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VP of Sales for Clear Channel Media Praises Adam Lambert, Says His Voice is Ridiculous

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, September 23, 2013

Posted at : Monday, September 23, 2013


Anonymous said...

Kudos to Mr. Hodge. Adam sure did sang WWTLF.

Anonymous said...

Then Mr. hodge, por favor play his singles on rotation on 1500 clear channel radios. Tired of hearing all these love from them and yet they don't play his music.

Anonymous said...

Clear Channel is the very, very conservative (and may I say homophobic) bunch of radio stations. So, perhaps the comment from this man may be the first crack in that wall against Adam. Hope springs eternal ....

Anonymous said...

please leave nice comments here. I find these comments out on the internet all the time.

Anonymous said...

10:05 yes we are not here to burn bridges or get snarky.

Anonymous said...

CBS radio channels were well receptive of Trespassing than Clear Channel. But RCA didn't promote Trespassing well. What was up with all those radio visits? Adam got Grammy nomination and his first solo tour after Idol were sold out worldwide. With Trespassing RCA should have pushed for radio play instead of only relying on fans to call radios to play singles. Then the single selections weren't right. They should have picked Trespassing, Cuckoo, Shady, Kickin' In, Naked Love, etc, instead.

Well nobody can turn back time. Thank God Adam knows when and where to shine. He has great management and he has best reviews and accolades from media, stars, musicians, icons, legends, and others. He has a great résumé and I hope he finds a great label to put him back on the radar again.

Anonymous said...

I always include Adam in my prayers.
Prayers can move mountains, even homophobic Clear Channels.
I hope I am not alone.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, well this is interesting. Glad to see that tweet. Things may be different next time around.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, well this is interesting. Glad to see that tweet. Things may be different next time around.

Anonymous said...

Read a couple of his tweets, he is a dj in Cincinnati. Sounds like they have small group of stations in the area, so he's not VP of all the Clear Channel stations. too bad, I was hoping he was a corporate VP.

Anonymous said...

At this rate, with a good amount of publicity, awesome reviews and his Glee stint, Adam's music will be more played starting with LMD; and greater radio play of his many beautiful upbeat songs may follow. At the IHeartRadio, Adam seems to be doing some lyric rap interspersed with singing; may be featured in his next album; like it.


Anonymous said...

Always glad to hear industry folks like Mr. Hodge sing Adam's praises. He deserves every bit of it!

Just a side note, I watched a news panel talking about Clear Channel (they're HUGE) and what they said was interesting. In the public eye, Clear Channel may have the reputation of being very conservative, but in reality they want any show that's successful ... conservative, liberal, straight or gay. And they don't interfere with what the hosts say or play. They're a business and it's all about the bottom line. Hey, let's hope Mr. Hodge's carries some weight. Maybe Adam will get more airtime. THAT would be wonderful.

Just thought I'd share. :)
Good Night!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Laura's right - money talks. RCA should have pushed something other than Better Than I know Myself. The most boring track on the whole cd.

Anonymous said...

With all due respect to RCA one could only get so frustrated at the lack of ADAM being on back burner tooo many times.

Anonymous said...

I think BTIKM was utterly PERFECT for the first single! It was similar to Adam's massive hit WWFM, it was the sort of track that gets Top 40 radio all the time (only sung by an amazaing voice), it was straightforward like so many tracks being spun the last few years (Sara Bereilles, Kathy Perry, Taylor Swift, Bruno, Andy Grammar, Olly Murs, very straightforward and uncomplicated tracks get huge radio play by these artists {whether that is good or bad is another topic}) ... BTIKM was uber Radio / Top 40 friendly... I would really love to understand why, after a bit of initial airing, it didn't get played. I really believe it has something to do with Adam's demographic. Hopefully with these last conquests of Adams (even if LMD doesn't get released as a single), Adam's demographic will grow here in the U.S. In any event, I disagree with people who say BTIKM was a week single choice. One may feel that it is one of the weeker tracks on Trespassing, I would probably tend to agree, but actually, IMHO (some industry experience here) it was a very strong choice for a first single; similar in feel, tone, tenor with WWFM and ridiculously radio friendly! Hopefully next time around will be different. But either way, Adam's talent can not be denied, so I feel good about is future.

Anonymous said...

Maybe this next time around the people who listen & buy the music will be paid attention to. "Better Than I know Myself" is a song that I never liked. I though that I would grow to love "Never Close our eyes". Instead I grew to hate it. Both songs the lyrics are bad. However that should not make a bad song if the song has a great beat to it as a hook. My favorites are Kickin' in and Shady Please, Please pay attention to the polls that fans vote on the next time around for single releases. LMD! LMD! LMD!

HK fan said...

Vegas Vanguard ‏@VegasVanguard 3h
Thanks for dancing up a storm at the iHeart after party for Miley Cyrus with the Drumline @adamlambert very humble guy, much respect

aww, what a lovely thing to share..

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert 1h
My happy place…. Where I feel the most like Me.

I love reading things like this too.

HK fan said...

This is a great video......WWTLF, filmed from the back of the arena

its just mind blowing how beautiful and powerful that voice is even right at the the guy in the red shirt;s reaction

HK fan said...

Anonymous said...

At some point, Adam will be "discovered" by radioland, who will not be aware of how hard he has worked all these years to get radio play. This is a challenging business. The neat part is that we have been with him on this journey, and we can truly celebrate with him when those songs come on the radio.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone noticed that a lot of these accolades for Adam are coming from - mature people? The age who appreciate an exceptional voice and enduring songs (Queen) .

Not rap crap or pop slop.

Adam has had a few superior songs but not nearly enough.
Who wrote Cher's power songs? Michael Boltons? Tom Jones? That's the genre that makes Adam's vocal talent shine. Which song knocked the socks off these people?
WWTLF. As good as he sounds on FBG and CLTCL - if he hadn't sung WWTLF I don't think we'd be hearing him praised.

Anonymous said...

There was some talk about a Freddie movie. I'd rather they make a movie of Queen as a whole band so that Brian and Roger who are the living part of Queen can be featured prominently. WWTLF is written by Brian who is a key player and so is Roger. They have taken Queen to a whole different level with Adam who seems such a close-knit part of Queen now. Adam plays Freddie.


Anonymous said...

But don't forget 6:21... that radio picked up on the "funk" resurgence... and to think that Adam had Shady in the can!! I do think BTIKM was a good first release for reasons stated. NCOE was in keeping with current single releases at that moment and had Bruno connection, but I think RCA should have gone with Shady for that 3rd and final single release, but perhaps they were going for the CD titletrack before they threw in the towel. Kind of makes me sad that Shady was in the can before Daft Punk's track etc and that will likely never be known by Pop listening audience. WWTLF blew people away, but Adam has to continue to strike that balance to get radio play (which I think he achieved with BTIKM & NCOE) and it kind of seems like Adam WANTS to do that anyway, to be current, for himself, not even for radio play. What do I know, just my POV.

Anonymous said...

This is his twitter profile bio.:

DJ Hodge
VP of Sales for Clear Channel Media + Entertainment Cincinnati. Husband and father of 2 beautiful kids. Golf & hoops in spare time.I am very lucky. KCCO

Anonymous said...

I'll bet lots of radio peeps were watching this pretty high-profile show. How could they not have been blown away by Adam's performance? You'd think it would stick in their minds for a while. When Adam's new music comes out, I would hope they'd remember what they heard and saw in Vegas and decide to give him a chance on radio. Thanks for all the links today. Love that guy in the red shirt. He gets it.


Anonymous said...

I think Adam so far has done really superbly both in his own music and with Queen and don't forget we'll soon be jabbing about Glee. lol! He will clinch a berth in the music arena of the elite and his third album will reap the bumper harvest. He's well on his way.


Anonymous said...

Radio is about the next new thing that appeals to the young. adam will never get played on radio anymore than David cook or kris allen will. That ship has sailed.

Anonymous said...

@ 7:33 - Stow it!

Anonymous said...

Well, Adam has lots of experience on ships...he'll navigate up and down and all around the rocking, rolling waves. lol!


Anonymous said...

I think RCA missed the boat picking up on the "funk" resurgence. They are the ones that wanted Adam to do covers of old songs.

Anonymous said...

Adam is the next great thing to all who are just now hearing his glorious voice! OT: Last Sunday having dinner out in a noisy place, I stopped eating and said "that's Adam singing!"
I thought I heard him singing LMD for some reason, and my hubby said - It's not him, you've been listening to Adam too much. He was right about the song. It was an "oldie" but it def had the LMD vibe going on.
But it was pretty funny, I stopped eating dead in my tracks to listen! Only Adam could achieve that feat!

Anonymous said...

@Lam-my I hope we won't be 'jabbing' but I'll bet there will be a whole lot of gabbing going on.

Anonymous said...

@7:33 - it's a shame you missed the boat!

Anonymous said...

Not you again, Debbie Downer, or Negative Nick. Don't you ever get tired of that overused phrase "that ship has sailed." I see you are at it again this week. Don't try and deny that it's you. There could only be one person on this earth that jealous and stupid, saying the same old thing on every Adam site, especially when there is good news about the talented Adam Lambert. If you are a fan of the two former idols that you mentioned, go and follow them and stop harassing Adam's fans.

Too bad you didn't get on the ship before it sailed. Sorry, you really can't compare Adam Lambert with other artists he is on a ship all his own except for when Roger Taylor and Brian May of Queen; Nile rogers; Avicii; his more than two million twitter follows; all his fabulous fans; and we better put his nomination for the Grammy for his first album on there to; all the awards he has recived from the LGBT Community; The award from the Mayor of Los Angeles and Los Angeles City Council; his new acting part joining the Glee cast, get on that ship. I could go on forever with the acknowledgements, I can't list them all here; this is just to give your poor soul an idea of what you are dealing with and how very clueless you are. I think you know that though and you are just a jealous hack. Last week; you kept answering your own posts and agreeing with yourself. Please, there cannot be more than one person that shows such disrespect and jealously for Adam. No one believes you; so just go away!

By the way, Adam's ship will continue to sail to the beautiful horizons which this beautiful and talented humble person deserves.

You my Jealous green eyed monster will continue drowning yourself in troubled waters. Happy Glamhopper Day. Off to my last class of the day.

Anonymous said...

@7:33 AM

Did you catch all the buzz about Adam at the IHeart Radio Festival. Adam Headlined with Rock Band Queen; this weekend in Las Vegas; Only the biggest stars were there. Adam was the talk of the town and it's is still going strong; especially from entertainment and media community including, newpapers, radio, and tv entertainment and news station; with pictures and vidios of Queen and Adam front and center.

Hope you will come and join us in all the celebrations; check out some of the youtube and other outlets; your won't be able to stop. You might also, start to fill differently about your statement of doom regarding our mega star; Mr. Adam Lambert. Resistance is futile. Climb aboard; You will enjoy the hell out of the ride!

Anonymous said...

Karma is a bitch!
Be very scared, troll!