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Adam Lambert is Excited for GLEE!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, October 11, 2013

Posted at : Friday, October 11, 2013


glitzylady said...

And so am I!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm Excited for you and me,Adam.

Adamluv said...

Just read that Glee's ratings were up 75% this week. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Write your comments on the Glee promo youtube video that you can't wait to see Adam:

Share it with others to do the same.

Anonymous said...

"Lambert will play the character of Elliott 'Starchild' Gilbert in the show."

Jadam said...

Looks like he is auditioning for the band. Hope he gets in so we see more of him. Please let it be more than one episode. though its looking to me like this is it.

Anonymous said...


Why would you say it looks like "this is it" when the show hasn't even aired yet. So much can transpire between now and then. I am pretty sure that Adam and his Management might know; but seems as though everyone's lips are sealed right now. It will probably depend on a lot of things on how many episodes Adam will be on. I have a feeling it will be more than one.

Anonymous said...

@2:50PM and why would Glee only have Adam's voice singing Marry The Night if he didn't get the role? It's Adam's voice Glee broadcasted last night not somebody else. He definitely will appear more than once. His tweet confirms it.

Anonymous said...

I would love to see Adam on several of the talk/entertainment shows promoting his role on GLEE. Ellen would my first choice, then Leno,The Talk(even as a co-host)and also one of the east coast shows. Everyone else comes on to promote a new tv show/season or movie, so why not Adam? There is about a month until his appearance, so there is plenty of time for Adam to do one or two shows, don't you think? He could also talk about his successful appearance with Queen recently.

Anonymous said...

Adam would have LOTS of interesting things to talk about on a talk show, if they'd just ask him. He's ten times more interesting than a lot of the guests.

Anonymous said...

read that he will be on the Nov. 14episode as well...

Anonymous said...

Yes, Adam on a talk show would be ten times more interesting even than some of the hosts. I guess we will just have to wait and see if he does make any appearances. It certainly would be good publicity for Glee to bring in more viewers.

Anonymous said...

All of us who have been fans are equally excited to see Adam on GLEE. I stopped watching the show this past year and then only occasionally before that. But I have watched it since this season began and can't wait for the Nov. episode to see Adam. From the little clips we have seen, it should be fun for the cast and Adam performing with them.

Anonymous said...

hey glamberts!i am so excited to see him glee.that's the only tv show i watch.i can't wait to hear adam's version of marry the night.this is from india glambert:)

daydreamin said...

Over 250,000 have watched this since yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Adam is killing Marry the Night!! The way he tosses that hat to the side...OMG!!

Anonymous said...

At 5:49, we'd all like to see Adam on any and all talk shows. If you know a way to make it happen, spill it!

Anonymous said...

Have you noticed that Adam always sees the glass half full or even brimming over? I wonder why so many of his fans see it half empty? He's excited! Good for him! Good for us!