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Adam Lambert is the Hottest Man in the World

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, August 1, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, August 01, 2013

Some proof:

Why do you like Adam Lambert? free polls 


Anonymous said...

Most of all, I love ADAM because with his overflowing talents and beauty inside and out, he is HUMBLE.
He has a big heart and enlightened soul and an excellent and a great human being.
All positive superlative adjective in the dictionary applies to Adam, you just name it, it's him!

Anonymous said...

Love Adam and always will. It's been a long road and one that will never end.

Anonymous said...

Just read on the net in Oz that Keith will be returning to AI...and it mentions other judges in the 'running' include "former Idol WINNER ADAM LAMBERT"! HAHAHA!
It clearly states...IDOL WINNER!
That IS the 'Hottest Man in the World'! Love the Glambert.

Anonymous said...

Adam is the hottest and nicest person one can have the privilege of encountering. He exudes warmth and impartiality to everyone and I've never heard an unkind word from him. I wonder if one of our ancestral aliens depicted on History Channel, is in close contact with him. lol! Hey it's no laughing matter. I enjoy that program helluva lot; so much archaeological findings to prove their existence. I like artists a lot especially Adam but now there is another group that I like; archaeologists/ancient alien theorists. They sure dig deep! lol!


Anonymous said...

Whoa, I just read Adam's Lay Me Down song on Avicii's album just hit #1 iTunes dance chart...lightning speed. In that case Adam, Nile and Avicii should collaborate more; so effective.


Jadam NZ said...

Lam-my isn't that Wake me Up the single that was released off the album?Thats what is No 1 here.

leilani Aloha said...

Yup! Yup! Yup! to all the above:):):)

We Glamberts know that Adam's the "IDOL WINNER" & still winning HOTTEST MAN IN THE WORLD!!! Caliante!!!:) Sweet!

Anonymous said...

Aliens are demons from hell and those who inhabit other planets are fallen angels who have not been taken to their judgment of fire in hell but influence human beings on earth who are spiritually lost.
When rebel angels were driven by St. Michael out of Heaven, they fell on to earth and other planetary bodies but their final destination is the inferno.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jadam
This is the title of the thread I just read...Aivii's album featuring Adam Lambert is #1 on iTunes dance chart. So not sure now, but this is what is posted. :)


glitzylady said...

About the poll above:

"Why do you like Adam Lambert?"
Because of His Voice
Because of His Good Looks
Because of His Personality
***All of The Above

To be completely honest, although I voted "All of the Above"..because they all play a part, they are all "weighted" differently for me. I loooove his voice, his looks don't hurt one bit: his eyes and smile are riveting..and the rest works for me too ;)).

But the bottom line, what truly keeps me coming back time after time, and holds me like glue as a fan, is his fabulous personality. He's an A++ good guy and human being. The other two categories, however noteworthy, don't matter [to me] if the man himself is a douche. Luckily he gets gold stars from me for all three....

glitzylady said...

Oh, and gold stars for the pics posted above with the thread topic. Very very very...nice....

Special mention to the third pic in the "some proof" pics.. (as if we needed proof :)))))))

Shortly after I started being completely awestruck by Adam on Idol from the first 5 seconds or so when I saw him for the first time (and which continues to this day, every time I see him perform, anywhere, any time....), I started looking for other pics, vids, etc.., of Adam performing pre-Idol "who IS THIS GUY???!!!".... I found Adam's "You Make Me Crazy" performance at Art4Life in May of 2008. And that's exactly what he did to me... "Holy SH**!!!" I said to myself..and that's when I knew life would never quite be the same....

A reminder of why he makes us...Crazy.....

"Adam Lambert - Crazy at Art4Life 2 *REMASTERED* by lambosessed

Anonymous said...

Millions of his fans love him because he is not perfect and he is real human. He won't give a damn what people think as long as he doesn't hurt anyone indeed!:)

Most of all, he is an inspiration to all of us....


Anonymous said...

@ Lam - my.....JAK ref. to post at 12:17......did you ever read Erich Von Daniken's book Chariots of the Gods? It's about the supposition that ancient astronauts visiting Earth were responsible for Stonehenge, the pyramids in Egypt and the Moai on Easter Island...etc.
It was way cool as a hot book in the 70's!

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....I think Adam has that undefinable quality that attracts people to them........sort of like a warm * fire on a dark cold night.

* some of you would say a "hot" fire!

Anonymous said...

It is commonly known that you can't put Adam in a box, the same goes for these kind of polls - 'All of the above' just does NOT cover "IT"... :)))

For those of Adam fans who truly & deeply feel that there is something to Adam that is beyond words or that whatever we say, it just isn't 'exactly' what or how we FEEL
about him... We feel it in our hearts, in our minds, in our guts and in our... bodies (!!!) - it is something extraordinary, rare and inexplicable AND I find all this so FASCINATING!!!

However, bottomline for me is that if this fascinating man had appeared in my living room in Feb 2009 and had NOT SAAANG the way he did, I doubt I would be sitting here writing about him... So ONE in a billion VOICE & something totally INEXPLICABLE!!!

He fills my heart with very special things... <3

Anonymous said...

History Channel is delving into very detailed Ancient Alien happenings, their comings and goings from outer space backed with very sound archaeological findings, expeditions and astounding logic. Yes they made close reference to the 'Chariots of the Gods' the Erich Von Daniken book, which I have not read. This author and other Alien theorists spoke about their extraterrestrial hypotheses on the programme, also discussed the Stonehenge, Pyramids, other centuries-old huge stone structures they said could not have been so precisely geometrically cut/erected without very advanced technology which they attributed to the Ancient Aliens. Biblical events were also dealt with in great detail. They mentioned the Mayans and other ancient groups of people who they claim had been contacted by these Ancient Aliens. I enjoy this programme a lot, watch it almost every day.


Anonymous said...

It's Avicii's album that's no. 1 on the disco chart, not Lay Me Down.

Anonymous said...

I voted for his voice because without hearing him sing on Idol, we may never have heard of him nor his voice.

Anonymous said...

12:03 great to hear Keith is returning for sure. He was my fave last year.

Anonymous said...

Omg Ok I just heard that glee is going to end after the six season!!!

Anonymous said...

I voted all of the above, but truthfully, if he didn't have the vocal prowess he does, I'd be gone.

Anonymous said...

4:56 link please. TY

Anonymous said...

I noticed that all these great pics of Adam are minus the face hair. I like him best that way, too. I know it's the fad now for men, but I think he is much more handsome without it. JMO

Anonymous said...

@4:56 here's the links-

Anonymous said...

no beardy pics. I love that sexy blonde hair one. What a body he has!

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is just so nice to everyone! I saw it in 2009 on Idol. He was never judgmental of anyone, polite, considerate, and intelligent. Today, now that he's a superstar, he is exactly the same person. This is a major reason that I love and respect Adam. All his other many attributes are quite obvious to anyone.>>>>>>>>>nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

adam lambert is always number one-number one his voice- american idol stupid-no brain keep makign mistake;

Anonymous said...

is there truly one chick out there that has scored with the Glam God? come forward introverted one.

Anonymous said...

Lam-my, it's the album that is number one, not the song with Adam and Nile.

Anonymous said...

It's important that the album is #1, because people will hear Adams part on it. Hope it's out soon as a complete album.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 10:42 AM
The album #TRUE will be released on or around Sept. 17th on US iTunes.... (not sure if it's the same release date in other countries...)..

Anonymous said...

Keep in mind this is the dance chart, not the overall chart. Just keeping things realistic to keep people from being disappointed if what we all want doesn't happen.

glitzylady said...

Nothing wrong with a little optimism here :)) The current single is doing very well in various places... Excited for the possibilities......

Anonymous said...

The 6th season is through next year is not. It was renewed two years. Talking about Glee!

Anonymous said...

Two years as a Glee regular would be just perfect.

Anonymous said...

6th season of Glee is Sept. 2014-April 2015.

Season 5 is Sept. 2013-April 2014.

Anonymous said...

Two years contract for Glee ends the end of spring of 2015. Two more years. Let's not get out of line for something that hasn't happened. Let's celebrate for what is right now. Take care of today, to make tomorrow brighter.

Anonymous said...

Damn Right!!!

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

He is an incredible human being. Handsome and vocals unmatched. But he has a kindness about him which is captivatingc. He exudes such confidence and fierceness. It is his heart that captured mine - generosity with contestants and now other artists. He is the total package and I couldn't be happier being a part of the superstar's journey. I am in awe of this man. I believe he is changing the world. Hot too!

Anonymous said...

A two-year acting stint is a pretty long period of time as a regular or even part-time. Adam is a fast worker, to achieve whatever he wants. Look what he has achieved in just 4 years from 'zero' to hero. But this Glee work is another milestone which he'll enjoy and it'll propel him to the next one. On my part, I can't believe I'll be watching Glee on a regular basis, which I've not done since its inception. Adam is a great actor and I sure am looking forward to seeing him in some real intense acting or just being funny or acting himself. Drama king to the rescue of a somewhat flagging show. lol! It's his special presence he injects/projects that makes the difference...what some call star quality.


Anonymous said...

I didn't buy the album. I will buy the single though. I would buy it if it was Adam's CD but since not enough people bought TP, I am not interested in supporting others.bitter, maybe. Yes, his voice is on this one song, but not a good enough reason to buy all of it from an artist I have never heard of. Prob not alone but no one will admit it as usual.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, Adam will be hopping over once, to keep his favourite sinking ship afloat a while longer. lol! He has been back once a year and always shines.


Anonymous said...

Adam has just started a Twitter Party. Go Go all you Twitterers. ;)

Anonymous said... can you say that Adam is a great actor. What has he done for you to base this on? We all know he is an amazing vocal talent and has a mesmerizing stage presence, but what acting credits does he have? We know he has done a number of musicals, but is that what you consider acting? I am not trying to tear Adam down, but have I missed something in his resume about acting. Whatever his role on Glee, it will probably be a combination of acting and singing much as Kate Hudson, Paltrow, etc. have done in their guest appearances. The show is losing in its viewing audience, but there probably are a number of factors for that. I sincerely hope that having Adam on the show is good for his career and also for the show itself. I am looking forward to seeing him on it and I think the members of the cast feel the same way about working with Adam.

Anonymous said...

5:42pm, I'm going to stick up for Lam-my here. Adam's stage work does qualify as acting, his music video's qualify as acting, and the Diva's opening skit was hilarious. We'll see what different skills he developes as Glee begins. You like Adam, give his acting a chance.

Hey JAK and Lam-my ... (12:54am plug your ears) Earth is a lot stranger that we know. It's awfully fun and interesting to contemplate visits from other beings and a much different history of this planet than what we take for granted.

You two girls havs put a smile on my face. Open AND discriminating minds are a blessing. It leads to wisdom.

xo laura

Adamluv said...

My favorite is #2 - the kneeling Adam but all sans facial hair is a plus for me. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Hi Laura
Always a pleasure to hear from an open mind. You know what, my ambition now is to have a close encounter with one of those very smart extraterrestrials so loved by Erich Von Daniken. Gleaning from the enthusiastic alien theorists' expounding/findings, I'm beginning to feel I might have encountered a couple of them already. lol! I'm serious. lol! Thanks!


Anonymous said...

if he banged a chick he wouldn't dare tell now.

Anonymous said...

2nd pic from the bottom is my favorite. It's the face I saw often on Idol and still do when he is not working.

Anonymous said...

Lam-my, may your fearless ambition happen asap and take you extra terrestrially on a one way trip.

Anonymous said...

Oh these extremely technologically advanced terrestrials don't need to take one or two way trips, like how your terribly moronic brain conceives. We use teleportation...just beam through 3-dimensional spheres and I'm back instantaneously; a lot more efficient than our human modes of transportation. lol! So no problem about my getting back just in time to watch Adam debut on Glee. lol!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Exploring the universe is not exactly one might want to give up on but still need to be back for Adam's Glee debut; lol! Hmm those extraterrestrials are so advanced they might be able to receive Earth's tv signals; in that case, yea I won't need to be back. Perhaps Adam's voice might sound even more heavenly from outer-space. Not so likely, sound waves need a medium; looks like I'll need to teleport back. lol!
