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New Picture: Adam Lambert with a new friend

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, September 27, 2013

Posted at : Friday, September 27, 2013

VIA mdmolinari:
@realadamlambert & @cfritz7 #twocoolguys


Anonymous said...

Yet another underwear model. I guess Molinari doesn't know any other type of guys. LOL

Anonymous said...

So what? Jealous much.

Anonymous said...

Two really nice looking guys. Adam Lambert is just beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Am I supposed to know who this guy is?

Anonymous said...


Molinari, happens to know a lot of people; and so does Adam. You know so much about him; are you a personal friend?

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so good! Glad he is with one of his many friends!

Anonymous said...

Adam just looks so much younger without the facial hair. Love the fresh face without makeup. And just because Adam is seen with a "new friend", let's not jump to the conclusion that it's a new bf. Adam's probably very busy right now with this career opportunities to become involved in a serious relationship. But if it happens, it happens, sometimes when it is least expected. I think that all of his fans want him to find love and to be happy.

Anonymous said...

Adam was at Hooray Henry's last night with Ty Taylor and Rufus Taylor. This guy was not with them when they left and got in the car. He's probably just a wannabe who wants to flash around his pic with Adam.

Anonymous said...

Adam knows a lot of guys. Nothing new.

Anonymous said...

Nothing new is right. Adam has probably slept with half the male gay population in Hollywood. Having trouble finding true love? I thought he found it with Sauli. Keep searching and being a whore. It does not matter who he dates as it will likely be short lived and he will move on to the next. I think he has developed a reputation as a player on the club scene. Just hope he does not end up like Lindsay Lohan.

Anonymous said...

I liked the facial hair but I think I like w/o Mel betterer.

Anonymous said...

For those that don't get what a troll is, here is a video with examples and what to do.

Anonymous said...

@6:10 PM
First of all you know absolutely nothing about Adam's love life and how many men he has slept with. What a horrible thing to say. If you are pretending to be an Adam fan; it is not working.

Sounds like you are butt hurt because he is not with Sauli. How would you like it if one of Adam's fans made up lies and accused Sauli of sleeping with all the gay men in his hometown in Finland. Sauli is no better or no worse than Adam. They are probably both nice young men. That is why they remained friends. They probably wouldn't want anyone like you defending either one of them.

I think most people want to find true love; and it will happen to each person when the time is right, hopefully. Do you also want Sauli to keep searching and being a whore, since your implication is that is what Adam is doing. How about facing the fact that Adam is a very attractive young man; he can date who he damn well pleases. He does not need haters crawling around on his fan site calling him names; and trying to run him down. You should be ashamed of yourself. Try dealing with reality and stop the hate and accusations toward our dear beautiful Adam.

Anonymous said...

Wow, the little troll is busy tonight.

Anonymous said...

6:46, why are you responding to an obvious troll? Unless you are the troll replying to yourself!

Anonymous said...

True love is hard to find. This idiot troll doesn't love her or himself. Just a sad waste of life. Glad Adam is living his and dating and meeting people. That is a rich life. Good for him.

Anonymous said...

It's an admirable trait to be able to make friends everywhere you go. Adam seems to do that without effort.

Anonymous said...

plenty of seats left for Adam Lambert's New Years Eve show in case you were thinking of going.

Anonymous said...

@7:25 Yes there are seats but VIP are sold out and most of Section A,so get them quick if you want a good view. I got Section A North toward the aisle,not too bad.

Anonymous said...

Sauli Koskinen is not like Adam Lambert. This is only a photo and many of you starts to write like you should know what Adam Lambert thinks? Regards from Finland

Anonymous said...

What a cute clean face. Yes! Always handsome with or without melvin.

Anonymous said...

I saw a comment that this guy could be Adam's trainer!

What it comes to Adam and Sauli both seemed to be very much in love but it's easy to be in love. Love hormones take care of it. It takes work and commitment to love after that sweet phase is over.

Anonymous said...

at 4:33 PM

What is there to be jealous of, other than a pic with Adam? Careerwise, earning one's living as a male underwear model is even more pathetic than acting in a porn movie.

Anonymous said...

One hater wrote to read a RS article and what they missed was that Adam mentioned that when he was in Finland to spend holidays with Sauli and his friends he suspected that someone put something funny into his drink. Basically that brawl in Finland was a result of Adam being poisoned. Poor Adam endured giving a chance to someone who poisoned him.

Anonymous said...

Adam without Melvin looks like in his early 20s. Just gorgeous. Love him with Melvin too. But without it he looks like a doll.

Anonymous said...

12:08 AM Nonsense.It was a lack of sleep (jet lag), too much drinking and overwhelming feelings (mainly jealous).

Anonymous said...

12:08 AM

I did not intend to answer to a troll but this is so hilarious; never heard before. Adam poisoned? Haha! Adam himself said: Too much vodka + jet lag. Yes it was a poison called vodka. Finnish vodka can be quite a poison if you don't know your limits. Dear Lord!

I love Adam without facial hair. His beautiful face and lips show better. And he looks younger (but I don't by no means mean that I like only young-looking guys and that everybody should look young).

I read that the other guy on that pic is a model (well that's Hollywood) and not Adam's personal trainer. But he is often seen in Markus Molinari's clubs. Way to go Adam, you are an eligible bachelor! And so is your ex Sauli.

Anonymous said...

Give the trolls taste of their own medicine then you know who they are. Hahaha...cut you. You are Sauli's fan/s. Trashing Adam and his fans on Adam Lambert fan site. The only jealous ones are you. Still Adam mentioned in the May 2012 RS article that his drink was spiked.

Anonymous said...

at 1:10 AM

What are you on about? Sauli fans love Adam to bits. It's not them who are calling Adam a whore or a puta.

And why talk about the incident in Finland, it's old news and nobody in Finland though it was particularly scandalous or exceptional.

Anonymous said...

Adam did initially say it was jet lag and too much vodka but then in a later magazine interview he did say he wondered if his drink had been spiked. Regardless, Adam and Sauli dealt with that and have since moved on. Why can't we let it go and move on like they have?

Anonymous said...

@6:46 PM

Very well said! couldn't agree with you more. Thank you.

Who is this person telling people who, or who not to respond to; perhaps they are the troll.

Goodnight fellow Glamberts/Glamhoppers; off to bed.

Anonymous said...

Please don't leave huge gaps at the end of a post.

Thanks in advance.

Anonymous said...

LOVING Adam's hair free face - he looks so fresh & yummy!!

Anonymous said...

The guy with Adam looks nice.

Anonymous said...

1:19am , Thankey for your comment you covered well our point of view.:)

Anonymous said...

I know Sauli has a good fysics and is sometimes described as a wonderman, but it's quite amazing that after the hard ice-skating training he also has been able to have sex with all the gay men in his home town.
Just astonishing!!!

Anonymous said...

It takes one to know one. So, are you a whore?

Anonymous said...

Of course not. Sauli is a perfect little angel. He can do no wrong but Adam. Well Adam is a whore who drinks too much and is ruining his career and it's all his fault for the split. He cheated, he was jealous and possessive. Poor sauli was just the victim. That about sums it up.

Anonymous said...

4:42 AM

What have these guys done to you that you must say such silly things? Nobody is perfect, there are no angels on earth (not Sauli, not Adam) but they are both nice, warm-hearted and good-looking guys who loved each other. Their love turned to friendship. Nobody knows the reasons why they split, not even you. Nobody else can ruin his life or career but you yourself. The life is good career-wisely for both Adam and Sauli. They look both healthy and happy. They make mistakes sometimes, both of them. Neither of them is a bad person. That's what we know. We don't know them personally, so we don't know what they think deep inside, about what they dream, what are their secrets. Their happiness should be the most important thing in fandom. Some like Sauli, some do not. That's it. But I know that most of the fans that love Sauli, love also Adam very deeply.

Anonymous said...

This is 4:56 AM

Of course I meant my comment @ 4:43 AM (there is no 4:42 AM, sorry).

Anonymous said...

4:12 AM

Yeah, he certainly looks, but don't most of the underwear models and other guys that go to these clubs look nice? At least what I've seen. They like to look good. And young people are always beautiful.

Anonymous said...

And a bit more @ 4:42 AM:

Sauli really does LOOK like an angel if you watch some of the latest pics and vidblogs in his IG. But he is literally fallen angel - on ice sometimes. But also Adam LOOKS like an angel now that he shaved. Are they evils inside, who knows?

Anonymous said...

There are brand new pics of Adam from Friday night apparently from his other living room Bootsy Bellows. He is having fun. Looks great. New good-looking date. I wish I was young, beautiful and wanted. "sigh" Jealous? Yes a bit. His life looks so glorious and fantastic. No troubles at all, like in my life. "another sigh"

But he has deserved this all being so talented and handsome. I had wrong parents...

Anonymous said...

I was being sarcastic. I know that no one is perfect. It just seems that so many nasty comments about this topic are aimed at Adam. We know nothing about what happened between them so there is no need to blame either of them.

Anonymous said...

6.10pm. Stalking can turn into obsession which can be dangerous. You've been following adam and watching his every move. How else would you know who he is sleeping with. Perhaps you should get some help before your obsession gets the better of you.

Anonymous said...

5.23am Adam is far from angelic. Sauli doesn't go out every night, he doesn't sleep with everything on two legs, he doesn't hang out with druggies and he does not ruin relationships. No wonder he left that piece of dirt.

Anonymous said...

Aww. Sauli must be so proud. So many people rooting for him.

Anonymous said...

Wow. This is really shocking. What a surprise. Another Adam thread turned sauli. Didn't see that coming. Lol

Anonymous said...

Oh I wish people like you would be put to public shame. Writing such crap and hurtful things about anybody should be made illegal. There will be a time when this slandering of people in web will b stopped somehow.

Admin, please remove posts like @6:45

Anonymous said...

this blog site has become sickening, with all the trashing of Adam - I only come here to praise would be interesting to know what kind of life the haters have..not good, I suspect..hatred will destroy ones' soul..believe it

Anonymous said...

Dear people! Instead of fighting both Adam's and Sauli's fans should be celebrating how boys are promoting their careers. Please, let's be nice to each other and supportive to those two lovely young man.

Anonymous said...

Cripes. Quit yer bitchin.' Listen to some Adam songs and chill. His VOICE is what draws us together. All the rest is soon to be forgotten gossip and embroidered stories.

Anonymous said...

Let's take the rest of the week end off from the negative and only say nice things. Just until Monday. Please?

Anonymous said...

Boy, all of this because Adam took pic. with a fan. Butt hurts are on the loose.

Anonymous said...

We Adam fans made blogs for Sauli on other Adam's fansites. Sauli fans can go to these blogs to flail over Sauli's career. Adamtopia and Idolforums created blogs for Sauli under Adam's name. Please go there to talk about Sauli.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:01 I'm almost afraid to ask, but what does butt hurts mean?

Anonymous said...

7:43 AM.....I'm okay with that....I promise no matter how many stupid remarks I read or if I am stomped on, vilified, branded or otherwise insulted...or if our Adam is insulted
(Perish the thought) I will only say nice things till Monday.
I'm pretty sure I can last that long............JAK : )

Anonymous said...

the guy Adam is pictured with reminds me a little of Eddie Haskell.

Anonymous said...

9:09am, Many Saulberts come to this site to read Adam news and we love and respect both Adam and Sauli. We post accordingly. There is no need to accuse us of being trolls. Trolls know when to use Sauli´s name and when to do other tricks. You are all interested in Adam´s personal life, otherwise you wouldn´t have come to this thread. We all contribute to this site wheather it becomes positive or negative. Peace until... Monday ;).

Anonymous said...

correction whether :)

Anonymous said...

at 9:09 AM

Thank you ever so much for the reminder, I have also noticed that not everybody has remembered to be grateful enough to please you.

Anonymous said...

9:09 AM

I don't want to go, please, can I stay here? I promise, I don't mention Sauli's name and bring any news about him or flail over his awesomeness and career if it is not mentioned in the headline (Admin sometimes takes here some odd "news" or photos which include his name.). Please, can I stay, can I? I like this place, at least most of the time.