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Official American Music Awards Tweets Picture of Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, September 19, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, September 19, 2013

VIA The AMAs Instagram:

#NP: "Lay Me Down" by Avicii, Adam Lambert, and Nile Rogers. Great pic by @adamlambertpic!

The 41st American Music Awards will be held on November 24, 2013 at the Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles. Are they hinting something?


Anonymous said...

Wow, hope this means that he will be asked to be on the show again.

Should fans politely tweet for an appearance by Adam; or should we leave it up to management?

Suggestions anyone?

Anonymous said...

"If you get the picture, leave it
out of the frame."

Anonymous said...

So far on youtube; 202,811 views.
Keep viewing, or listening when you can. I usually put it on when I am on the computer doing other things.

So hard to believe some of the stuff that gets one million views.

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is so intriguing. Why would the AMAs themselves post these pix of Adam if they weren't planning on something.......!!!!! What a 360 deg. move that would be. I guess his more high-profile connections now are making them take another look at him and thinking that they don't have to hold a grudge forever. Let's keep our fingers crossed that something is brewing!


Anonymous said...

This is good from the AMA's; will only watch if Adam is on again. I have tried, but it is usually so boring with the same old entertainers; not 1/5 as good as Adam Lambert in my humble unbias opinion.

Anonymous said...


Good observation, I certainly hope that you are right.

I asked a question at post 6:01;
I respect your opinions on this blog; what do you think?

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Adam making a plausible comeback! Yea perform Lay Me Down...Nile, Adam, Avicii...a full circle return to the AMA stage! He should also get his due...Best Tenor Leggiero! Perhaps one of the reasons for Adam's return is they know Glamberts are non-stop squawkers, even after 4 years, we still at times refer to that infamous one. Yea time to kill it, give us a new one to squawk about. lol!


Anonymous said...

Maybe Avicci is going to do Lay Me Down live with Adam singing & Nile on guitar ...... aahhhhh, wishful thinking??!

Anonymous said...

Oooops Lam-my, I didn't see your comment before I posted mine. However, great minds think alike!!!

Anonymous said...

Can people please not leave a huge space after one finishes one's post. Many thanks in advance.

Anonymous said...

What does EDM stand for.

Anonymous said...

You know why...because LMD is under the same AMA caption. Yea good to meet another great mind. lwl!


Anonymous said...

6:44.....electronic dance music.


Anonymous said...

Look at the twitter people. It's just an intern tweeting random things to fans that are interacting with them. Not a clue.

Anonymous said...

Well, at least it got posted.

Anonymous said...

6.44am here ...........
Thanks Lam-my. :)

Anonymous said...

@6:01 Yes, politely tweet. That cannot ever hurt anything, and could help. Also please learn to use your backspace button and preview option.

Anonymous said...

@6:45 AM
What's lwl?

Anonymous said...

lwl!....laugh with love. lol!


Anonymous said...

The people appearing are not going to be chosen because some idiot glambert tweets them. They just make a fool of themselves when adam has no hits in years and no chance of being on the show.

Anonymous said...

Well as the saying goes...There's no smoke without fire. :)


Anonymous said...

@Lam-my Thanx. I never heard that before. So lol is bad and lwl will make me look like a better person?

Anonymous said...

You are quite cute. lwl! And no, lol! is not bad. It's just that at times I want to inject some love in my laughs. You never heard that before because I made it up. lwl! lol!


Anonymous said...

@706 AM

Thanks for your answer, I am just learning to post. All my friends at school are way ahead of
me in these things; My dad just gave me his old computer but, just happy to get something I can keep up with Adam Lambert on. Will hit preview now and see what happens.

Hope I don't sound too stupid; just hit preview and found I could easily correct before I send. So easy. Thank you so much. I was afraid my stuff might disappear before; this makes it so easy and fun. Thanks again. So nice of you.

Anonymous said...

@7:32 AM
I was afraid my answer would come off as snarky, glad you didn't see it that way. I've also found out if you don't 'Choose an identity' before you click Preview, you will lose your comment and have to start all over.

Totally understand the satisfaction of being able to follow Adam as much as possible.

The learning process is never stupid, the refusal to learn is a bit stupid.

Anonymous said...

No it's just intended to get them more hits. Not everything from everybody is a secret clue.

Anonymous said...

LOL they used a fan pic? Yeah, I think they are just looking for hits from Avicii, Nile and Adam fans.

Anonymous said...

@7:21 AM POST #1

Why don't you tell us how you really feel about Adam Lambert and his fans?

What a negative person you are; never say never. Sounds as if you wish that outcome to be true.

Anonymous said...

Info on watching or listening to the iHeart concert live:

Links to live event viewer through Yahoo Music or PlayStation3:

More info at Adam Lambert Events including links to Clear Channel, CW, twitter list, world clock, etc:

Anonymous said...

8 15
No, but tweeting desperately for adam to appear on a show designed to highlight the best selling songs of the year is ridiculous and makes adam fans the butt of jokes. It shows you have no clue what the show is about. It's damaging to adam, not helpful.

Anonymous said...

@6:55 AM

My brother was an intern for the summer; interns do have supervision; and cannot always just tweet willy nilly. Believe me, higher ups are okaying this information regarding Adam Lambert. The powers that be, may not always do the twitting themselves, but, believe me; their fingerprints or usually all over them. Interns have to be careful too; they can easily be replaced. They have strict instructions, especially in the entertainment business.

If people feel they are doing this just for hits, they must think that Adam has a powerful fan base.

Negative Nicks, and Nellies, to the right.

Go lay down in darkness.

Anonymous said...

Well if it does come to be true, all I can say is it will be my dream come true to see Adam perform on the AMA's and with a great song. Keep buying or gifting LMD it's slipped to #72 on itunes. Of course it has done well for not actually being a single and lots of people probably bought the whole album from itunes. But lets give it one more push!

Anonymous said...

That's an eloquent strong argument. You should put a pen-name. The word, official, in the caption made it sound plausible and it is an AMA tweet.


Anonymous said...

8 38
Lol all they did was retweet a fan picture. The twitter is going back and forth with fans of all different musicians.

Anonymous said...

No doubt country music is strongest genre in US. Avicii obviously tapped into it and with Wake Me Up got himself more recognition. The reviews from RS and NYT calling the album leaning to this genre. But does Avicii want to take this direction? IMO he doesn't and probably might pick LMD for his third single. Cause You Make Me definitely isn't country.

LMD is 61 in US iTunes overall.

Anonymous said...

At 8:57

So what? it seems to be killing you that Adam may be getting attention from the AMA'S.

The AMA's is not the only game in town, and not even the most important one.

Adam is getting a lot of overdue attention now. You can't keep a
a talent as great as Adam's down.

No matter how often you try to discourage Adam's true fans from trying to support him, in every way that they can; the more deceitful you sound and the more determined we get.

We are the world famous Glambert's, Glambrits, aka Glamhoppers; as Adam called us the other day on twitter. Learn to deal with it.

No one can stop us from politely, and firmly supporting our main man Mr. Adam Lambert, in his dreams and endeavors; as he has asked us to do again just the other day.

So all I can say to you and other downers is: "DON'T STOP US NOW."

Anonymous said...

CORRECTION: Sorry this is 9:43,

My post was not for 8:57 AM,

My post was in response to poster 8:31 AM

Anonymous said...

i love how folks jump to huge conclusions about everything, and sorry, if the negativity is intended to turn some folks off to promoting and loving AFL then, forget it. just fuels the fire baby. so keep on it. or find something useful to spend time on

Anonymous said...

Adam was a presenter on the AMA a couple years ago. He looked so fantastic in a long jacket.

Anonymous said...

For those worried about the drag queen rumors, you really should #trustabitch

shoshanna stone ‏@shoshannastone
@Cattituude he was never asked to do drag. So silly. Completely made up. And the song info is wrong too.

Anonymous said...

9:52 what? you lost me lol

Anonymous said...

9:56 I am getting the impression that lady at MJ blog made it up. Why though? is the question.

Anonymous said...

Again, there is a difference btween supporting Adam and realizing the AMAs tweeting every musician's name out there doesn't mean they will ask him to be on the show or jumping to the conclusion that the tweet means they might have him on the show and then being all angry when he isn't on it. You know that is the way things go, people draw an overly hopeful conclusion and then are mad and blaming of others when it doesn't happen. You can be supportive and hopeful without setting everybody up for disappointment!

Anonymous said...

10:03, getting the impression??? Shosh just straight up said it's not true and the songs are wrong. How much more proof to you need? Why would MJ make it up? because she hates Adam, wants hits, wants attention, is desperate? I don't know and don't care.

Anonymous said...

10:03, getting the impression??? Shosh just straight up said it's not true and the songs are wrong. How much more proof to you need? Why would MJ make it up? because she hates Adam, wants hits, wants attention, is desperate? I don't know and don't care.

Anonymous said...

shoshanna stone ‏@shoshannastone
It's funny when some little blogs write nonsense then other little blogs pick it up

Anonymous said...

10:04 well that's life in the big city, we can handle it.

Anonymous said...

9 43

You are just the kind of clueless idiot who embarrasses both adam and other fans by posting all over the Internet. If there is any chance for him to be on his management will be all over it. But as of now it's completely unlikely. You might as well tweet the oscars and ask him to get an Oscar.

Anonymous said...

And I don't care about dumbasses getting disappointed. I care about you making a fool of adam.

Anonymous said...

nice array of pictures used.

Anonymous said...

ha, ha you tell em Shosh!!

Anonymous said...

I wish they would do a tribute to Freddie on the AMA's. It is the 40th year of his death and Adam could sing.

Anonymous said...

@10:11 AM and all your all your other desperate posts:

You seem to be the only embarrassment on this blog. What is your problem, can't you express yourself in an intelligent way without all the name calling? Calling fans idiots and dumbasses is making you look like a fool; Adam Lambert can take care of himself; he certainly wouldn't approve of a rude fan such as yourself pretending to defend him.

True fans of Adam's never refer to each other with such disrespect. I don't believe you are a fan; you sound more like a trouble maker.

Thanks, for your idea about the Oscars. That would work only by ads that actors and actresses put in trade papers. So after Adam's nomination to his first movie, we will find out how to support him then. Also after his first Broadway play; we will support him again for his Tony nomination. For now, we fans will keep on supporting Adam politely any way we find effective. So will continue responding to the AMA tweet. So tweet away fans very politely for Adam Lambert; the greatest entertainer on this side of Heaven.

By the way, Adam will be on the AMA'S; fans, put your red shoes on, and let's dance.

Anonymous said...

At 10:11

You sound like a bully.

Anonymous said...

11 02
Wow you don't care about adam at all. It doesn't help him one bit to tweet this kind of thing to the Amas when he hasn't had a song out all year.

Did you read the rollingstone piece mocking adam fans when they spammed a poll about best album. It makes adam look pathetic. But go on acting like a fool, embarrassing the normal fans and damaging someone you profess to care about.

Anonymous said...

11:21 AM

Who is 11:02, calm down. I think the person you were responding to has left the building; you are sounding a little desperate. First of all, Adam will never look pathetic. Please do not speak for Adam's fans.

Sorry, I don't mean to sound disrespectful; but honestly; you donot sound like a normal fan. I think maybe you should just pull away from the computer for a little while.

See you later Glamhoppers, off to my afternoon classes. Have fun in Vegas my darling Adam; I hope you get to meet my Mom; she is a glambert to the core. Wish I could have gone; she promised next event.

Anonymous said...

@11:01 AM

I like your style. Lets dance. Ha, ha.

Anonymous said...

JAK here....every time I see that photo on the left above I think Adam looks like a character out of a Russian novel.
Dr. Zhivago or one of The Brothers Karamazov.

Cold and wintery! But handsome in an icy way....probably needs someone to warm him up.

elizie said...

Do you think Adam will be presenting or performing on the AMA's? If he performs, what song do you think it will be?

Anonymous said...

I look forward to seeing Adam on the red carpet if he is going to be there for the show and hopefully he will be a presenter. Even if he is just sitting in the audience, it would be great to get a glimpse of him every now and then.

Anonymous said...

Nope Adam won't be there. They were just fishing for hits.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they'll perform LMD live. That would be quite a coup for the AMAs

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@4:24 PM-appears that what is good for the goose is also good for the gander. The poster was feeling passionate-whom did she hurt? I remember how angry I was when Oprah used Adam's image for her show with no appearance of Adam when her show finally aired. I felt like yelling!!!! We are crazy, passionate, emotional, and madly in love Glamberts.

Anonymous said...

@4:24-Now aren't your ears just loudly ringing from the terrible noise of 4:02 PM's post? If that simple statement bothered you, I can only guess how real life must get to you. Take a lorazepam and then take a nap! The noise will no longer bother you.

Anonymous said...

To 10:29am- I like your suggestion of doing a tribute to Freddie Mercury on the AMA show on the 40th anniversary of his death. And what better person to perform a few songs than Adam Lambert. But, of course, they probably wouldn't do that. They will just have on all those untalented, crude, lip-synching performers as usual.

Anonymous said...

Freddie died in 1991...

Anonymous said...

Somebody consistently types in all caps here and that is considered yelling by internet protocol. Most people don't like all caps. I agree, it's annoying and I wish they would stop.

Anonymous said...

Don't bother tweeting AMA.
Leave it to them.
But I pray Adam will share that stage again as a performer.