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Sam Sparro Tweets Picture of Adam Lambert and Freddie Mercury

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, July 26, 2013

Posted at : Friday, July 26, 2013


Anonymous said...

Actually that's Sam Sperro & NOT Freddie Mercury.

Anonymous said...

thats not Freddie, omg its Sam and Adam

tea said...

So Sam has aspirations to do the FM biopic.
un uh

Anonymous said...

Aussie Sam Sparro and Adam. Love them!

Anonymous said...

Freddie Mercury?! Darn I wish it were. Love Sam too.

Anonymous said...

nice picture!! I admire Sam I never thought of him for the FM film but hmmmm he has acting experience too.

Anonymous said...

Sam would be the best suggestion so far.....looks and attitude but though I know he is a good singer I've never heard him sing full out and rock. I'll have to check out more of his songs and I don't know, does he have acting experience I didn't know that. Interesting.

Anonymous said...

Sam resembles Freddie a little. But the voice is entirely different. If this film ever gets made, my guess is that Freddie's voice would be dubbed in for the singing parts, unless they get someone who sounds exactly like Freddie. Doubt it. I like Sam. He and Adam have become good friends.


Anonymous said...

that is one beautiful jacket Adam has on.

Anonymous said...


***ADMIN: that's Sam Sparro. Please fix the title.

Anonymous said...

That's Sam and Adam from the We Are Family Gala. Has nothing to do with Freddie Mercury.

Anonymous said...

Marc Martel sounds like Freddie and looks similar to him. I love Adam though.

Anonymous said...

For a minute I thought Adam had a purple tongue. Then lookind harder its the color of the shirt behind him. Put your glasses on Kath

Anonymous said...

Sam Sparro would make an ideal "Freddie Mercury" as far as looks go. I'm sure he could do the acting too. I'm not sure about his voice though.

Anonymous said...

Joke between good friends I guess.

Urethra_Franklin said...

Uuuuuuuuhhhmmmmmmmmmmmm....Ok that was good for a laugh!

Anonymous said... here....for those of you ladies who, like myself, find Jonathan Rhys Meyers "interesting" he will be on TV weekly in a new series starting in September...Dracula! Perhaps this is not news to you, but Ijust found out about it....I do like that bad boy. got bitten by a pygmy rattlesnake today! :(
I'll miss my trip tomorrow to join the dig on an archaeological site and I'll be typing left handed for awhile....I have a very painful OW-ee. Damn snake in the grass!

lorraine said...

@JAK......And there are people on this site making fun of "grannies?" I wish everyone could be as OLD as you-seizing the joys and possibilities of life every day with passion and enthusiasm! You truly are a gift to all...

I hope your hand feels alot better soon. With my insane phobia of snakes of any kind, I probably would have died of fright!!1

Anonymous said...

My gosh JAK! Have you ever been bitten by a snake before? Well, I sure hope this was the last time....I would have definitely fainted with fright! Get well quickly!


Anonymous said...

LOL. How embarrassing.

Anonymous said... Jonathan Rhys Meyers also since "Bend it lke Beckham" and then the Tudors. He is one of the "bad boys" in the acting business who seems to have an issue with alcohol. I enjoy reading your comments about Adam and so often agree with your perspective as I am one of Adam's more mature fans but not a "grannie". Lots of rumors about Adam and Idol and now about Freddie Mercury. I don't believe any of it unless it comes directly from Adam or his management team. Can't wait to see him on Glee although that may be delayed now because of Monteith's death. And, of course, there will be the concert with Queen in Sept. for I Heart Radio. Will have to wait for the vids from that show or else catch it on tv when it is shown here in NJ on the CW network.

Anonymous said...

JAK, You snake-charmer, you! Maybe the snake was trying to give you a kiss. (The only reason I am joking about it is because you seem to be doing ok.) Heal up fast, please.

So many rumors about Adam swirling around. I love it when he's in the media mix.


Anonymous said...

@ lorraine....JAK here.....fortunately I didn't know it was a snake, I thought a broken branch had scratched me. An overnight storm had torn up some oleander bushes, since I knew that was a poisonous plant I went in to scrub my hand.
I called my husband over and said does that look like a snakebite? My hero found the snake and stomped it 's little head.......we live 2 traffic lights from a hospital so we carried the departed into ER in a ziploc bag! I remember thinking the snake was very was dressed in Adam colors.
Gray with black design!

I'm sorry to miss the dig, but I've been digging up artifacts since I was a teen. Florida was populated more than 2000 years ago......mound builder Indian tribes.......I have a big basket of arrowheads, skin scrapers, copper beads, etc. My husband and I were married in a small chapel on a mound in an orange grove!

Anonymous said...

@ CT....nope, never been bitten by a snake before...which is pretty amazing since I've spent my life in lots of pretty snakey areas of the US. I'm just grateful it was a tiny snake.....less venom. I didn't realize that in addition to anti-venom, they also give you a tetanus shot! I was assured I would be fine.

Anonymous said...

@ TSC and DRG.....Adam seems to always be surrounded by rumors running rampant . Our boy stirs things up...since I was born in Missouri, the "Show Me" state, I believe it when I see it!

BTW....TSC, I lived in your state long ago in Woodbridge, just a short train ride from NYC.....when I was 10 my Mom and I were sitting in the audience of a Broadway play almost every weekend....I learned to love the theater. Ever since Idol I've imagined Adam singing in some wonderful play and me sitting awestruck in wonder.

Anonymous said...

I also love the Broadway stage and hope that Adam will appear on it either in a musical revival or a new show specifically written with him in mind for the lead. I would be one of the first in line to buy a ticket to see that. Until then just have to wait to see him on Glee or the Queen concert or maybe something else that is brewing in the background. It's always something new practically everyday following Adam and his career; he is never boring or uninteresting and certainly stirs up all kinds of rumors. They certainly keep his name out in the public eye and that's a good thing.

Anonymous said...

We seem to go through periods when we don't hear much about what Adam is doing at all, then all of a sudden BOOM! We hear some new thing that he's involved in.

TSC, when (and I say WHEN, not IF) Adam is on Broadway, I'll be in line right with you for my tickets. Probably multiple times.


lorraine said...

@JAK So glad you're ok. Seriously, if that had happened to me and I realized it-even in retrospect,I think I would have lost it!!!! I can't even enjoy Adam's FYE video because of the darn snake {and I get repulsed by the RS cover unless I concentrate on the upper half of his body-which, I confess, is always hard to do.}
I guess if you enjoy archaeological digs,you must be made of stronger stock than I, to begin with! Sweet dreams....

Anonymous said...

Sam seems to be a great guy and a good friend of Adam's. Don't know if his voice would be suitable for the Freddie movie and you can imagine Queen fans if he didn't sound good.

Anonymous said...

Did I miss something? Did Sam say something about being in the Freddie movie? Or is the photo just mislabeled?

funbunn40 said...

@JAK, So glad you discovered it was a snake bite & had treatment right away. We have copperheads in NC which I forget about until something brings it to my attention. I was bitten by a Brown Recluse Spider in Orlando on a trip to Disney that had found it's way into my sneaker. It disolved the skin and I was told I could have lost my foot if I hadn't received timely treatment. So many villians lurking about! Glad that you must be feeling so much better to go on your dig. I remember you had pretty severe remnants of an old auto injury to your leg and thought you had some trouble getting around. Last May I saw the ruins of Coba and there are still so many treasures to unearth. Adam has said he's always wanted to see the pyramids of Egypt. I can picture him dressed as a pharoah of old, looking like King Tut with heavy kohl around his eyes adorned with gold and jewels. I hope you find some magnificent treasures! Where will you dig?

daydreamin said...

@JAK that would have freaked me out! Glad you are on the mend.

Hey we have something in common. I too was born in Missouri but you and I ended up on opposite coasts!

Anonymous said...

@ funbunn40....JAK here....No, I didn't get to go on my trip this morning...hand is swollen, purple and hurts like....well, you know.
I wouldn't have been much help, I was going to catalog artifacts and I would have needed that right hand.

I've met up with a few brown recluse spiders but luckily they are not generally agressive (thus the name recluse) however I do shake out my shoes before I put them on...just to avoid "upsetting" any creatures who might be napping in them. You know Florida, spiders, palmetto bugs and lizards, yuk

I'm hoping there won't be much tissue damage, it was a very small specimen, only about 10 inches long.....pigmies can grow to almost 3 feet I think.

I busted up my leg and ankle many years ago in a fall, but my present problems with walking (short distances only) is mostly from various arthritis locations!
Woe is me!