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New Pictures of Adam Lambert at Hooray Henry's

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, October 11, 2013

Posted at : Friday, October 11, 2013


Anonymous said...

OK, who is that behind him? Adam looks great all dressed up in his suit. It was quite cold last night, so he was probably glad to have his jacket on, although he is expected to dress more formally at Harry's.

Anonymous said...

HA HA Meant Henry's.

Anonymous said...

@9:53 AM lol
I was just debating with myself whether to call you on that.

Thanx to whoever got these pics to us.

Shall I start with a guess on the person and say Eli? (running for cover)

leilani Aloha said...

at a glance Adam almost looks like John Kennedy Jr in right pic!

Gorgeous & Fashionable Adam!!! Love Adam!

Anonymous said...

Me too, he reminds John Kennedy Jr.
both very good looking and classy,
ps. TP on the radio today

Anonymous said...

Hooray Adam!

Anonymous said...

Very nice.

Anonymous said...

Very nice.

Anonymous said...

Very nice.

Anonymous said...

Very skinny.

Anonymous said...

Very skinny.

Anonymous said...

Very skinny.

Anne Marie said...

Not skinny at all, just perfect. He fill a suit to perfection.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam looks all grown up. Love it! :)

Anonymous said...

I went yesterday to my skin doctor to get an update on all the latest skin treatments to keep one's face in perfect condition. Immediately, we started gushing over Adam Lambert and she told me that she notices the incredibly improved difference in Adam's facial skin. We are both waiting with bated breath to see him appear on Glee-we are just freakin' diehard Glamberts! BTW, the first thought that came to my mind when I saw this amazing picture was John F Kennedy, Jr. What a hunk of a man, Adam (and JFK, Jr). Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

wow loving his whole outfit.Celebrating someones birthday.

Anonymous said...

This is the look I love on Adam...stylish, classic, so handsome.

glitzylady said...

@Margarita Lady
I love that your dermatologist is a huge Adam Lambert fan! And don't you just LOVE it when you find a kindred spirit in the most unexpected places?! Yay!!!

glitzylady said...

And oh yes, Adam looks wonderful here. The JFK Jr. comparison is certainly true. At least in these pics. He looks damn nice in a suit...... Adam is an incredibly handsome man. And seems to get even more so as time goes along.

Anonymous said...

at 10:56 AM

He does indeed, grown-up and much older than in many of the recent pictures. Is it the lighting or what?

Still, the endless party pics make you wonder whether he goes out during daylight hours at all...

Anonymous said...

Imo, Adam was just networking. Seems that the mtv host from Russia was with him.

Anonymous said...

* mtv vj

Anonymous said...

Adam in a suit is my favorite. Those could be the Depression shoes from Sing again I read they have add on features.

Anonymous said...

Ooh la la! He's looking very suave and debonair! I never thought of the JFK Jr. resemblance before, but it is certainly true. He looks so manly and sophisticated. Interesting that someone from Russian MTV was with him. Hope those Russian Glamberts are keeping tabs on him!


Anonymous said...

I imagine like most of us he works during the daytime.
what a concept!

Anonymous said...

at 1:06 PM

I thought he usually stays up till 5-6 in the morning and therefore gets up a bit later than ordinary folks.

Anonymous said...

He is so gorgeous,,,just perfect..a truly beautiful man

Anonymous said...

When Adam is in a suit, as we see here, he looks so gorgeous. He has matured in the last 4 years or so since Idol and so has his style. It's classy,suave, and fashionable. Sure he still wears the tee shirts, jeans, loose shirts, but even those seem stylish overall. I guess since the camera loves him so much, no matter where he goes, the paps are there and take his picture,so why shouldn't he look his best? One of the fashion designers should get him to wear their clothes because he looks as good or better than those male models we see in print or on the runway shows.

Anonymous said...

Adam and The Russian MTV guy have partied many times over the years. He spends a lot of time in LA and they have been together when adam was in Russia several times as well. Russia isn't going to be very welcoming to adam these days so I doubt there was any business reason

Anonymous said...

@2:35PM I'm Adam's cousin. What you write about Adam is bunch of lies.

Anonymous said...

Lol right

Anyway there are plenty of pictures of adam and Artem. Artem tweeted that adam had asked him to show him around Moscow one time, and then posted videos of adam, Terrance and Johnny at a club. not saying they are having an affair. Just that they are friends and most fans know all about him. It's no secret

Anonymous said...

2.46pm True? Thats exciting.

Anonymous said...

More likely it's Adam himself.

Anonymous said...

Artem's facebook page says that he is interested in women. So meeting with Adam is only business and nothing else. Why interpret things in a different retarded way? Are you Taliban?

Anonymous said...

Omg you idiot. First, a straight guy and a gay man can be friends. I never said they were dating, but they have been pictured at party's together many times. Just a fact

Also, you might be aware that its illegal to be gay in Russia these days. If he was gay, and I have no idea if he is or not, he is not going to keep his job if he is out. You might want to read the news about the news anchor who admitted being gay to protest the latest government laws and was immediately fired. It's a terrible homophobic climate.

Anonymous said...

@3:01 PM

You are making me laugh so hard; it felt good. While all the time making some look like crazy fools.

Some people will never get that they do not know all, or any for that matter, of Adam's business or private life; and never will.

Anonymous said...

the looney bin is alive and well

Anonymous said...

You moron, it's Adam not adam.

You're the idiot one here and everybody knows it.

Get a life or a job or something.

Whoever believes this crazy anon. is just as moron as he/she/it is.

Anonymous said...

I hear his package is so big, that the mailman won't even deliver.

Anonymous said...

3:49 Now you are saying the right thing.

Anonymous said...

HAH HAH HAH HAH HAAA... This site is SO funny...

Anonymous said...

John F Kennedy Jr was a handsome guy and so is Adam - he looks DIVINE in a suit - so debonair and classy.

Anonymous said...

In reference to gays and straights being friends, a relative of mine was transferred to Disneyworld in Florida from Disney in CA. 2 years ago. He needed an apt. quickly. One of the new guys he worked with offered a room and bath in the 2 b.r. condo he owned with his partner on a temp basis. He moved in and two years later is still there.

They have become family. Right now he is getting ready to move in with his girlfriend, they have gotten engaged and he is being gently crowded out of present situation by stacks of baby furniture. The couple are expecting a baby girl with the surrogate they chose. That baby will have a family ready made and adoring. A poppa and a dad and an aunt and uncle ready and eager to be godparents. Friendship and family have no orientation barriers.