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GLEE Spoilers Confirmed: Adam Lambert's character is Starchild and he will perform “Roar” and “Marry The Night”

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, September 19, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, September 19, 2013

The first episode back from the hiatus after the Cory Monteith tribute episode is called "A Katy or A Gaga." The episode will include the introduction of Adam Lambert's character ("Starchild") and will be Demi Lovato's second episode.

Episode Title: “A Katy Or A Gaga”

Adam Lambert is Starchild.

“Roar” by Katy Perry sung by Unique, Jake, Sam, Marley, Tina, Artie, Ryder, Kitty, Blaine, Kurt, Rachel, Santana, Dani and Starchild (Adam Lambert)
“Wide Awake” by Katy Perry sung by Tina, Unique, Jake and Kitty
“Applause” by Lady Gaga sung by Marley, Ryder, Artie, Sam and Blaine
“Marry The Night” by Lady Gaga sung by Starchild (Adam Lambert)


Anonymous said...

Starchild ? Is this for real? Love the music he will help perform.

Anonymous said...

ok who confirmed this?

Anonymous said...

Really?? Starchild?? What IS that supposed to mean? He's a hippie? Very weird - I'm confused and a little concerned.

Anonymous said...

omg it is so much fun following Adam, it never ends.

Anonymous said...

I had not heard that he was a hippie.

Anonymous said...

I was just becoming relieved to know that he wasn't going to play a drag queen. Now I near his name is Starchild? Please no! That sounds very strange. Why can't he just be named David or Tom? What I mean is, play a regular character. Who is making these ridiculous decisions? This is confirmed? He should just play a teacher like Kate Hudson did and forget this nonsense. And GG songs, oh please. :(

Anonymous said...

Maybe his parents were the hippies and they met at The Summer of Love in 1967 hmmm maybe he is too young for that. I am sure there will be a background to this name and it will feel natural to us eventually :)

Anonymous said...

Now I'm reading that Adam's character will be a Glam Rock Star .... named Starchild, I guess. At least the Glam Rock Star fits him perfectly (if this is true), but I'm kind of surprised, since he seems to be getting away from that persona recently. Never a dull moment -

Anonymous said...

Just wait until you see the whole story line before you get all upset. It will be fine. This is Adam he not Kate Hudson he always been edgy and terrific he will make it work. Give it a chance.

Anonymous said...

let's don't complain too loudly the producers will have Starchild in a bus going over a cliff.

Anonymous said...

You were all so happy that he would be on GLEE, a dream come true, you said. Now all you do is complain about the whole thing. Why don't you just text the GLEE show and tell them you do not approve, and take him off. You don't like his songs, or his name.
What a bunch or grouches.

Anonymous said...

Stop grouching this is not your job it's Adam's. it's a great opportunity for Adam and he will make the part his own it will be way better and different than you think. Adam will do a great job on the vocals marry the night will be by himself. This is about Adam not us I support him 100 percent so much selfishness on this site. I like the name star child it's what he is. He has wanted to be a star from a early age like 9. Perfect name. Sue

Anonymous said...

It's a rumor. Bunch of kids from other countries are making this up. I doubt it's the truth. I trust Adam and I don't believe anything until I see it. Patient guys.

Anonymous said...

10:04 omg give us a break we are not happy unless we are complaining about something and by the end of the thread we usually have it all worked out. Moonbaby

Anonymous said...

10:04, exactly!

10:19, you mean it's worked out by the end of those ridiculous 100+ comments. LOL share what you are smoking.

Anonymous said...

10:04, exactly!

10:19, you mean it's worked out by the end of those ridiculous 100+ comments. LOL share what you are smoking.

Anonymous said...

10:18, this rumor is actually coming from what Glee fans say is a reliable spoiler site. But I agree, it's best to wait and see what really happens and not speculate or worry over it.

Anonymous said...

Whether its true are not why can't we just be happy for this opportunity for Adam. He going to sing and be on the show no matter what. Someone not going to like something about it. It gives me a head ache to much for me. I will let you fuss to much for me. Who said it was a kids from another country. Funny the songs are different like SS said. How could they figure out all the people singing guess they could I never watched it. Just watch for Adam. Sue

Anonymous said...

Still can't make some of you happy. Adam doesn't have enough time at iHeart, I don't like that Adam has to share the stage at iHeart, Adam should be on tv and now that he finally is I don't like his characters name. You must be really unpleasant people to be around all the time. You are worse than the trolls and the realists.

Anonymous said...

hence his cryptic tweet lil Glamhoppers. It is all so clear now. J/K lol

Anonymous said...

10:03pm ....... LOL.

Anonymous said...

Gleeks from Brazil are reporting this. Yeah right! Fans from Brazil get this info. from where? Please guys just be patient. I wait until it's on my TV like any other show that I don't seek out spoilers.

Anonymous said...

10:50 PM, I don't know where they get the info but Glee fans say the site is a reliable source.

People so quick to believe MJs stupid blog but not what Glee fans say is reliable.

Best to calm down and wait to see the show.

Anonymous said...

Love your post here, Sue.

Anonymous said...

MJ's defense of her 'spoiler' alert of Adam's Glee role as she reported Shoshanna Stone's tweets:

MJ said:

"The only comment I’m going to make here:

1. I’m being accused in certain quarters of making up the spoiler out of whole cloth for hits. Why would I do that? My reputation as a spoiler is much more important than some initial burst of hits.

2. This tip came from a spoiler I’ve used before. And the original source was deep inside of production. I even saw copies of a text conversation. I had every reason to believe it was true. And if you knew the details, you would have believed it too.

3. Adam’s publicist job is to shoot down rumors. That’s why she’s paid the big bucks."

Anonymous said...

@Sue 10:17
Love this post of yours, so right you are!
Let others fuss, stay clear & take care!

Anonymous said...

JAK here at 4:30 am.....pardon me for being thrilled.....Don't worry...Be happy.
1. He's def going to be on Glee
2. They've given him two songs he can def get his teeth or tonsils into.
3. What's wrong with Starchild? Who would it fit better?
Maybe for those upset you'll find his first name is Max!
4. He's going to be on TV! Do I hear a Squeeeee?

Complain complain complain
........that familiar old refrain.
Dance and sing....rejoice
We're gonna hear his voice!
And jump for joy, in any case
We're gonna see his sweet sweet face! Yay *\o/*. *\o/*.

Anonymous said...

The complainers are so wasted he!he!

Just enjoy what Adam gives us to entertain indeed!!!:)

Not happy just look away!!!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

as a famous writer once said "what's in a name?"..I wonder if anyone has the inside track as to how many episodes Adam will appear??

Anonymous said...

Hate SPOILERS, regular spoilers and human ones. Hate the word spoiler.

LOVE SURPRISES - and ADAM's gonna surprise us, once again! And over and over again!!!

Hope this did not SPOIL it for you!

Anonymous said...

@Anon 9:55

Play a regular character?!? ADAM?!?? Character named David or Tom!!!! You've gitta be kidding???! You must be talking about that other Adam... Levi...Levine...or something loke that... lol.

There's NOTHING REGULAR in Adam Lambert talents & VOICE - why waste it doing something beneath his capabilities! Plenty of regular characters you can stare at your tele all year round!

Starchild is a perfect (sur)name for Adam, though I doubt we've heard the truth yet about this Glee thingy...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Star Child could be the child of hippies. Definitely fits Adam. True or not, it's a much nicer sounding character with some actual potential for a decent storyline.

Anonymous said...

Please don't yell!!! :(

Anonymous said...

Starchild ..... LOL

Anonymous said...

Ca't wait to see Adam on Glee. Can you imagine how excited he is!!!! He has wanted something like this for so long. This makes me very happy! I'm sure he will be very entertaining as always.

Anonymous said...

I'm so done with all the spoilers and speculation. I'm just going to watch Glee after the hiatus. Telling the future is no more fun than reading the end of a book before you start it.

Anonymous said...

Let's face it, Adam is not the Tom or David type in my book anyway. He's just not ordinary in any shape or form. If Starchild is actually going to be his name, I think it's great and certainly fits him. It could just be Glee's way of saying Adam is very special and he is! I say bring it on - let us see and hear Starchild! I wouldn't want to just see Adam as a delivery guy or teaching assistant. Bring on our Star! I'm ready ready!..nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Rumours, spoilers........Starchild?????? All that matters to me is that I will be seeing Adam on Glee and hearing that magnificent voice interpret some well known songs. I can't wait until Nov. 7th.


Anonymous said...

If you rather uninformed people looked into what Ryan Murphy does, you'd get it better. For example, that young man who plays Unique, look into his backstory, his real life story... and see what Ryan Murphy did with his onscreen character. I would venture to guess there is just a little bit of that going on with Adam and Adam's Glee role, and I say COOL. I truly don't get why people want Adam to project something that he is not onto the world... don't we have enough of that in life?!!

Anonymous said...

5:59 here again
@!..nancdruuu2 Sept 20 at 5:46 AM, very well said!

Anonymous said...

let's cheer on the name callers and condescension

Anonymous said...

Sometimes the condescension is just born out of being HUMAN... because good grief people on this blog are so tunnel visioned that they can not seem to absorb and think about what might be good for Adam's CAREER. I am nobody special, I am not in the business, but I have eyes and ears and a brain and although I think Adam is a once in a generation talent, the realities of the Music Industry require me to be open minded about what opportunites come Adam's way and how they benefit, not derail, his career. So, yes, I will be condescending sometimes probably, because I am human and simply can NOT take when Adam's most loyal fans utilize their fierce support of him for in a counter-productive way. So my fellow blogger above, I'll work on my condescension if you work on your snarkiness!

Anonymous said...

apparently you have no intention of making the first move

Anonymous said...

@6:36 AM You invite snarkiness.

Anonymous said...

I HATE SPOILERS TOO! We have no idea what the writers wrote for Adam's character. Starchild might be his last name or something. His name might be Henry or Mark or.... We just have to wait and see. Don't jump the gun without knowing the whole picture or story.

Anonymous said...

I think starchild is probably a stage name for an over the top performer. I see fans speculating it could be based on ziggy stardust. Adam posted a picture on his facebook from velvet goldmine of a ziggy stardust character the other day, wearing a shiny bodysuit snd huge feathers. It all seems to fit.

Anonymous said...

@6:36am. Good grief. I don't think you like art and music at all. Please do yourself a favor and follow something else in your life. Cause from your comment I definitely stay away from people like you. Do you know young kids search for artists who don't follow mainstream? Demographic of Glee are young kids. Kids live on creativity and imagination.

Anonymous said...

8:01, I like your theory. The possible connection to Bowie and Ziggy Stardust makes sense. But even if that's not the intended connection, I will love anything Adam does on Glee.

Thank God he is not just a Dave or a Tom. I love him because he is NOT ordinary or mainstream or predictable. I hope the Glee people perceive this very well and take advantage of the unique-ness of Adam and his background. If he's Starchild, fine with me. I really happy about the songs he's going to sing! And hopefully, the new opportunites that the whole Glee gig will bring.

Be happy, Glamberts! Adam is making it, step by step.


Anonymous said...

the statement at 6:36 is seen being born out in this way: SOME of Adam's loyal fans posting their complaints on blog sites about the addition of Fun singer Nate H to Queen + Adam Lambert at IHR. So NOT good for Adam imho, won't make or break Adam's career, of course not, but not HELPFUL to how Adam is perceived in the music industry IMO. The underlying sentiment of 6:36 is valid. Read it again, it wasn't a slam to most of Adam's fanbase, and was rooted in truth and reality... unfortunately.

Anonymous said...

@ 6:14, 6:42 & 6:45

Here's an invitation for you. Why don't you add something of depth to this thread, instead of throwing off one-lines that only devolve the conversation rather than evolve it? Leave the unproductive one-liners aside and please tell us your opinion on something concrete in regard to this great Glee news. I was going to say Ball's in your court, but that comes off snarky... really, I am asking thoughtfully, what's your take on Adam's recent career news? My opinion: Glee character news seems intriguing and should definitely garner media attention in a positive way, and addition of Nate to IHR concert will open a wider audience up to Adam... and I hope Adam's lovely fierce fans will see that. :)