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Adam Lambert Photobombs! There's Adam in the Back!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, October 21, 2013

Posted at : Monday, October 21, 2013


Anonymous said...

hey get out of those pictures Adam. lol

Anonymous said...

Wow! This girl on first 3 photos is superb. Johnny Galecki from The Big Bang Theory on the last photo! Seems that it was very special event.

Anonymous said...

is that Lucy Hale from PLL in one of the pictures?

Anonymous said...

The girl in blue is Kiana Brown, one of the performers and she is pictured with Johnny Galecki, Lucy Hale and chord Overstreet.

Here she is with Joe Jonas and Adam:

Anonymous said...

Adam looks lost in thought.

Anonymous said...

@10:09pm he is on twitter right. Why don't you ask him about this picture if he is lost in his thought or is it just your imagination?

Anonymous said...

I love Johnny Galecki too,

Anonymous said...

Adam even suer commands the picture when his in the background.

Anonymous said...

10:38 PM
There's no need to get your knickers in a twist about a harmless remark ..... SHEESH!! Who needs fans like you!!

Anonymous said...

@10:09 PM & @5:55 AM

That's possible, or he could be just sitting back observing. It looks at little to me, that he might be sitting across from someone, just listening to them; possibly that girl on the other pictures.

Fun guessing though. I don't think your post was meant to be snarky at all; nothing wrong with being lost in thought; happens to me sometimes in the strangest places.

Anonymous said...

Think how refreshing it would be if everyone thought more!

Anonymous said...

Yes, and especially on this blog.