the stage performances, but what about the other scenes and the accent. I hate all these rumors. I will wait until Adam or his management tells us all what is actually happening in his career and let's stop with all the rumors, gossip and unreliable stories.

tea said...

I'm telling the internet that I will not let rumors about Adam playing FM send me on a an emotional roller coaster ride like AI rumors Even tho I suspect they will pick someone for FM before they do AI judges.

Feel free to tell me to shut up if I cave.

Anonymous said...

Not sure if Adam can act either..on PLL episode he was very wooden..except when he sang of course..he has performed in musical theater and he has shown that he can emote rather well..but, I like others, am iffy on the accent..doubt seriously that he will be tapped to play Freddie..they may just scrap the whole project..btw..I just listened to "Map" on YT and I must say that this song is so damned perfect..I tried singing along to it and got is difficult to sing, let alone sing well, er excellent, like Adam..

Anonymous said...

Stop the rumors it's driving me crazy

Anonymous said...

He was good in ppL it was not Hamlet. lance Bass said he saw him on PLL and he was good. I suspect PLL and Diva's is why he got Glee! I think se people are scared he will get the movie. It's just hear say, until Adam and Brian say something would not worry about it. I think people are just thinking it because he fronts Queen. Adam career is looking up quite a bit, good things will happening even with tragedy just take longer, and Vegas if there not a new announcement of things every day people get upset. His career doing fine, people are always gonna try a bring Adam down he done very well this past four years over all. Look at the huge names he with at that shower Sunday just wow!!

Anonymous said...

Yes dear

Anonymous said...

Adam's little scene on PLL lasted about 15 seconds. Not enought to really show any real acting, good or bad. No one will actually hire Adam to play Freddie unless that feel he can act at least a little. I kind of feel that the Freddie movie will be put on the back burner for quite a while, esp. since Brian and Roger seem to have some say-so in how it will be done. Jimmy Hollywood rumor is just a rumor, I again, I love that Adam's name is out there in the media discussion. He is being talked about, and that's important.

Map is truly a great song!


Anne Marie said...

The only thing we know for sure is that Adam will be on Glee. We also don't know much about that even, because of the death, they have had to change things around a bit.
And he will be in Las Vegas with Queen. That's enough for me to look forward to for right now. And that's a lot. Plus the baby shower he is invited to. So everyone just relax and enjoy what is, not what maybe.

Anonymous said...

Just relax folks it's only rumor!!:)

This is the proof that Adam is a superstar bec. they talk about him eh!!:) He is always in the news and it's good for me!!!

Whew!!:) Just keep on talking about my Rock God!!:)


Anonymous said...

I guess, that's a good thing with everything out there the first thing they do is to mention Adam's name. All publicity is a good thing. We just have to find out sooner or later what is cooking in the pot for Adam.

Any new label in the rumors? I think at IDF I read that he might go to somewhere in Europe to record his third album or he is signed to Warners. For this we have to wait as well. I'm sure since things are quiet something is happening behind the scene. Whatever it will be I, as his fan, am here to support him.

Anonymous said...

He's probably out shopping for the perfect baby gift.

Anonymous said...

Ha love the baby gift. What does a single guy buy for a new baby . Have mom check the registry and she will do him proud. Sure the Freddie story making rounds due to Vegas show. As for acting as Freddie who can say. The Dark Side

Anonymous said...

Aren't directors mostly responsible for actors acting? Don't they do screen tests anymore? Brian and Roger probably formed opinions about if Adam could act privately between them. We will never know what they think.

Anonymous said...

Thank heaven for gift registries.

Anonymous said...

oh no this rumor is really silly I don't think Adam would even consider it.

Anonymous said...

according to Adam's tweet, there will be no album this fall. No one believed me when I said he wasn't working on his 3rd album. He claimed he was writing like crazy, not true. I think he has to have a label. He lost 1,000 followers, don't know why, nobody can figure it out. Maybe when he gets to do Glee his followers will pick up. Hopefully he will have an album started and finished in 2014. There was a rumor that he was having a gig with Queen in UK, not true either. Believe it or not I am one of his fans, just stating what is happening right now. Seems like he has put a stop to pics going on face book or other sites According to his pics, he has gone underground, seems he got a lot of bad publicity when it was posted showing him in bars almost every night. I am sure he will emerge again, with flying colors, with something for his fans to cheer about.

Anonymous said...

@8:12 PM Well aren't you a little trouble making weasel.

glitzylady said...

Rumors are fun..and all we have about a few things. As long as they are POSITIVE rumors, I'm fine with them. They keep Adam's name out there which is great. :))

Anonymous said...

Personally I hope he isn't wasting time on an album nobody will hear. He needs to look for theater work. I also hope he invests in a bar or other business opportunity.

Anonymous said...

@ Jadam NZ.....JAK here.....are you there? I have just now been reading about the earthquakes in New Zealand. A lot of incorrect info was put out, hopefully corrected now. This was not as bad as Christchurch quake was it?

Anonymous said...

@8:16 before you call me a weasel, check the newest "recent post" on here. I accept your apology :)

Anonymous said...

OK I missed something about a baby shower? Whose baby?

OT: has anyone got their AURA magazine of Adam, I did and love it!


Been out of the loop for a while

Anonymous said...

brownie, yes I got my Aura magazine and love it. I don't know much about the baby shower, sorry.

funbunn40 said...

That definitely is a rumor. Months ago it was said that the obnoxious actor that played Borat and the inn keeper in the Les Mis movie had the part of Freddie, unless it fell thru' for some reason. I would love to see Adam to do it, as he could easily pull it off, even tho' in real life he doesn't mimic Freddie. If it were true I think Adam would have tweeted it. Whether Adam is signed with a label or not has nothing to do with his writing and creating an album. I would guess he plans on being prepared with a body of work when that occurs. For all we know he could have something in the works. He has always had a strong work ethic and his social life has never interferred with it. He'll be fine.

funbunn40 said...

Just heard the Jimmy Hollywood interview and Sasha Baron Cohen was the name I couldn't remember. He has a huge ego and if he did walk out over creative differences, Adam playing Freddie could be a possibility. I think Adam would be a quick study, primarily learning to dial it back as in theatre everything is more powerfully projected and exaggerated. With Brian and Roger as mentors and film on Freddie available, I believe with preparation Adam could do it, but his perfect teeth would need a prosthesis. He definitely would have no problem with the strut! Sasha Baron Cohen looked more like Freddie, but I couldn't picture him having powerful enough vocal ability. Guess we'll have to wait and see.

Anonymous said...

@8:12pm. With the new twitter feature, old inactive accounts gets deleted automatically. That's probably the reason Adam lost followers. No big deal!

Anonymous said...

8:12/9:01, LOL you are a shit stirrer and I doubt you are a fan. If you are a fan your life must be filled with constant disappointment from everywhere.

You just called Adam a liar about writing music. Since when does a record release "not this fall...." mean Adam isn't working on an album and writing music? He can't write music without a label? Why are you a fan of someone you think lies?

No one can figure out why Adam's follower numbers went down? They go up and down all the time. He just got a ton of new ones when Glee was announced. Maybe some followed initially to see if there was more Glee news to follow.

There are tons of rumors about Adam that start that have nothing to support them and never happen and fans get excited and disappointed all the time. This is nothing new.

Nice try calling Adam a liar and bringing doom and gloom here. Why don't you go back under your sad rock. You owe us an apology.

Anonymous said...

If anyone plays Freddie it should be Adam Lambert, so many of you seem to doubt his ability. Certainly he would need to work hard but I'm sure he would be given all the support he needed to perform this role, I truly believe Adam could pull it off and do a great job.

Anonymous said...

It would typecast Adam to do that role. I doubt he will be offered the role and doubt he would take it. It's just more unsubstantiated rumor anyhow.

Anonymous said...

Many artists have appeared in movies and it hasn't typecast them, it's only part of what Adam does for a career and I think most people would understand that. You could also say that Glee will typecast Adam or his performance in Vegas with Queen will do the same. However, I don't see it like that. Adam is multi-talented and he has said he would be up for grabs when it comes to movies and the like.

Anonymous said...

The word 'Broadway' has been hanging around Adam from the Am Idol audition time, and has probably 'turned off' a lot of people (esp. younger ones). Also some fans repeatedly wanting him to have a role in Broadway aren't helping his career AT THIS POINT to develop in the direction he has said he wants it to go.

At this point in his life and career I wish for his Rock Star image to grow stronger, cause that's where his pipes and VERSATILE singing talents are put in the best possible use - and that's why his LIVE performances, whether from TSP or FYE or ENCORE covers, are always huge successes and sound better than the originals.

The Man, AFL, is the BEST LIVE PERFORMER THERE IS... and every night, every performance, every show IS DIFFERENT (unlike on some TV series or in musical productions a' la Broadway).

I'm truly hoping he's werking on some new type of rock music (cause it's The Man w the VOICE!) with Queen, Slash and other giants of rock!!!

Just my wishes. No disrespect to anybody.

Anonymous said...

8:12 you're an idiot. There are timelines to making a cd and the fact that there is no cd this Fall does't mean he's not busy writing songs and working on demos.

If you don't like Adam, don't come here.

Anonymous said...

I truly believe Adam is working on new music. I hope he gets signed with a new label (maybe has already) and will get an album out fairly early in 2014, not later in the year. He knows that TP took an awfully long time to get out. Hope #3 comes out in a more timely fashion. Unlike Gaga, KP, Bruno, etc., he doesn't have unlimited resources to put out a new album, but he can write music all the time anyway. In the meantime, he's got other cool stuff on his plate. Keeping his name and face out there.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure Adam is fully aware of the importance to produce his new album sooner rather than later, and I'm sure he working hard with writing and ideas right now. As far as Adam returning to rock music, my bet is that it won't be classic rock. Something tells me that Adam is too unique to return to music that is dated so I'm guessing he will be looking for rock music with a modern fresh sound to it. If anyone can pull this off I'm sure Adam can. I'm very keen to hear what he comes up.

Anonymous said...

Adam said he was writing music.....he also said at his last concert there was lots of new music and many more concerts to come. I choose to believe him and I can wait as long as he needs to release A3. Adam has also said he wants to branch into TV and movies.......I think that he is working hard to achieve his goals.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

2013-snake year-adam lambert (rooster year is his good luck year and compatible as well;
sasha baron cohen -oct.13 born 1971
libra-boar year-is his not good luck year-

Anonymous said...

4:11 AM, you missed the point. Did those other artists have their first role be someone they are compared to and a band they have fronted? No.

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

8:12 is an idiot and a weasel. What she wants to say is I TOLD YOU SO......I think she's a nasty 10 year old.

Anonymous said...

I think 8:12 is Lammy dumbing down her usual rhetoric and long words so as to not be called out again. She loves to tell us when shes right and we're wrong.

Anonymous said...

Lammy is too arrogant to dumb herself down.