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Latest Adam Lambert Tweets: Adam Pimps Other Musicians

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Anonymous said...

The most generous kind hearted man our Adam is!

Anonymous said...

I was just going to say the same thing <3

He's a wonder to me....soooo special!

I can't get over how generous and kind he is....I don't think he's got a jealous bone in his body. Love you


Adamluv said...

"It's my life" - wish everyone would remember that. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

This tweet to wanda has caused a big rumble among the apparently sick fans(who doesn't care about Adam's music).some fans of his guitarist are pissed wanda got a reply from adam because she obviously hates the guitarist!.This fandom is sick!.I sincerely adore ADam.but this fandom fights must stop!let's celebrate Adam and his music.(Sorry long story)but I gotta talk

Anonymous said...

Let's ignore the crays.and I don't like the heading pimps!why don't use profesh words like are right!a lot of people wanna run BB life for him

Anonymous said...

Who writes these titles for the threads? "Pimps" ?!? Wouldn't
"Supports" be a better word? More accurate and less crude and rude.

Anonymous said...

@ 1:43 hahaha we must have been writing at the same time!

Anonymous said...

What did Wanda say? Looks like her account is suspended now? Did she say she only likes Adam's music?

I agree, there is all kinds of music for us to enjoy and it's interesting hearing what Adam likes too.

Anonymous said...

It's my life Adam and I only have room for you BB..LOL

What a sweet guy, one of the million reasons why I LOVE HIM!


glitzylady said...

The administrator of the blog writes the headings.... Pimping is not necessarily a bad term.. We all know what it means in the sense of promoting, supporting etc.. No big deal.

The girl (Wanda) Adam responded to was ragging on him about Adam ***supporting*** and saying he loves these artists and their music. I personally appreciate it when he does that... We may not always like everything he "pimps", "supports", whatever... but it great of him to share his likes and feelings about music. (I'm LOVING the Avicii track "Wake Me Up": just downloaded it..)...and am DYING to hear the Adam and Nile Rogers track on the new #True Avicii album coming soon... Wanda was like a whole lot of others who say they (also her words...) "give a rat's a** about other music..and where's Adam's new music... ".... Really rude to address him like that directly...

I assume Adam responded because he is sick of hearing that same s*** from "fans" over and over again....

It's definitely his life and he has a right to tweet whatever the heck he wants to. We don't hear as much as we used to from him and to give him crap in return isn't going to help the situation. At all. My opinion.....

Anonymous said...

Lots of fans don't enjoy the fact that he spends most of his twitter time pimping his friends and associates. I never tweet him anything but I understand the sentiment.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that was a rude response to Adam. If she is that rude to her idol, how does she treat people in real life?

There's a reason there is more than one kind of music or more than gray tshirts and more than one flavor of ice cream.

Anonymous said...

Adam's twitter and he can tweet anything he wants. You don't have to read it. I admire him for promoting others or saying positive things. It doesn't hurt anybody. Too bad twitter in general isn't more like Adam.

Anonymous said...

Well sometimes it just seems like he is kissing the ass of someone like katy perry.

Adam can tweet what he wants and so can Wanda.

Anonymous said...

who you suppose to pimp your enemies? lol

Anonymous said...

If you actually read what Wanda wrote it wasn't rude at all.

Anonymous said...

omg I am glad I don't have the time to follow all this cray stuff.

Anonymous said...

Wanda spoke a lot of people's mind!but you gotta admire adam,his constant support to other artists is overwhelming!1-36 lol to you not saying tommy name.

Anonymous said...

My ipod is filling up pretty fast as I just preordered the True album from iTunes. I have been introduced to a lot of good music from Adam that at first I hated and then came to love like JJ and Sia, Sam and many others. There are a few I still don't like tho. but was glad to hear about them.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 2:43 PM
I read her tweet (its not there now...). It was rude in that she told Adam she doesn't like any other music than his so essentially she doesn't want to hear about it. She was essentially telling him what to tweet, and what not to.. I would never ever say that to him. Ever. Ever. Ever. Perhaps my idea of rudeness and yours are different. Seems that Adam wasn't too happy with her attitude... based on his reply. He gets these kinds of things aimed at him all the time... And hers was the one he finally responded to.

She, you, and I can all feel however we wish about Adam's tweets, his taste in music, his likes and dislikes, we can have our own opinions, but we really do need to remember that he does on occasion READ what we say (we know he lurks...), when his twitter @adamlambert is attached to the tweet, and keep that in mind when we compose those tweets to him or those that are mentioning him. I'm sure he's seen and heard far worse things, but that one just caught his attention. Glad it wasn't me saying that. I'd be forever mortified........

Anonymous said...

Twitter affords people an opportunity to open their mouth, so to speak, and dump every inane, mean, spiteful thought that forms in their demented brains. If there were a way to enforce that only nice people were on twitter, I'd be interested, but I don't need anymore negative and crude bulls*** being spread out in my view. Maintaining an optimistic attitude is hard enough when viewing this site is enough for me. Scrolling has become a necessity, but I appreciate the site and the chance to chat with pleasant people on occasion. Thank you Admin.

And - thanks to all of you who try to carry on a dialogue without resorting to sinking to depths of hatefulness.

Anonymous said...

OMG another condescending lecture from Glitzylady. Honesty you need to get over yourself. LMAO

Anonymous said...

This was the tweet from Wanda

adamlambert PIMP YOURE music!!!!!!! We want to hear about you. Couldnt give a rats ass about others #SUPERSTAR

Perfectly acceptable to me

Anonymous said...

I love Robin Thicke song Blurred Lines, I know you want it! I got this single. I'll check his album and Avicii works.

I'm glad Adam nicely tweeted that it is ok to listen to other top 40 tracks. These songs rule the top charts cause they are good. We all have our iphone, ipad, ipods with tons of spaces so why not fill them up with other songs.

Adam's first recorded track on FYE is Music Again.

Anonymous said...

Adamluv: As always, very succinct!
Thanks for always being respectful.

Glitzy: Appreciate you trying to explain the situation. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, across this nation, manners have long been lost on the bulk of the population. Especially on the internet.

Anonymity allows faceless imbeciles to spew vitriolic, negative BS (most usually under the guise of "IMHO"). Opinions are like a**holes, everybody has one.....the problem here is that many don't realize that just because you have one, doesn't mean it has to be shared on a world-wide public forum.
Where were the parents that taught "some things are better left unsaid" and the ever popular "if you don't have something nice to say, then don't say anything".

Kindness, compassion, empathy are lost arts. They sure would go a long way on this site, and in everyday life, to make things better. Instead we have a deep vein of snarky, back-biting, and vicious remarks.

I often wonder what the Social Media Directors (and their counterparts) think when they come to "check in on Adam fan sites" and find the often distasteful remarks being bandied about. I'm betting it doesn't play well with them, and how they view Adam's future potential.

What a shame.

Anonymous said...

3:53 PM

Oh my. LOL

You really are out of touch with the internet if you think Adam sites are any different from anywhere else, or that anyone is paying attention and thinking it reflects badly on Adam. That is quite a bizarre conclusion.

Anonymous said...

Oh! Dear !:) Trouble in Paradise???!:)

For me I really don't care if he "PIMPS" other peoples music!!:) That's his freaking life he!he! As long as he is enjoying and love it, just rock on folks!!:)

I will worry if I don't hear or see him anymore indeed!!!:)


Anonymous said...

I think Wanda's tweet to Adam was fine. I like people that are direct. I don't think Adam was the least bit offended, and his tweet back to her was fine as well.

Anonymous said...

I personally LOVE the fact that Adam listens to ALL music genres. It means that he is not confined in one specific music genre. Good on him to pimp whoever he wants, whenever he wants. Conceited he is not! You can promote yourself as well as others, always in good taste. And he does that extremely well.

Anonymous said...

I love it when Adam tweets about other artists. Some of them are the ones I listen too. I love the songs even more knowing that Adam listens to them. I am sort of addicted to Robin thicke's track cause I know Adam loves it. Wishing for a collaboration on Adam's A3.

Anonymous said...

Just because Adam loves some song or artist, doesn't mean that as a fan of his , I have to like it. But he does expose me to new music, new artists,etc. and I can decide if I want to listen or not. It's the same with a new movie, a book or a new restaurant that my friends might talk about to me. I'll make the decision and might just let them know what I think or maybe not. It's nice to see one artist supporting another artist in a business that can make or break a performer with one song or an album.

Anonymous said...

He should self promote himself. No one gives him shoutouts except a few like Nile or Queen. Sorry, but he is too nice. I agree with the tweeter. Until he gets recognition, he needs to stop primping everyone under the sun esp non-artists.

funbunn40 said...

@Adamluv, Ditto! People will have opinions, but shouldn't always inflict them on Adam who walks his own path... Ditto to you too. Glitzylady! I also take exception to self-entitled fans who harrass and insult any friend of Adam's with whom they think he may have a relationship, Insulting and confronting Adam directly also crosses boundaries and serves no purpose,except to annoy Adam.

Anonymous said...

Adam is quite direct with his opinions and fans should free to be direct with him as well Nothing wrong with that.

Anonymous said...

The tweet Wanda sent was a sentiment many of us share. And, Adam is free to respond or not. Free country last time I checked. And frankly, if hardly anyone tweets in recognition of his music or support for him, why the heck is he doing it? I know. I know. He is a great, generous, kind guy. I agree. But there comes a time for selfishness and this is it. Until Adam's career is in the higher echelon, he needs to tone down the shoutouts to other singers. Wanda said what we wants to say. We appreciate your generosity but it is our turn and until then, quit promoting others all the time.

Anonymous said...

I think Wanda is a young-ish fan, maybe a little course, but not necessarily rude, and might find a lesson on the difference between your and youre (not a word without denoting it's a conjunction of two words ... and that use would be incorrect)helpful. Or maybe it was just a typo. In any case, Adam answered her perfectly. . . keeping it light and still getting his point across.

He does "pimp" out his own music when he has new material. But it would be silly for him to constantly tweet us about to listeniing to FYI and TRESPASSING. We already do and he knows that. The new song with Nile is on another artists album. And the word IS out. He may tweet it when he wants to. In the meantime, as a fan it's fun and interesting to hear what he's listening to.

What?! Really?! He's pimping out Katy Perry? They've been friends for years! If you can't support your friends when you dig their music, what good is having twitter?

Again, Adam's response to Wanda was perfect. Come on, nobody died.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Except that katy never once said a word about Adams music or encouraged her millions of fans to take a listen. So I guess she doesn't really think of him as a friend

Anonymous said...

When adam promotes lesser known artists I think it's great. But when he pimps people like katy or bruno or gaga I cringe. They don't need him

glitzylady said...

Okay. Look. There will never be any sort of agreement on this subject. There doesn't have to be. It isn't life or death..and in the whole scheme of doesn't matter all that much. Truly..But we can be reasonably civil to each other. That comment is for you @Anon 3:24 PM.

That said, I still believe that Adam took the opportunity to address the MANY tweets (and other comments elsewhere...) he gets complaining about him tweeting other artist's music. I see the complaints here on 24/7 and on other blogs occasionally, and on twitter sometimes. And I can guarantee you he most likely gets tired of hearing negative comments about him promoting, "pimping", whatever other artists that he likes. As he said, it's his life, and he can tweet whatever he wishes. And he can answer the tweets he gets. Obviously. My point somewhere up there in the comment section is that he wouldn't have answered Wanda if he didn't have something to say, nicely, but also pointedly.

No one has to agree with me on this. As the saying goes, no skin off my nose.

I agree with @laura that Adam WILL promote his music when he has some to promote. In the meantime, he's sharing some things with us.

Anonymous said...

On a previous post here RS and Neil O Harris just gave Adam a big shout out. Both complimenting him very nicely. I heard quite a few people say what a great guy he is an amazing artist. brandy has, Kelley pickler, Lea M., Daren C, the whole cat of PLL, Paula A, producer's on Diva's, RS, NPH, Katy Perry wore a big cape to promote him.yes Queen, Jordan sparks, Fergie's who been a friend sense idol. He has had celebs brag on him, because he a very talented sweetheart that care about more than just himself, above mentioned is just a few that have sang Adam's praises.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:00...
Read again and you'll see I never stated negative behavior was only on Adam fan sites.
Not out of touch...actually the Director of Internet Marketing at a very large fast food conglomerate (who also happens to be an Adam fan).
Just a hint: companies do "market research" to decide how/where/when to market their products, and WHO they want to market it for them.
Sorry you think I'm bizarre.
Hope you have a lovely evening.

Jadam NZ said...

Well said Louise. I enjoyed reading your first comment and I totally agree with you.

glitzylady said...

Thank you for your info.. I for one certainly believe what you say is true. Anyone who has spent any time at all cruising the internet, in any given comment section, including prestigious and respected websites (New York Times..etc..), knows that there is a fair amount of rude, disrespectful and non-reality based behavior. The anonymity of the internet offers massive opportunities for that and more.

On a (mostly..) positive note, It also offers the possibility of connecting directly with our chosen idols, favorite artists, celebs, etc..: In this particular case, Adam Lambert. We who are on twitter, tweet to him, never really expecting an answer. We assume he will not see the tweet. Sometimes that's true..but Adam truly does read many of our tweets. And once in awhile he responds.. (He's nicely and yet humorously responded to a serious question [re fans crossing boundaries] of mine...shock!!!!).

This blog itself can be a beautiful thing, and it can also occasionally be ugly. The administrator has chosen to leave it an open forum, so as not to discourage anyone from commenting. This used to work quite well, and generally still does for the most part, IMHO, but there has been increasing concern that as a result of little to no moderation, it will eventually become a free for all. Admin has said to me in the past that she is worried that if she institutes a sign in process, some will not be able to do so for various reasons, or will be afraid to do so.... She wishes to make it open to everyone and to retain the "Anonymous" feature. As a result, and the downside to this, the sometimes ugly and disrespectful comments re Adam, his band, his family, his friends, his ex's..are allowed to stay, for all to read. So as per your remarks re market research, etc., it makes me wonder sometimes who might be seeing those, and what they might think of Adam as well as his fans. And what Adam's friends and family, and he himself might think of 24/7, and the fans who post here. Certainly food for thought....

Anonymous said...

I wish more peeps would think about this notion Louise has put forth. I truly think that TPTB in one form or another have their research people check in on pop culture blogs of various kinds, including this one. Just good and relevant business sense for them! Adam's viability as a money maker (& attractiveness for bookings) may be at stake, IDK but maybe. I always keep that in mind when blogging ... And share my more sensitive thoughts with my special Adam friend via email, text, phone, & mail. Just my POV


Anonymous said...

Jadam NZ and Glitzy:
Thank you for your responses. I've long enjoyed your posts, but only drop in on occasion (specifically due to the climate).
Hope you both are well this evening, and "keep on keeping on" you two; your posts are appreciated.

glitzylady said...

Tweet from Robin Thicke a few minutes response to Adam's tweet earlier today:

Robin ThickeVerified account
@adamlambert Appreciate the kind words.

Anonymous said...

The idea that anyone does market research based on anonymous comments posted on a fan site is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.

The only thing anyone would learn from visiting this site is that adam has a lot of very old lady fans.

Anonymous said...

JAK alternately amuses and aggravates me that several comments a day it seems, are someone who thinks they are effective at putting down others by insulting their age. Do they really think that those of us who have lived longer are of less value to mankind and that we can be dismissed by a pipsqueak? ( that's you @ 9:01)

Think again.....I revel in the fact that I'm 77, I made it thru sorrow, tragedy, pain, loss and I'm still here, fortunately surrounded by loved ones full of joy and happiness.
I'm not someone to dismiss, I'm someone to envy. You should be so lucky to reach the number of years I've lived.

Would I trade places with you or others with your warped sense of personal value, no way. Old age doesn't mean you've resigned from means you have triumphed!

Anonymous said...

6:55 and some others on here need to read Mother Teresa's 'Anyway' poem.

Anonymous said...

9:30 Wonderfully written and absolutely true. I am in my 50s and the ageism that I see is unconscionable. We have loved life longer, but it doesn't make us disposable, unworthy or unnecessary. To marginalize us like that person did is ignorant to say the least. Bravo to you for standing up for all of us that take offense to some rudely written words. Thank you so much. And age is just a number @9:01. We are still young on the inside and frankly, prob more youthful than you in many ways. Adam has a massive fan base of all
ages. And yes, he has us older fans too. There is room for all of us and you should be ashamed. You will get older too.

Leilani Aloha said...

Well said Jak!:)
Love it!
I hear U!

Anonymous said...

age discrimination is really getting old, even at my job it is very illegal.When you wake up tomorrow you might be a lot older than you are tonight physical & mental things can happen in a split second that can make she older than you want to be.Thank God you have lived this long,pray you are lucky enough to live a few more years.Pray that you are smart enough to take time to learn from older people.

Anonymous said...

@ 5:50 pm - There is no such thing as being too nice - you should try it. Do you really think that Adam should be so juvenile as to say "if I can't be #1 I won't play!"
Grow up!

glitzylady said...

Thanks :))
I'm doing well, busy, with work, enjoying summer and a fair amount of out of town travel. Loved seeing you in San Diego and it was really nice chatting with you after the concert. I'm still thinking about some of the things we talked about......seriously......

glitzylady said...

Thanks again...
Always keeping on keeping on in spite of the bumps in the road... :))) Don't be a stranger. We need your expert words here on occasion....

Anonymous said...

Yes, 'pimps' is detestable and yet some here finds 'illegal alien' as crude when that is the official term used. How sad. . .

glitzylady said...

Thanks for your words of wisdom. It's amazing to me that there are those who assume anyone over "a certain age" has lost the ability to think, put two or more words together, or have a valid, current, and (OMG!!!) knowledgable opinion. I know some twenty somethings who are already "old" their attitudes about life, etc.. and some 90 year olds who are perennially "young" in their outlook and zest for life..

Anonymous said...

Adam's life and business is music. He said it numerous times that without music as if he can't breath. So he tweets about his love of music of various artists. His support of Perry's new album got news coverage on TV and on Internet. It is part of also promoting himself as well. It is part of networking.

Anonymous said...

I find it funny that several oldies here are reacting indignantly to mention about us (yes, I'm in my 60's) when I am not at all affected.
Maybe because I don't feel old and feel I am not included in that group.
I truly feel I'm still in my youth so it does not bother me at all.
Fairy tales can come true, it can happen to you IF you're YOUNG at HEART!!!
They say you are old as your blood pressure! Mine has been consistently steady at 110/70 all my life.
Maybe that is why.

funbunn40 said...

@Glitzylady, Louise, Jak,Adamluv,T and those whose were taught civility, manners and respect, Bravo! Hopefully the unenlightened"young'uns" will learn and grow with maturity. Life has a way of teaching wisdom and 9:01 and a few others has a ways to go. Someone said that the meanee is all over other sites and why should it matter. In their minds it's ok. Guess if someone kicks a dog it's ok for everyone to do it too? Great rationalization...

Anonymous said...

Telling Adam what to do and that she doesn't give a rat's ass about other music when clearly Adam does is rude. The idea that some need to see a one for one tweet promoting each other is ridiculous. We also have no idea what goes on behind twitter. Doesn't mean the person Adam tweeted about never contacted Adam privately. Also, I didn't know there was some obligation to return a compliment immediately and publicly.

Many companies do have social media departments that surf the internet and twitter. I have no idea how they tolerate the crap they read everywhere. I hope Adam has his management monitor fan site comments and that he is not reading this bullshit himself.

It is possible for this site to have an easy registration. People could register with names like anon 1, anon 2. Admin could block the IPs of the really obnoxious commenters. There is a line some place between an open forum and the utter garbage here on what is suppose to be a fan site. But all we have to go by is what Glitzlady tells us Admin thinks as I have never seen admin make a statement on this or even seems way for us to contact Admin with our concerns. From the post title mistakes and comments I wonder if Admin even reads her own site.

Anonymous said...

As a young person I'm offended that it is assumed all young people have no manners or maturity. That's as bad as the ageist comments.

BTW, there isn't a limited amount of support/pimps/compliments in the world to give. Adam loses nothing by doing so. In fact that is something we seem to like hearing about Adam, there are so many compliments about what a nice guy he is. Maybe this is a viable marketing method. Think about that 6:55PM when you say it us our turn. It actually isn't "our" turn. It's Adam's career and his to direct the way he wants to.

Anonymous said...

Yeah big deal about an artist supporting another artist.No wonder there is a disconnection between Adam and cray fans.I feel Adam is delibrately cool towards them

funbunn40 said...

"Pimping other artist's work"often has a good business reason behind it. How often do we visit the sights and listen to music and videos that Adam recommends?Hopefully Gleeks will visit Adam's sites and music. Imagine what they will find if they visit this site?Adam also likes to share music he likes. I like to share recipes and other good things that I like. To chastise him for sharing whatever he chooses on his twitter account is rude and self-serving IMHO. Maybe they would be happier if he stops tweeting altogether. That's what happens when boundaries are ccrossed and celebs have enough of pushy, agressive, invasive fans. Everyone loses.

Anonymous said...

There was nothing pushy, aggressive or invasive about Wanda's tweet. If Adams tweets are annoying people he should be told or people will just stop following him, we are his consumers.

. There is no good business reason for adam to promote katy perry. Only katy perry wins, she never said one word about trespassing

Anonymous said...

Well @ 2:42 your point is irrelevant he is losing followers.check his twitter page.but I aren't going any where.Stuck with Adam for life

Anonymous said...

Twitter is Twitter.
Lose some, you get some. Lose a few thousand, you can get thousands after one TV performance or excellent show etc.

Twitter is the same as Facebook. No matter how many friends or thumbs up or likes you get, the huge numbers really don't MEAN that much, unless the liking turnes into some kind of REAL ACTION... like byuing records, downloading ligit, going to concerts, buying merch etc.

Info sharing, publicity, contacts and networking fine, but a lot of total & utter BS, too. Action not much. You all know this: If 60-80% of Adam's twitter and facebook followers would have bought Adam's CD's, bought only 1-2 copies of FYE & TSP, Adam's sales would be on a totally different level.

So in my eyes Twitter is like talk - cheap!
Nothing to worry about.

Anonymous said...

I can't see where Adam is losing twitter followers.

Anonymous said...

I find it disturbing that many fans think that quid pro quo (something for something ) is the way Adam operates.
Complimenting, pushing or 'pimping' another artist's work with the thought or hope in mind that they will do the same for you. I believe it's as simple as he admires a song and thinks you might like it too. No ulterior motive......

Anonymous said... is just in Adam's nature to show complimentary praise toward other artists..he has always been that way and it is one of the reasons I love him so..

Anonymous said...

I guess you are write,I kind see how his twitter followers numbers keeps fluntuating that was y I said dat.but I am impressed at the way you argued your points out,sounds rational and intelligent,some other folks would have labelled me a troll!

Anonymous said...

Can we please drop the ageism issue. I'm an oldie and concerned that young ones will not read or comment on this blog if they think, rightly or wrongly, that all or nearly all the posters are old!!

Anonymous said...

Are you guys kidding me? Katy Perry and Adam have the same management company. Why do you think a mention of Adam's KP supporting tweet showed up in so much media? THE MANAGEMENT COMPANY PROBABLY PUT IT IN THE PRESS RELEASE!!!

To the person who thinks Adam needs to know if he is annoying his customers. How does tweeting him this info work? He gets hundreds-to-thousands of tweets a minute. A lot are critical - do you think he even bothers with the negative ones?

He barely pays attention to the positive ones any more.

Anonymous said...

1:32 AM
You make some very valid points, I agree that this site needs a moderator, or at least people who wish to join in should be made to register their details. It shouldn't be hard to do that and would certainly be a way to stop people from displaying disrespect towards Adam.


Anonymous said...

how anyone would know what tweets Adam reads is beyond me.

Anonymous said...

Exactly. Counting on him reading your "advice" or "meaningful feedback" is pretty dumb.

Anonymous said...

Right on ....I've made it through many things and learned something from each....but for the a aches and pains...and sagging skin.... getting older wouldn't be that bad ....I have to say it excites me to see so many more people using a tag.... u that don't please don't jump on me ...thats fine....I just enjoy know who says what ... It makes more personal gor me ....rose petal

Anonymous said... and learn........JAK

Anonymous said... and learn........JAK

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

DMG Manage both Katy Perry and Adam, so reason for him to promote.
Believe though that he really does support katy.
Also Wanda just stated her thoughts and Adam returned his black and white comment back.All's OK.

Anonymous said...

Some good comments here regarding the "business" side of all of this. That poster, 9:01 I think it was (don't feel like backtracking :)), that thinks blogs and fan sites aren't heavily tracked... um, yeah, either utterly naïve or in serious denial. There is very very little in the pop culture world that is not 100% researched and, at the risk of stating the obvious, focus group'd and tested and the ultimate contest of business for the sake of profit only!! My god 9:01, educate yourself. We could talk about many business', but we are talking about Music and the peddling of pop culture for profit - this world illuminates the ultimate display of business and bottom line!!!! Any risk is highly managed! And as a tanget of this notion, I feel like the Ryan, Miley, Adam connection as of late proves interesting. Nothing is by accident, most is be design, utterly by thought out design. (Not talking about the likes of Perez Hilton here... talking about Business People). Whatevs, blah blah blah... but the Music industry is the very epitomy of a business model, and extensive research in this age of social media is always underway and at play!

Anonymous said...

There are a number of sweeping generalizations on this site this morning. Older fans upset with younger fans comments and so forth. Can I just say that as an older fan myself, I have nothing against young people, I find the majority of them pretty easy to get along with, I enjoy their company and find I can learn just as much from them as they might learn from me. Yes, I've had some negative comments thrown at me about my age but not always from younger people, I'm young at heart myself and had some nasty things thrown my way by people from my own age group because they have allowed themselves to become hardened and bitter with age. The way I see it you can find bad manners amongst both young and old people, as my mother used to say to me what you give out is what you get back still holds true in today's world.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 10:40 AM
What you are saying is certainly very true. I don't assume that all of the age-related comments here on this blog come from younger commenters. I'm one of the "older" fans, of which Adam has many, (age is relative and all, but still, older is older: I'm not in my 20's for sure :))..), but I don't usually think about age when I read comments.

What DOES tick me off from time to time are the remarks purposely thrown at myself and others by probably one or two people (who knows their ages...could be any age) addressing us as "grannies". I find that unfunny because of the spirit in which it is given. It's usually used in a dismissive and condescending manner, and thrown out at the posters here who are admittedly older, or are perceived as older. I ignore it and there is no point in dwelling on it tho. Just silliness really. But still irritating. I adore Adam (obviously...), I have a wide variety of friends who I've met along the way on this crazy Adam journey in the past 4 plus years who love Adam as well, and I could care less about the ages of any of those or those who post here. What I do care about are the sentiments posted, hopefully with at least a certain amount of respect for Adam, etc...and for those posting here.

glitzylady said...

In light of the convos, comments, etc..etc.. on this thread, I'm sharing this twitter post from Pauly Perrette, ("Abbey" on NCIS), whom I follow, respect and admire. She's a very positive, lovely person, an animal rescuer, a music lover, former band singer, a positive and "liberal" Christian, supporter of Human Rights, Marriage Equality, an avid Adam Lambert fan and friend ..etc.. etc.. Seems she recently has been the target of hate and negativity. I cannot imagine why anyone would target her, but the internet is what it is: a wonderful but sometimes terrible thing..Her words ring very true. This is what she posted last night on Twitter:

"Regarding #NCIS and Twitter right now: I left you, but realized that's maybe not fair. With everything in life, you can have hundreds of good people around you, yet the words that resonate and hurt, are the few bullies, the mean people, those without empathy or a filter. The internet is a breeding ground for people to spread negativity and hate. It is also, for some of us, a way to bring philanthropy and postive support to the masses. I don't want to block anyone right now, because so many are confused and hurting, although my mantra is to do so, #NoNegativityZone But I am a sensitive human also. Any negativity on my page makes me turn off my computer. For days, weeks... Maybe for good. But... I have SO MANY beautiful, positive amazing, inspiring followers, that it's not fair to them for me to shut down. Please think before you type. It is better to write something positive or to say nothing, than to negatively effect so many people with a key stoke. I like making people laugh and smile. Why others enjoy insulting, bullying, combatting and writing negative comments is beyond me? You live with what you create and project. Please stop using the net and twitter to harm people, including myself. Choose to be positive.
"Sticks and stones make break my bones, But your words? They hurt WAY worse" - @PauleyP"

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting PauleyP's comments, Glitzlady. So appropriate given the tone of many recent threads here. I don't follow Pauley, but I've seen many tweets and pictures of Tomy and her together. Obviously, they are close friends. Especially sweet given that she's a Christian (didn't know that) and Tommy is an atheist. Good people can always find common ground.

I don't know what happened or why she's getting negative and hurtful tweets and Facebook comments. Sad.
It reminds me of Walt Disney's instructions to Disneyworld employees ... Guests can have 100 nice encounters with our staff, but it only takes ONE rude worker to ruin a trip. That one comment is the one they will remember.

We expect entertainers to have thick skin, but, really, underneath they hurt just like us.

Kindness is one of the highest spiritual virtues. This doesn't mean we can't have spirited discussions here, but being rude or nasty is never okay.

Always love reading your posts, Glitzlady. Thanks again.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

The thing that gets me is that oldies or grannies are used as terms to belittle some on the site. Being a grandmother is the best and most exciting job I've ever had! Am I supposed to be ashamed of that? We have no idea the age of the people who make these posts, but their intent is clear.
If they are 15 or 50, they are immature.

glitzylady said...

Thank you.

I enjoy your's as well :)))