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Watching The Concert From Far Away

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Anonymous said...

Audience reaction can be very satisfying. Speaking of red shirts, I luv the guy singing along with 'We Are The Champions'. He put his ALL into it. :)

Anonymous said...

WWTLF is one of the best vocals EVER. rips the heart out everytime.

Anonymous said...

ADAM and QUEEN were perfection. I get chills every time I listen to those vocals.

Anonymous said...

The Featured Picture is a Great pick.

Anonymous said...

Where can I get some pictures of Adam at iHeart? He looked gorgeous in that outfit and those shoes. I would love to have a close-up.

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....I have simply got to stop watching Adam sing this song every time another vid shows up on a thread.
Same reaction every throat gets tight, my eyes well up and my nose runs...... Not to mention the feeling that my heart is going to explode.

My husband is beginning to worry that I'm keeping bad news from him....I got some med. test results Friday (everything was okay) but he sees me with a tissue to my eyes or blowing my nose and isn't too sure. I said 'if I'm also wearing earphones don't worry about me!"

Anonymous said...

Yea this faraway surround sound is very ethereal like he fills the whole expansive arena with his voice. Like I said, Adam throws his voice right to the back; also I think the acoustic and sound mixing is first class. And Brian had a field day with it. He even made an ear-piercing sound or perhaps it was the mixer. Did Adam hit past the high G...seems to me he did. lwl!


Anonymous said...

I bet the red shirt guy was first sceptical, anticipating...then just amazed... and finally thought 'MINDBLOWING!"

Anonymous said...

U r too funny!!!;);)....Once again made my for the red shirt guy me thinks he liked it ....I bet I can guess what and who we was taking about the next day....rose petal

glitzylady said...

It's okay.. I was there to hear WWTLF live. At iHeart and I felt such enormous pride for Adam as a fan. And the sheer power and beauty of his voice brought tears of joy to my eyes...and hope to my heart. To hear it live was one of the biggest gifts that life (and Adam, not to mention Brian May and Roger Taylor...and iHeart) has given me. This stunning moment of pure perfection. I can only begin to imagine how Leila Lambert must have felt sitting in the MGM Grand Arena that night, with her son's magnificent voice coming at us loud, clear, and ultimately unparalleled by anyone else that night. Just THAT VOICE.... I think we all shared in her feelings of pride and gratitude, for Adam's chance to shine on stage that night.

I'm still in Las Vegas but heading home later today. "Who Wants To Live Forever" will be the first vid I look up and listen to when I finally get home and have the chance to relive that amazing evening.. I truly hope it is one of the Queen set songs included in the 2 hour special recap of iHeart Night One that will be broadcast on the CW network on Sept. 30th. Everyone MUST hear Adam sing this song. There will undoubtedly be some teary eyes out there in TV land as well...

Anonymous said...

Hi, glitz! So glad you were able to witness the show first-hand. I can't believe that the two-hour recap special would not include WWTLF. It got SO much buzz and attention. I've been sitting here trying to think of any other pop singer, esp. male, who could even come close to Adam's performance of that song. I can't think of one. I hope his performance, all of it. sticks in the minds of the radio peeps who undoubtedly watched the whole thing. Maybe when his new music comes out, they'll remember the night of Sept. 20, 2013.

My heart is full.


Anonymous said...

Watching that guy in the red shirt was awesome,he was overwhelmed and in awe by the end of the song. Who wouldn't be @glitzlady so glad you got to go,what an experience it must have been.I have listened to WWTLF quite a few times,too many to count it blows me away!

Anonymous said...

Lol have you guys never gone to a theater performance and heard a great singer belt out a big song? Perhaps expand your horizons and go to a play or the opera sometime. There are many great singers in this world. They just don't go on american idol and then delude themselves into thinking they are a rock star or a singer songwriter. Adam is neither of those. He should be working on his acting so he can land a theater role.

Anonymous said...

Yes there are great singers in the theater, but that is not what Adam wants to do. I for one am glad Adam is following his dream and not yours. I for one am very greatful Adam did choose to go on Idol, because I probably never would have heard him ohterwise.

Anonymous said...

Adam is a rock star!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I share your feelings completely. I was there too and witnessed Adam's magnificent performance. Not only did I shed tears of pride but I was in a trance I think because I forgot to breathe for moments at a time during WWTLF.

Such a stunning performance. I'm home and still haven't stopped watching all the vids to relive the hoy I experienced. RL is still waiting.


Anonymous said...

Oops I meant "joy" not hoy LOL!


Anonymous said...

CT What was the crowds reaction around you?

Anonymous said...

@glitzlady... wow you are so lucky to witness it all live ! Wonderful ! Axel.

Anonymous said...

9 02
But he is failing not succeeding. So at some point he needs to grow up.

Anonymous said...

@9:13 LOL He is a success in my book. He is making a living at what he loves.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 8:51 AM
Look, why are you being so condescending to assume that none of of poor deluded Adam Lambert fans doesn't get out into the real world, to the theater etc..? I've personally been to many a broadway class musical theater and opera performance and Adam is one of the best voices out there. I know there are many other fine voices out there and have heard and appreciated them. Just try to give Adam his due just this once please. In my comment above I specially noted that Adam's voice was the best that night. I would love to see Adam in a fabulous high end Broadway theater production...someday. In the meantime, how about we enjoy and appreciate what's next for Adam and his career. And unless you were at the MGM Grand for iHeart that night, don't tell me that Adam was nothing less than stunning in his vocals with WWTLF. Sorry, but thats's MY opinion.

glitzylady said...


Anonymous said...

The red shirt man was really empathize the song, I wonder how we are act during Adam`s concert ; )
@Glitzylady, you lucky one!
@Lam-my: I saw your magnificent city on TV during Formula 1 race! Wow.


Anonymous said...

what was the crowds reaction around you. They seemed rather quiet on the videos.

Anonymous said...

Haha I love how predictable you are glitzy. I am glad he had a good performance. But people literally crying over it are making me lmao big time.

Anonymous said...



Why can't we expect great singers on the radio? Why do we HAVE to go to the theater to get our 'great singer' fix? Yes...musical theater offers great vocalists....but that's why Adam is different...he has the vocal chops to do anything...and he should be all over the radio!
Your sentiments are a bit lost on me. It would be extremely expensive and time consuming to go to the theater every time one wanted to hear a great vocalist. We should be hearing them on the radio,too...but sadly...there are only a few are worthy of 'great'. And don't get me started on the whole LIVE performance debacle. Some who sing LIVE,shouldn't and those who use autotune shouldn't be duping the public into thinking they can actually sing.

Anonymous said...

For me, Who Wants To Live Forever should be Adam's song to sing. I think Brian May would agree. Please, don't ever let someone else sing this song in my lifetime. This is how I want to remember it. It is perfection the way Adam's voice rings out from the heavens like an angel. Only he has the voice, the drama, the beauty, and most importantly, the ability to understand the song and make the audience feel it in their hearts.

Anonymous said...

@9:32A.M. again...

And I completely agree with @9:02 A.M.

Adam's current path is not in musical theater...perhaps he will grace the stages again someday...

But for now,I and many more,are happy we were introduced to this phenomenal talent. Most of us feel it is just the beginning.

Anonymous said...

9 32
Look granny it's pretty clear you aren't in radios target demographic

Anonymous said...


Look you little's quite clear that you don't know what you're talking about. You don't know one thing about me or my age. keeping with your name...bugger off and let us fawn and flail over Adam if we want.

Why are you even here?

Anonymous said...

9 42
Adam doesn't seem to have any kind of current path other than playing lgbt poster boy all summer. I don't think he has a clue what he is doing except whatever random thing comes along.

There is no future for him with queen. They have said they are not doing anymore tours. He will be on a couple episodes of glee but he is no actor. He has no record label, is not a songwriter who can put an album together on his own and has not been able to,get radio play so he has no chance at pop success. He is just flailing about

Anonymous said...

@9:55 post meant for 9:49

Anonymous said...


I'm not the granny your sweet comment was directed to, but this "granny" will answer anyway.
I don't want to be in radio's target demographic if all they put out is sh*t. Thanks anyway and have yourself a lovely day.

Anonymous said...

10 02
That's called missing the point granny.

Anonymous said...

Oh little glamhoppers! We are forgetting Rule #1 of this fandom. Have a chuckle at pissant pitiful comments and see them for what they are and SCROLL, SCROLL, SCROLL!!! Kath

Anonymous said...

loving Adam's WWTLF. It is emotional hearing it because of the pain Dr.Bri was going thru when he wrote it, that is also why I love TFM. Oh and the vocaals don't hurt none either. lol

Anonymous said...

pure emotion. it must have been a thrill to be there

Anonymous said...

@9:56am,i feel your frustration about adam's path is not like what we hope a fan we should be patien.We dont know what adam's management plan for him.its not like everything he should share with his fan.He is the secret keeper.i believe there is something wonderful waiting in the future.If u feel that adam is not good enough to satisfy your need,isnt better u stant other person...maybe like miley cyrus?

Anonymous said...

To the PISSANT TROLL-I have you profiled without your knowledge, just from your comments. You possibly might be in a wheelchair, you are male, have been rebuked a number of times because of your thinning hairline, but the biggest thing (pardon the pun) is that you have a very tiny DICK! Therefore, you must take out your feelings of impotentcy, rage and disgust toward your tiny appendage on the fans of the PERFECT HUNK OF MAN WITH AN ETHEREAL VOICE. Now, go play with your little toy and leave us alone.

Anonymous said...

11 09
Wow, you got some serious mental health issues granny.

Anonymous said...

9:56, Guess you've got it all figured out. Good for you. Remind me to invite you my next party. You sound like a barrel of fun.

Anonymous said...

I resent anyone assuming that Adam's fans are a bunch of country bumpkins. I've been to Broadway musicals, I've been to operas in NYC and Milan, Italy. I've been to concerts in London at Prince Albert Hall......that doesn't make me better than anyone makes me damn lucky.

And.....Adam's not the only performer who has put tears in my eyes and joy in my heart but he's the one doing it right now at this moment in time....I intend to enjoy it to the max!

Anonymous said...

@ said it perfectly....when I hear Adam my heart is full....JAK

Anonymous said...

There's a nasty person
On my favorite site .
They're always quit obnoxious
And filled up with spite.
They call us names
Like granny.
To try and spoil our fun,
They ridicule our devotion
To a certain one.
It's a shame they've no
Notion what life is all about.
And they can't smell the roses
With their stoped up snout.
Well it's no matter , what they say or do
Cuz there'll be no love lost
For me or for you.
Perhaps one day
They'll go away
To different blogging land
Trip on their attitude
And stick their head in the sand.
Or maybe they'll just get old
Then someone can poke fun
At the place that they find happiness
And block out their sun.

Sorry folks I know I shouldn't respond , but dang I've had a bad week and I just couldn't stop myself.....rose petal

Anonymous said...

Ain't no other man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

glitzylady said...

This thread is an example of why I post my comments with some reluctance any more. We express joy and hope for Adam's past, present and future and what happpens?? I get my usual criticism thrown at me and those who are happy for the positives in Adam's career and life are told they are delusional...and worse. None of us knows the future. No one.

I've traveled also. Various countries in Europe, Africa, have attended many many shows in New York City, London, LA, my current place of residence, Seattle. I have many favorite artists from a wide range of musical genres. I stay current with music, etc... Don't tell me I'm out of touch or have no experience to base my opinions of Adam on. You can feel free to disagree with me. It's your right. But don't dismiss me as delusional or say I live solely in an Adam Lambert bubble, as much as I DO love that cozy little place sometimes. It's certainly a nice place to be sometimes. :)))

Thanks...and Peace.

jt said...

8:51 wondered when you would crawl out and start your nonsense. It must burn your arse that Adam is getting such wonderful reviews. You must live a very miserable existance having to constantly put him down. Obviously you under estimate the passion of Adams fans, we are with him no matter what the likes of you and others say.

Anonymous said...

I've been to theatre and I have friends who have roles on Broadway and involved with Broadway production. They and I we all love Adam so much. Broadway supports Adam with his endeavor and will open up its arm whenever Adam is ready to be part of Broadway. Mean time enjoy him cause he is one of a kind and special.

Anonymous said...

11:09 your post is funny but I have a feeling it is very close to the truth.. Glambulge envy. no cure or

Anonymous said...

I bet our resident troll has a short life to live and wants to see Adam back in theatre. She is a selfish and entitled person. She doesn't care what Adam wants and what makes him happy. Adam's fans only want Adam's happiness and we do everything to make his wishes and dreams come true. If you don't like it then just go support those you like.

elizie said...

@9:13 and 9:56, Adam is not failing in his career. He has had a mixed amount of success over the last four years. Sure, Trespassing could have done better sales wise. But working with Nile Rodgers, singing with Queen, and singing a song on Avicii's(who is very hot right now with the younger audiences) record is not what I call "failing". And being invited to have a role on Glee will bring him even more exposure.

Anonymous said...

Round and round we go. So many love this same ol' ride they can't wait to jump in.

Anonymous said...

true true- as u know adam lambert was born janaury 29-1982- born famous one- likeable capricorn cusp aqaurius sign.great great his birthyear also a good combination-a unique human being born a very unque birthyear and birthmonth sogns-unique feature as well adam ha sa classic looks. very unusual one.

Anonymous said...

@8:51; 9:13 (2nd); 9:31; 9:49; 9:56; 10:22; 11:15

Lol, you must be getting desperate - 7 posts already today in this thread alone and not one single post with even one decent or kind thought in any of them towards Adam or to other posters on this site... I feel so sad for you and I pity you! Maybe you should take a break from your computer and forget about Adam fan sites for a (loooong) while, lol?!

Anonymous said...

LOL at comparing how you feel to how Leila must feel. Talk about grandiose.

Anonymous said...

@9:56am. As much as it pains me to say , I agree with you to a degree. It does seem he is somewhat in limbo with his own recording career. This thing with Avicci is getting him nowhere, as will these few run offs with Queen. I doubt he's even working on his own album now. What's the point if he has no label, no backing. Like everyone else I've stuck it out over 4 years and I'll still be around, but it's beginning to look glim. You're wasting your breath here tho, so let the rainbow catchers have their fun. This is no place for post anyway, lol.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, old data @3:08

Add @3:11 to the previous 7 posts mentioned... so it's 8 posts currently... striving for a new personal record in one thread, are we??!!?

glitzylady said...

@anon 3:11 PM
And again, this is why I don't know why I even bother..

Read my comment again. I said "I can only begin to imagine" what Leila must have felt... Give me a break and pick on someone else.

Anonymous said...

@3:13 P.M.

Some of the current 'talent' (if you want to call them that) took years to take flight. They just got the lucky break they needed...talent aside. Some 'talents' get discovered social media methods (YouTube,etc....doesn't mean they're more talent..or have talent) and some real talent have to go by way of the conventional route...working their behinds off, Adam is the latter I think.

The one thing that Adam has going for him that others do one will ever receive accolades for their impressive vocals and splendid stage other words...Adam can just stand and move a little and run circles around the 'popular$$$' artists just by his presence alone.

His day is coming...he's simply securing a legacy and making people realize real talent.

The naysayers are simply bent on ruffling feathers. If they didn't give a hoot,they wouldn't spend so much time on these boards.

Anonymous said...

"like everyone else I've stuck it out over 4 years.." ---

Geez, speak only for yourself!
If those are your realistic feelings, why the fuck aren't you searching and rooting for someone who gives you more of what ever it is you are demanding?! Why are you wasting your breath here, if following Adam is such a stretch for you???!!
Why don't you make it easier on yourself and for many of us here - off you go, good luck!

Anonymous said...

3 16
Lol wrong! Different posters. You are a sorry excuse for a troll hunter. But you should be thanking me cause you are obviously getting your rocks off hating on me,

Anonymous said...

Lol, counted only the number of sad, sorry ass posts, timeslots mentioned, said nothing about the number of posters.
Number of sad, sorry ass posts is now 9 and

Anonymous said...

Just go to hell troll. Whatever hate you have towards everything Adam it doesn't work. Cause you are a liar and jealous. Your jealousy is like a roaring lion that it will eat you up. You are sick and you need help.

Anonymous said...

Attention Adam Fans - we must really exercise our own self control and learn to IGNORE. Please fans, I implore you to ignore! It's so much more powerful to ignore. You've only given this peep a platform, don't you see that? This person has a teeny tiny shred of validity in his/her comments sometimes, too bad they can't express them more thoughtfully, but since he/she can not, please ignore and strip them of their platform. Thanks in advance, fingers crossed. :)

Anonymous said...

omg will some of you please SHUT UP. This thread makes no effing sense. A bunch of two year olds on here and admin needs to clean this place up a little. Get rid of two posters for sure.

Anonymous said...

4:05, thanks for taking up where I gave up. I really don't think it's possible for some people here to ignore the trolls.

Anonymous said...

4:05, thanks for taking up where I gave up. I really don't think it's possible for some people here to ignore the trolls.

Anonymous said...

@ 4:05 pm. I know your intention is good but please stop repeatedly asking people to ignore the nasty remarks by the trolls,pests,whatever life form they are. You are becoming a bore and any hope of your quest is dead dead dead. Jessie

Anonymous said...

4:33, 4:05 is less of a bore than the trolls, and you.

Anonymous said...

Definition of a troll From Urban Dictionary:

"One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument."

And yes folks....we have one (or two) here.

Ignore the trolls...or 'school them'? I think we know that they aren't credible....they say a lot about nothing.

I like when we can eliminate their unfounded sentiments with proof. It is,after all,an Adam Lambert fan site and we know everything we need to know about this exceptional artist.

elizie said...

I promise I will ignore all trolls after this, but I really do have a serious question to ask the poster who starts their posts off with "Lol". I really would like an answer, but I don't expect to get one. Here goes. Why do you come here and make these comments? Is there something about Adam's performances or anything he says that offends you? Has any of his fans said or done something to offend you? I'm trying to understand it. I don't like Miley Cyrus. I think she is irritating. I simply don't watch her or listen to her. But I can't even conceive of wasting my time and energy going to one of her fan sites and making rude comments to her fans.

Anonymous said...

4:37, if you read a little more about trolls you would see they don't care if what they say is true or care if they believe it. Like in your quote, they just want a reaction. If you keep reading you will also see that all the recommendations for sites without moderation is to IGNORE THE TROLLS, DO NOT RESPOND. Responding to "eliminate their unfounded sentiments" is exactly what they want. You missed your own point of the quote "intention of causing maximum disruption and argument." Do not argue with them or attempt to set them straight - they don't care, they only wanted a response.

Anonymous said...

4:37, if you read a little more about trolls you would see they don't care if what they say is true or care if they believe it. Like in your quote, they just want a reaction. If you keep reading you will also see that all the recommendations for sites without moderation is to IGNORE THE TROLLS, DO NOT RESPOND. Responding to "eliminate their unfounded sentiments" is exactly what they want. You missed your own point of the quote "intention of causing maximum disruption and argument." Do not argue with them or attempt to set them straight - they don't care, they only wanted a response.

Anonymous said...

I think it is probably best to scroll on by unless a poster has a TAG.

The trolls are afraid to use a TAG and therefore will post all kinds garbage anonymously.

I personally enjoy reading people's comments, view points, observations and all the useful information from the many regular posters............especially those who take ownership of their opinions.


Anonymous said...

@4:40 P.M.

If we are to believe that 'knowledge is power' then the trolls have zero power over the truth. The fact that they don't care about the truth is their problem...and their downfall,inevitably.

We,as fans,know what is true. Adam Lambert is an exceptional vocalist and there are many accounts from industry professionals and peer artists that validate such. That is the power of knowledge....and that is what will prevail in the end.

Trolls don't have a leg to stand on....or a bridge to hide under.

Anonymous said...

Get serious GMT
Your tag means nothing, all you have to do is post anonymously when you don't want to be identified. It's a fact that many people with tags do just that.

Anonymous said...

GMT, yes that tag means everything.

Anonymous said...

Or wait, is my tag DEF? No wait, it's GMT!

Anonymous said...

Get rid of two posters for sure? Oh, you mean the ones that can see reality! Lol....yes, please do, & leave the rest be...
Somewhere.. over the rainbow...;)

Anonymous said...

@ rose petal....JAK here....I got a giggle from your poem, thanks. I know you live in Missouri, if you were born there, as I was, I'm claiming you as kinfolk. I have poets in my recent and late ancestry dating back to Allan Ramsay born in Scotland in 17th century.....maybe it's genetic! I goggled him......he was a rhymer too!

Anonymous said...

I know who the troll is. She was LaurieLovesAdam on twitter. Started sending crazy tweets to Adam. Then changed her twitter to MaimiGlamGirl and then Adam blocked her on twitter. She is a crazy sick person that now she is creating all these troll twitter accounts and her accounts get disabled cause fans report her. She is resident crazy troll on this site putting down everything Adam just like on twitter. She has mental disability. Go get help woman.

Jadam. said...

Surely Admin can tell who is posting this crap and block them. Especially if its the same one or two.
Glitz, take no notice we love you, usually the person (persons) who give you a hard time haven't even read or understood your comment anyway. The word ignorant comes to mind doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

We are all so fortunate as fans of Adam's to have found this beautiful man. He is exactly where he is suppose to be at this time in his life. I know he may have had a few setbacks; but he has grown into such a finer, stronger young man full of wisdom and compassion. Things seem to happen to Adam just when they are supposed to. Sometimes adversity makes us stronger. If his career had taken off from the beginning; he may have been richer with fame and fortunes; but would this great man have all these great mentors that have come into his life in the years since Idol. Would he have seen how much his fans have fought for him, loved him and supported him and his charities. I see and feel the love he has when he talks bout his many fans all over the world. Sometimes the hard times make us stronger. Yes, Adam is right where he is suppose to be; and we his most loyal and devoted fans are right along besides him. Adam knows it; appreciates it and loves us in return.

All the crazies, haters and green eyed monsters can't hurt him. Because he is Adam M. Lambert, and you "can't touch that."

Remember Adam said be patient little Glamhoppers; and rumors can be pesty litte things.

He was right, so Adam can say to all of his naysayers; "How do you like me now."

So don't worry about the pesty little things that crawl on Adam sites; just step over them and keep on moving toward our international superstar.

Anonymous said...


Was heading off to bed after listening to WWTLF about a hundred times it seems. Then crammed for my exam for tommorow. I started reading the some of the posts before I turned in, and got a litte crazed at all the fools that talk trash against Adam and the arguments.

I got to your post; I felt uplifted. You made so much sense and made me look at things in a different way. In the future, I will ignore the so called trolls and just step over the pesty things.

Thank again for lifting my spirts.
Goodnight fellow Glamhoppers.

Anonymous said...

At 10:47 PM

Amen to that!

Anonymous said...

Adam sounds so good on WWTLF and the other songs he sung at Iheart
last weekend.

Nobody does it better, and noone ever will; in my humble opinion.
I get chills.

Anonymous said...

Hey M!
My local Starhub internet server had a major breakdown and so I fell asleep, long nap lol! Before that I went through my previous comments and also a whole lot of Adam pictures I saved. You know, this F1 races is held every year here in Singapore and other cities. I did not talk much about it because Adam is not part of the F1 concert which he was 2 years ago; 33,000 at that F1 and 21,000 stayed for Adam, Mariah, Daughtry, concert. When asked what his race-car would look like if he was driving one, Adam said it would be all done up with glitter and glam. lol! He did 45 minutes of his GNT and the girls screamed until people could hear in their hotel across the road and recorded it and his voice filled the whole area, race tracks and all. lol! This year I saw names of Justin B and Rihanna etc. I find Finland very beautiful with natural beauty, like the famous auroras and forests, mountains. We don't have rolling mountains and valleys but surrounded by seawater lwl! modern island. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

I agree with something you said. Yes, there are some very talented singers around the world, apart from Adam if some people would open their ears and minds "outside the box". The U.S. isn't the only country that produces some good singers.