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More Gorgeous Pictures From Last Night

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, October 21, 2013

Posted at : Monday, October 21, 2013


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Anonymous said...

@11:59 Hi, and good morning! Yes, I'm an international fan, from Europe. :) @11:05

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:59
I am sorry if it came out that way. 11:05 is attacking 10:52 for no reason!
I think we will do ourselves good, when we read and understand a comment, before name calling.

Anonymous said...

I guess it is the lighting that makes him look his age. Young still, but not young in a proper meaning of the word.

Also, he needs to get a new stylist. His style is sometimes a bit too dramatic to be taken seriously, and his hair needs some major makeover. He's got plenty of it and it grows fast so he could vary it more.

Anonymous said...

why isn't this chick exploring the territory?

Anonymous said...

Woah! When I left this topic yesterday, the comments were positive (and rightly so). Now it seems there's one person spewing hate. It may be a guy (PH?) or perhaps it's a disgruntled fan of another singer who isn't successful or maybe it's a revengeful Sauli fan. Whatever the case, it's very disappointing. :-(

Anonymous said...

This girl is one hot babe like the gorgeous man she's with!! :D

Anonymous said...

OT-Sauli has not lost his sunshine one bit, he is happy competing in DOI, once in a lifetime experience for him. I am one Sauli- and Adam-fan and happy for both the guys having all nice things going on their lives, so happy to be able to follow both extraordinary guys!:)))No reason for any revengfulness, I can´t see any point in that. Life is so short and showing love and care for other people is so much more worth it. Every one,Have a Good Day ahead!:)))

Anonymous said...

12:10 AM

If you can't see that comment was a joke and had nothing to do with adam or anyone else then you have serious reading comprehension issues. It was responding to a comment about why certain peoples names get lots of google mentions, and both celebrities and murders have lots of mentions.

Honestly, some of you lack the basic intelligence to be interacting with others on the internet. I am surprised you can even figure out how to turn your computers on.

Anonymous said...

I think the Sauli fans and Saulberts are very easy going people. They are not desperate and they don't hate the guys Adam is dating. Can't say that of all the Glamberts and fans of Tommy and Cheeks, who are so 4 and 5 years ago. Time to move on folks and be happier.

Anonymous said...

Of course soon someone will comment that Sauli fans are not loyal to Adam like Tommy and Cheeks fans are, lol. Sauli fans can't win in this fandom full of difficult people.

Anonymous said...

12:18pm, Thankey for your post:)))
I think there are a few similar minded here like you and me. Have a nice day,it´s sleeping time in Finland, freezing cold outside the house but no worries cozy warm bed waiting...

Anonymous said...

5:38 and 5:52, you're late to the troll game but thanks for your entries.

Anonymous said...

Wow! All I wanted to do was thank @10:10 for the link that everyone who posts here should read and I got stuck in the Twilight Zone with some awful trolls.

Everyone: You're gonna have to do some work to scroll all the way back to the first 10:10 post but it is well worth the time and effort. Soooo funny and true.

Thanks @10:10 for being a true fan.

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