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Three Pictures in One: Adam Lambert and Brian May

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, September 23, 2013

Posted at : Monday, September 23, 2013


Anonymous said...

silly adam

Anonymous said...

@TALCvids: Tonite: Lyndsey Parker talks about Queen + Adam Lambert's iHeartRadio show on omg!Insider.Check your local listings

Anonymous said...

@MiaGLM: From Brian May to Mister @adamlambert :)

Anonymous said...

I commented when these pictures were first posted. The 2nd and 3rd pics are to die for. THAT is the look of a Rock God!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Two Handsome Superstars of different generations!
Both such good men.

Anonymous said...

Even though Adam and Brian are decades apart in age, they have their mutual love of music that links them together. You could see the admiration and respect they have for each other during the iHeartradio show. Great performance from Queenbert. Wish there could be more.

Anonymous said...

I like the 1st pic best.