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Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, July 6, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, July 06, 2013


Anonymous said...

Can't get enough of watching all the videos. Thanks to everyone who posted them for us to enjoy!

Anonymous said...

again thanks I enjoyed much.

Anonymous said...

does Ash have an upper thigh tat? Looking at the upper picture.

Anonymous said...

Didn't notice, too busy keeping an eye on Adam's thighs. Sorry!......well, not really! ^o^

Anonymous said...

Fantastic video quality! Thanks so much for posting! I was at the Del Mar concert and these vids are a much better close up view of Adam than I saw at the concert (with my very powerful binocs LOL!)

Can't really take my eyes off Adam throughout the whole concert/vids....sigh. What a talent..what energy he puts out on stage. He's totally mesmerizing all the time. I never get enough of Adam :))). I've been lucky enough to see him live 8 times now but never had the chance for a Meet &Greet yet. Hope the day will come though.


Adamluv said...

@11:47 - did you read my experience at the concert under the Vogueing thread? I said I couldnt keep my eyes off his perfect thighs!!!! Guess I aint the only one! . . . Adamluv

Adamluv said...

@CT - glad you were able to make the concert. Fabulous, right? Wish we could have met. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@AdamLambertVids: HD playlist for Adam Lambert's AT&T "Live Proud" concert on 7/3 (9 songs; 6 vids so far) via @TALCvids, @Cos2mwiz2

Anonymous said...

@ Adamluv.......JAK here......we both know a good thing when we see it!........^o^

Anonymous said...

Great quality videos and even greater on full screen!

Anonymous said...


Yes, one day I hope we'll meet at an Adam concert! It was so last minute for me....I took my family who was visiting from Israel on a mini-vacation down to Del Mar (from L.A. where I live). I kind of planned to go to Del Mar/Solano Beach since I knew Adam was performing and hoped I could get a way for a few hours to see him LOL! My two baby grandsons are way to young for an evening concert but my 2 granddaughters went with me and loved it!!! I had no time to make the Glambert party the evening before but it sounded like it was great! Were you there?


Anonymous said...

Finally had time to sit and listen...sit and listen to the best Adam Lambert Concert at the Del Mar! Adamluv, glitzy, funnbunn40 ( can't remember how many n's but you know who I mean) I was there with you in spirit and so glad these vids exist. He is just amazing. Good clean fun with a little salt and "Shady" in all the right places.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting. I really enjoy this. He has come so far since American Idol. Love him since I first saw him. Thanks again for posting, I appreciate it so very much. People like me and others who live Adam Lambert thru our computer screens. Hoping to go to his concerts, and meet him some day. Only seen him at the Glam Nation Tour, but not up close. Heard he is so beautiful up close.

Anonymous said...

Anyone seen him up close? Please tell me what he is like.

Adamluv said...

@CT - I thought I remembered it was you that had the family visiting from Israel and couldnt go see Adam. I almost didnt go bc. of the over 100 degree heat where I live and my fear there would be a brown out and all my dogs would be dead by the time I made it home (all indoors with windows closed). but my neighbors knew to call a friend of mine if that happened and she would rush over to open windows and keep everyone as cool as posible. Then driving down, my friends battery lite kept coming on so had to pull off the freeway and get that checked. Then once there couldnt find preferred parking (that we had paid for when the tickets were bought) and kept getting the run around from staff. It was a nitemare since they had us going around in circles for over an hour. To FINALLY answer your question, we barely made it in time for dinner and then to the concert. Lots of obstacles were thrown in our way BUT of course Adam was worth it all. . . Adamluv