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What Time Will Adam Lambert and QUEEN Hit the iHeartRadio Stage?

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, September 19, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, September 19, 2013


Anonymous said...

JAK ...Oh my....Adam in the shiny stripe
pants..What a nice morning treat....... up early to drive g'son to airport, he's heading to the MGM Grand for iHeartRadio. He's going for the Sat. Nite performances! Traitor! He's gonna hang out with Zedd and Jared Leto since he knows both of them... He showed me a picture of him with Zedd who looks about 12 yrs old! Since they both know Adam, he said "if I meet Adam is there anything I can get for you Grandma...a picture, an autograph?" I said "the only thing I want from Adam is a hug." He said " as much as I love you Grandma, I'm not asking Adam Lambert for a hug!"

I can't imagine anyone not wanting to hug Adam!

glitzylady said...

Silly boy! And lucky boy!

Anonymous said...

Anyone know a clear channel station in Houston that going to run the I heart show? I get 96.5 in pretty well and 102.4 sometimes haven't listen lately. I don't know if they are clear channel stations? Anyone know clear channel station carrying it in Houston, there only in cities so not around here just Houston other cities. I can get some Houston stations in. Sue

Anonymous said...

@JAK-I hope your grandson has the time of his life in Vegas! Do you think he will share his adventure with you or will it "stay in Vegas"? Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

Sue, learn to use google.

Anonymous said...

Ok 11.15 thanks for you reply don't need you thanks! Don't need anyone on here. Sue

Anonymous said...

Grannies! Take those naps!

Anonymous said...

Sue, there is info in the AMAs post.

Anonymous said...

11.46 shut the hell up! And grow up.

Anonymous said...

@11:46AM-I bet you are an unhappy grannie. You PROTESTETH TOO LOUDLY! Oh, grandchildren gone a little awry, have they? You are all alone and drinking too much so have decided to torture the happy beautiful grannies with your snide remarks. I bet you are taking your long beauty nap right now as I post!

Anonymous said...

Trolling 101 successful.

Anonymous said...

After reading all this, that mentioned drink sounding real good.

Anonymous said...

@ Margarita Lady....JAK here....oh, he'll share part of his adventures with his mom and I and part with his dad and grandpa! ^_^. Then as the days go by we wheedle the spicy stuff out of our husbands!

Did you know there's a club/restaurant where you dine by invitation only at a table where the platter of sushi is a semi naked girl? The platter that is, not the sushi! I said "ewwww, I hope she bathed first in peroxide or listerine."
Will Smith was at the next table!

Since I'm a peasant , and part time prude , it's hard for me to wrap my brain around the excesses of the uber wealthy celebrities. Dinner for four, including drinks was $1,500+. He only paid the tip, he has "connections" at MGM Grand. He's living a fantasy life which both thrills me and scares me! His mom and I now chew our fingernails!

Anonymous said...


Once you have extracted all the juicy tidbits from your grandson.....I hope you will share some of them with those of us who have no connections but come to these fan sites to learn everything we can about our favourite singer.


Anonymous said...

@ GMT....I'm not expecting any tidbits about Adam but you never know. I've never been to Vegas and since he's been several times I've heard a lot of tidbits....most of which I listen to with an interested face, while inside I'm thinking OMG! But I don't want to blow my 'cool grandma' image.