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Eber Lambert and Neil Lambert's Latest Tweets

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Anonymous said...

Why is Adam's dad's political tweets posted here?

Anonymous said...

We're reading all this Why?

Anonymous said...

as we know obama care is very bad- this country never be same under obama AMERICA IS BANKRUPT-BROKE.

Anonymous said...

Why a comment from Eber like that when his girl Pelosi told the House to pass Obamacare before they read it. 2,900 pages to read overnight before the morning vote. Hypocrit!

This country is going to hell in a handbasket because of Mr. Obama.

Anonymous said...

I go do a few things and come back to a million new threads. love it.

Anonymous said...

I'm one of the working poor without health insurance and I really want Obamacare (which is really Romneycare) but I don't want to read about it here.

Anonymous said...

October 1 I'm getting insurance! Woo hoo!

Anonymous said...

another trick by clever kenya born obama-90%tricks-10% o but not sure-majority of american people obama care is very bad-ull see-dont regret later.

Anonymous said...

Obama is a nice human being but today I got disappointed cause he wanted to shake hand with that rat president from Iran. Rouhani's hand is covered with blood of innocent people of his own compatriots. American people shouldn't believe his sort of sweet talks. Everyday that hideous government is getting weaker. Hopefully they'll topple soon. No negotiation with bunch of liars.

Anonymous said...

Obama is only a campaigner, not a leader. all his speeches, the same campaign tone.
Only want the presidency but very weak leader, no credibility, has weakened America to the gutter.

Anonymous said...

He should change the U.S. gun laws pronto!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, why have these tweets been posted here when this site is about ADAM Lambert? It's none of our business what members of his family tweet.

Anonymous said...

Obamacare is great. Give it a chance, it's already working.
Don't believe propaganda, check facts yourself.
Obama can't change gun law the f**king Congress refuses.
It's better to shake hands with Iran than use nukes -they have them too.
You dope, Obama was born in USA - were you?
Our government is going to hell because the GOP a**holes would rather shut down the whole thing than do ANYTHING
that Obama proposes and the majority of the public wants.
Just who in the hell do they represent? The Tea Party?
This great step forward, electing our first black president is a dismal failure, this country is still a racial whirlpool of discrimination. We are not post racial.
And finally, thanks a lot George Bush, your grand plan to bring democracy to the Middle East was a s**tstorm and I don't blame you for hiding out these last 5 years. I'd hide too!

Anonymous said...

@ 9:32 On October 1, you and the rest of the country are getting screwed. Obama has privately contracted with 6 large Insurance Companies to help the "exchanges" with their compliance. I thought the ACA was to keep the IC's out of the Medical industry. He has already extended 19 deadlines for implementation because they were/are not "ready."

Defunding Obamacare will not shut down the Government. Look at it this way...You go to the grocery store and buy everything you usually do but decide not to buy grapes. Does that mean that the rest of your purchases are now invalid and the checker will not scan them so you can pay for them and go home? No! It means you didn't buy grapes! If you cannot understand that analogy, please don't vote in any future elections.

No longer a Democrat.

Anonymous said...

My newspaper this morning gave a breakdown on cost of policies with several companies, for care similar to what I have, the cost is half. This will help people. They will no longer have to use the Emergency room as their doctor which means you and I will no longer be paying for their care, they will be paying. It is shameful that we haven't moved ahead to have every citizen covered by health care plans as every modern country has. I work with people who have 2 jobs to support their families and are in constant fear they might become ill or injured and with no insurance lose everything. They are not deadbeats they are neighbors.

They are looking forward to Oct lst as a lifeline, they will buy insurance and have the same security I can afford.
What is the GOP's health plan? Just die?

I'm glad you are no longer a Democrat, good riddance.

Anonymous said...

Did your newspaper also give you a breakdown on the number of corporations and companies that are cutting back employees hours to under 30 per week so they don't have to offer their long time employees insurance as they had in the past? This country is going to end up with every person working two jobs just to pay for their ACA premiums. If Democrats keep their heads in the sand too much longer they won't get to see ACA tumble under its own weight. That might be a good thing for those who think this is going to work.

Do you know that if you choose not to join the ACA you will be fined? That fine will be paid to the IRS as it is the administrator of this mess. Your new tax forms will ask you how much you paid ACA and if you say zero they will withhold the fine from your refund if you are owed one or will send you a bill for the fine that is based on your income. You don't pay the fine, it accrues interest at a very high rate. You make the choice: Join the ACA or pay a fine. What a wonderful plan for all Americans.

ACA is based on each individual, not each family. You and your children can't be covered under your husband's policy...each of you must have your own. Watch your costs go through the roof. This might be time to bend over, grab your ankles and kiss your ass goodbye.

Mr. Obama said during his first campaign "Under my plan, energy costs will necessarily skyrocket." When he came into office, gasoline was averaging $l.80 per gallon. It is now over $3.50 per gallon, (has been as high as $5.00) but holds steady at over $3.00 per gallon for more than 1,000 days. This is the only campaign promise he has kept. His legacy for his presidency will be "the worst president ever" - surpassing Jimmy Carter.

On his desire to shake the hand of the new president of Iran, the Iranian said, "No thanks."

I hope you can hold your heads high when you explain to your children and grandchildren why you voted for this non leading continual campaigning big spender who tells you not to go on vacation while he spends $11 million in taxpayer dollars on his last one to Africa taking along 85 of his best friends.

Good luck to us all. We need it.

Anonymous said...

What you say is a crock of shit.

Anonymous said...

Obama, the Rookie President for always.
No leadership, only teleprompter speeches with no substance.
A lemon for a president!

Anonymous said...

Remind me what was the name of that Madame Tussaud's
Wax figure who ran against Obama in the last election. You know the one who gave a speech in one town for a political position and then switched sides in the next town. Tell'm what they want to hear. Anything to get elected. Didn't seem to work.

Anonymous said...

I read what 3;09 wrote and didn;t believe a word either until I goggled them. It's true. Everthing is true. Today the Senate voted 100 - 0 to delay the funding to Obamacare. One Democrat Senator said it was a train wreck. I won;t vote for a Democrat ever again.

Anonymous said...

Who cares?