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Fun.'s Nate Ruess will join in on Adam Lambert and Queen's performance at iHeartRadio Festival

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, September 19, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, September 19, 2013


elizie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

imho - phooey

Anonymous said...

they were rehearsing FBG and STL.

Anonymous said...

Not happy about this.

Anonymous said...

Grow up people. Not everything is The Adam Lambert Show.

Anonymous said...

Shut up 3:04 PM

Anonymous said...

should be pretty good. I read somewhere Nate had lost his voice for a while. Maybe it was someone else.

Anonymous said...

should be pretty good. I read somewhere Nate had lost his voice for a while. Maybe it was someone else.

Anonymous said...

3:07 PM, grow up bitch.

Anonymous said...

I so wish I was going. Vegas, Adam, Queen.

Anonymous said...

I so wish I was going. Vegas, Adam, Queen.

Anonymous said...

@3:12 PM Gotcha! Lol

Anonymous said...

It's good for Adam to network with different artists. It will be a great show. I wouldn't like to perform knowing the fabulous Adam will be singing as well. But, I have to admit I kind of like Nate's voice. He's not Adam Lambert, of course, but okay. He seems pretty nice. We would all like it to be all Adam, but that's not what it's going to be.

Anonymous said...

a bunch of two year olds on here.

Anonymous said...

Was Nate rehearsing those 2 songs? I hope. Save the iconic ones for Adam!! : ). WWTLF WWRY DSMN WATC......a girl can hope!.....JAK

Anonymous said...

This will be so good. I was hoping Elton or Katy Perry would sing something with them.

Magiclady said...

I don't know who some of you negative people are, but you need to know if you are on this website we ALWAYS want it to be THE ADAM LAMBERT SHOW!

Anonymous said...

Doesn't matter whose fan site this is, it's silly to whine when a festival concert isn't The Adam Lambert Show.

Anonymous said...

The roster of artists in Las Vegas performing at this IHeartRadio festival is INCREDIBLE! Sure hope that IHeart will think of the gazillion of fans of these artists worldwide who would give anything to see these shows. Do they usually make them available for purchase on ITunes?

Anonymous said...

Nate won't be singing with Adam for the whole set, just a few songs. Adam will be singing most of the set.

Anonymous said...

Well, it does suck that this guy gets his own show earlier in the day then gets to come back & sing with Queen. Too bad Adam couldn't have his own set also. Ah well...a little of Adam is better than none at all.

Anonymous said...

@5:02 PM
see and reread 4:36 PM

Anonymous said...

@6:19 PM

I agree with you. Guess I am just selfish when it comes to Adam. Don't like to share; seems as though we can never get enough. Sorry, can't help it.

Anonymous said...

I sure hope they don't add anyone else!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I see "this comment removed by author" How do you delete a comment?

Anonymous said...

Aren't the other acts in the show having guest performers, too? I thought that was the case. Anyway, I'm glad Adam will be singing the majority of the set. In my ideal Adam world, he would be the only one onstage with Queen, but Nate is popular, so there it is. Nice for FUN that it has its own set time, too. Read an article on this new announcement posted on AO. The comments posted below the article (not on AO) showed that many people are disappoinged as feel somewhat betrayed by the fact that Nate will be up there with Queen, too. I guess Adam fans would feel better if the "surprise guest" for Queen was someone who Adam really loves and admires. Nate seems to have so little to do with Queen or Adam. (I did read that Nate covered a Queen song some time back, though.) Anyway, Nate is very popular now and his fans will be watching him with Queen and will also see Adam with Queen, so I guess it will work out. It will be a great show!

Elton John performs the same night. I pray Adam gets to perform with him someday. Hope they get to at least meet up and talk. Maybe we'll see a pic or two with Adam and some of the stara at this show.


Anonymous said...

Does anyone know how many songs Adam will be singing?

Anonymous said...

Any chance Adam will be another act's special guest? or would we have heard about it if that is the case?

Anonymous said...

One day Adam will have his own set; he should have it now. But, if it were not for Queen; Adam probably would not be there this year.

Way to go Ryan Secrest, never inviting Adam as a solo act.

Anonymous said...

DRG Adam has danced with Elton John and one of Elton John's private parties.

Anonymous said...

@7:00 PM

Most singers would not want their special guest to outshine them.

Anonymous said...

@7:05 PM
I remember that event. I think it was hosted by Elton John, he seems very fond of Adam; and did express that in an interview around that time; if I am not mistaken. I do remember he invited Adam to sit at his table. Katie Perry was also at that head table.

Anonymous said...

@7:07 PM
Silly me, it's getting to be my bedtime. Can I use that as an excuse?

Anonymous said...

7:04 do you think Ryan Seacrest runs iHeart or Clear Channel?

Anonymous said...

6:49, I think you have to be signed in under your Google account to be able to do that.

6:59, rumor has it 6 or 7 songs. it's in the comments on one of these recent posts.

Anonymous said...

@7:26 PM

Thank you so much; both questions are from me. Have a great evening.

Anonymous said...

@7:07 PM

Yes you can. Ha, ha.

Anonymous said...

I Wish this could be regular streaming like we usually get; or at least a twitter feed. Something that a person with just a plain old computer can watch from the usual stream.

Anonymous said...

Can some of you think of Adam instead of yourselves for a night? This is great exposure for him. All the people watching or attending for performers other than Adam will see and hear him. FUN fans will be tuning in to see their guy and will see Adam too. We get an all Adam show on New Years Eve. So many keep saying you want worldwide domination for him. This is a step in that direction and it won't happen if it's just Adam and Queen there. Try to enjoy this short bit of Queenbert and enjoy all the exposure Adam will get from this.

Anonymous said...

Well okay, if I have to. Kidding aside; you do make some good points to help ease the small dissapointment.

Adam seems very happy to be there, and that is the most important thing. Lots, of good exposure for him. With the superstars where he belongs.

Anonymous said...

@ 7:22 P.M. Google...does Ryan Seacrest have business connections with Clear Channel will see they are indeed in business together...or were as late as January of 2012. I haven't seen anything about them splitting up. At that time they were commiting 300 million dollars to Ryan Seacrest Media or Productions.

Anonymous said...

7:05, yes, I remember that! I'd love for Adam and Elton to meet up again. Maybe Elton would get a little inkling in his brain that Adam would be a great choice for him to do a duet with!

7:36, thanks for expressing some good sense so clearly. Sure, we all like Adam up there alone in all his glory, but the exposure of this show is incredible for him. AND, he will still be the main Queen frontman for this show. All kinds of people will see him, maybe for the first time, esp. with Queen. It's a gig of a lifetime. I can have a little Nate in there. It's ok.


Anonymous said...

Well I'm here at the MGM Grand hoping I'll run into Adam on the elevator Ha Ha! A girl can dream right? I cannot wait until tonight! If Nate is doing only 2 songs ( 1 a duet with Adam) then it should be interesting to hear how their two voices blend together. I know one thing, Adam can make anything work ...he's that versatile and talented. Queen must have had some relationship with Nate in order to invite him to join them I suppose. I agree, this is a fabulous opportunity for Adam. I wish him all the success and many new fans!


Anonymous said...

I just hope that Adam doesn't hold back on stage while performing with Nate. He does have a tendency to hold back and let others shine.

Anonymous said...

I'm here on the other side of the world, sitting at my computer and I'm soooo ecxited for you and all that are gonna see Adam soon! Wishing you all a fantastic evening!!!
AND if you happen to pump into Adam (omg!!!), please ask for a hug and tell him how UNIQUE & SPECIAL he is and how much he means to so many all over the world!!!