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More Videos! New View from the iHeartRadio Concert in Las Vegas

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, September 23, 2013

Posted at : Monday, September 23, 2013


Anonymous said...

When Adam sings that last God-given high note, I automatically freeze and when it's done, I tap my chest like whenever I'm shocked, I do that. lwl!


Anonymous said...

I think I'm the only person who liked 'Crazy Little Thing Called Love.'

Anonymous said...

Now I got a new name for Adam...Enter Black Panther...oooh-la-la. Yea Black Panther prowling smoothly on elegant boots, all around and out the catwalk, ggrrrr...raah. lwl! He's so at home with Brian on stage, so simple and graceful. Must be hard for Brian to concentrate; no wonder he looked a little exhausted at the end of WWTLF. Compare this version of We Are The Champions with the AI version...quite a mile apart; though that was one of the best of AI finale S8.


Anonymous said...

6:32, I LOVED CLTCL. I love it every time Adam sings it. Do you mean the audience at the live show? Can't believe anyone wouldn't like it! It's so sexy and fun.


Anonymous said...

I'm not crazy about Crazy Little Thing Called Love but it's OK & Adam sang it well.

Anonymous said...

Adam had fun with CLTCL and sang it extremely well. I love hearing a little of that lower register voice. It shows more of his range. We usually hear much more of the high range.

Yes, he definitely looked like a black panther slinking around on stage !


Anonymous said...

Whoa, good to know, he did look like a black panther! You're the witness. You must have thoroughly enjoyed your encounter with a prowling live black panther. Oh oh JAK, take note, your leopard escaped into the woods. lol!


Anonymous said...

OT and NOT...
To Lam-my

Re your black panther comments: Have you watched Cat People lately?! Or watched the movie theme song by none other than the man Adam would like to collaborate with... David Bowie?!! If you haven't, check it out from Youtube, the song is sooo GOOD! Just something that popped in to my mind, while reading your comment (sorry, can't post a link).

Trying to fight Adam's charming powers is like (a line from that song of David Bowie) "Putting out fire with gasoline..."


Anonymous said...

Thanks! I have not watched the movie but I got to the Bowie video, the theme song...interesting and the black panther. I like black panthers, sleek and the eyes. Adam looks really sleek in that black clingy shirt, pants. I guess that's why the black panther came to mind. :) Bowie's voice is a low rich tenor; interesting voice.


Anonymous said...

OMG! What is wrong with America? HE IS FANTASTIC!
Thank you for these videos..

Anonymous said...

@ LTAF....JAK here....Thanks for the reminder. I looked up the Bowie Cat People (Putting Out Fire) video too. I remember seeing the movie made in 1982 and remember seeing the original in 1942 which gave my 7 yr old self nightmares. Bowie was not a favorite singer of mine, still isn't but he had a style and fascinating quality I appreciated.

Anonymous said...

I loved, Crazy Little Thing Called Love! It's been a while since I've heard it. It put a bounce in my step. I think it's great that they play some songs that we don't hear often but I was transported with, Who Wants To Live Forever. He sang it within his mid low register and with such beauty..
I was on cloud 9 for the rest of the night. That's how he connects with people, makes your heart and soul soar with him as he takes you on this flight.

Love it, love him for opening my heart and soul to let music back in. No ones been able to in a very long time. Thank you Adam.......