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Queen's Roger Taylor is Officially on Twitter!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, September 26, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, September 26, 2013


Anonymous said...

Now Glamberts/Glamhopper; "Get on your bikes and ride". Sorry, couldn't help myself; had to say it. Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

With that bit of humor I'm sure I will.... ;)rose petal

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Rose Petal, I hope you do.

Anonymous said...

I wish Adam Lambert could be on television singing everyday of the week. It would make my life!

Anonymous said...

Dear fellow Glamberts/Glamhoppers;
is there such a think as Adam Lambert withdrawal? I am addicted.
He is actually taking over my life. In a good way; but still the case.

Thanks in advance.

Anonymous said...

Good for Roger Taylor. Hope he enjoys it. Can't wait to see Adam and Queen next week.

@9:15 AM; resistance is futile.

Anonymous said...

I now follow Roger on twitter.

Anonymous said...

9:15 AM Just keep your computer running and all Adam's music handy and you'll be all right. The withdrawal is brutal.

Anonymous said...

9:15, Don't try to fight it. It's hopeless. Adam's power is irrestistable. Just lean back and enjoy the ride.


Anonymous said...

Sadly I tell you your case in is mine and many others...but look at the bright side...what other disease puts a permanent smile on your face....makes you giggle uncontrollably with out you a perfect accuse to let the laundry and housework pile up, while you stare for hours at a computer girl I'm afraid to say we're all domed to life of Adamizim...but what an amazing way to go...rose petal

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that I'm not the only one who is addicted. I can't believe how Adam chance my life I used to have some favorite singers and buy their staff, but with Adam is totally different, I came this blog every single day to know how he's doing, see pictures, videos, everything about him. Sometimes in my days off I have to do a lot of staff in my house and I say to myself Im going to see Adam for a while before to start, but it never happen that way I'm stick in the computer for so long watching videos, etc and at the end I didn't do anything what I planned. I love him so much, he's amazing in all the ways.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam is in the studio filming with the Glee gang today.

Anonymous said...

i listen to adam lambert songs- watch his videos- aetc. many times in a day omg im addicted also.

Anonymous said...

9:15 AM Here:

Thanks, everybody it is so heartwarming to know that I am not alone in my addiction; It is said, that "misery loves company"; and I couldn't think of better company then a group of obsessed, and happy Glambert & Glamhoppers to share my addiction with.

I just love this fandom! You guys are so much fun.

Anonymous said...

Another Adam addict here: I am a hard core Lambert addict and don't want to be cured! I will run as far as I can from any kind of seditive for this beautiful addiction.

Anonymous said...

I'm proud of Roger, who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks? For all the age conscious people on this site, please note the senior citizens in the Queen band.
Still rocking, still great, still right where they belong, in the spotlight. They are the Champions.......JAK

Anonymous said...

May I say that all real fans are addicted to Adam's whole package indeed!!!:)


Anonymous said...

@9:15 AM

You are welcome; my pleasure.

HK fan said...

could be interesting reading Rogers tweets, in his interviews he doesn't hold back from answering questions, says it like it is.