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GIFs of Adam Lambert on the GLEE Promo

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, October 10, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, October 10, 2013


Anonymous said...

Yes, Chris C, he Glittery Alien From Planet Fierce. You'll call him Starchild though on Glee. Can't wait to see the whole show and more of Adam please in the future episodes.

Anonymous said...

Chris seems to be getting under my! He's a good actor as a nemesis, like feeling so fed-up. lol! Whoa, this seems like a rather juicy episode, watch. Adam, give him a chance; he luurves you. lol!


Anonymous said...

Adam's wearing different shoes when he's swinging on the rope. Does this mean a different episode or just later in the same episode? Mmmmm ...

Anonymous said...

Don't worry I just can't see him being on only one episode. Seems to me he is be in a continuing storyline with the band. It least a few or maybe more; who knows. Just going to wait and see and enjoy wwhenever he is on. I will be watching as long as he is on there.

Anonymous said...

Kurt has about had it with Starchild already. lol

Anonymous said...

I want this band as his own too for his concerts. Demi can be his guitarist.

Anonymous said...

Kurt is in disbelief of what he sees and hears. Like, OMG what is this I'm hearing. He looks shocked and about to fall off his chair.

Anonymous said...

Adam swirling with the chandelier is very original as far as Glee goes and I've not seen it done like this. Adam is quite the dancer; I've a feeling he directed this choreography.


Anonymous said...

Adam bring "if i had u" character in joyful and funny.I bet elliott is dorky and funny person.

Anonymous said...

Kurt may think he sees Starchild with different shoes,more make-up,etc..all in this one Adam scene...cause wow!Look at those heavy eyebrows,eyeliner,etc,in part of it,but in the other part,his eyes look more normal( also his facial base make-up is a darker color,or so it looks like it)I bet BB had fun doing this!Like others have said,his shoes change,too,which I noticed right away.

Anonymous said...

Can Glee have a better make-up artist?
Why the heavy make-up?
I like Adam to gain the respect of mainstream audience and gain more fans.

Anonymous said...

His shoes are different, because one pic is the rehearsal and the other the actual filming, that's the difference.

Anonymous said...

What's this hanging on a chandelier and swinging on a rope....Wow! The chandelier bit is pretty creative! Adam's gotta hold on with one hand, swing around and sing ! I can't wait to see the whole episode! Kurt's in shock and doesn't know what hit him....Starchild that's who.


Anonymous said...

Oh MY God ,,, they did it! They made the "Starchild" character larger than life! A full-on, one of a kind, Rock God Explosion. This looks amazing! I hope the writing and storyline do him justice.

xo laura

p.s. 12:05 ... first shot, eh, not the best (TV make-up plus unflattering lighting), but in every other clip Adam looks incredible in my opinion. I'm already lovin' this character!

Anonymous said...

To those who hope and wait for Adam just to stand behind the mic stand and sing in his pants and t-shirt (or flunnel, Universe forbid!) with out make up... You're better off watching Eli, KA etc. Cause it's not gonna happen! And I hope it never will, in Glee or anywhere else!

Anonymous said...

Ooops above... should say... 'without make up...'

Anonymous said...

I don't like the first gif. Adam doesn't look sexy or handsome. They could have done better.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for the dialogue indeed!!:)


Anonymous said...

He look`s really old(:

Anonymous said...

Well if he had played a guitar playing folk singer that would have been fun because it would have been ACTING

He s just reinforcing old stereotypes about himself with this look

Anonymous said...

Glee is Adam's new playground
Swirls, twirls, furls, curls
Up and down and round and round
Swinging across the room
Nothing to him is out of bounds lol!


Anonymous said...

Rude Finnish troll, go away!

Anonymous said...

at 3:31 AM

Stop making silly accusations unless you really know who you are talking about. Is it someone who's sitting next to you?

Adam looks fierce and beautiful and I'm sure this will be a fun episode!

Anonymous said...

" Finnis troll`s" don`t care about Lambert anymore so....
there`s only me and huge fan`s from Finland!
Just give me a reason
Just a little bit's enough,
NOT to love Adam?



Anonymous said...

Kurt totally memerised I see!!!

Anonymous said...

That first Adam gift reminds me of Alice in Wonderland for some reason. First I thought Cheshire Cat but not sure. It must be cause of the hat and Adam's expression...

Anonymous said...

Wasn't there a crazy magician?

Anonymous said...

Love it! SOOOOO Adam commanding!
Plus, swinging on the chandelier is pure magic in itself! Oh, this is gonna be incredible exposure and people are gonna be in raptures with Adams performance.
(The Glee cast are priviledged to work beside and witness the Glambert on their set!)

Anonymous said...

Kurt's expression is WTF ????

Anonymous said...

3:31 - doesn't matter what nationality 2:57 is. You and she are coming from the same lousy little place.

Anonymous said...

Me 4,33
He look`s so gorgeous ,don`t take tha`t from me ..

Urethra_Franklin said...

Kurt...Totally kackle worthy!! HILARIOUS!

Anonymous said...

Adam is playing a roll that is trying out for the Lady GaGa team so he is channeling her with all the antics. They are all acting. It's a tv show.

Anonymous said...

Agree with 2 posters above on the first gif being rather unflattering--not capturing his best angle and with the make-up (and skin) unflawless. Concerned also with this look reinforcing his old stereotypes. I too love Adam to bits so I'm hoping for the best

Anonymous said...

Kurt is acting. Directors are directing him, and Adam and all the actors. This is not a secret recording of real life.

Anonymous said...

Well it looks like we get both Adams to me. Theatrical and boy next door. When he is swinging on the rope very little makeup and plain clothes. Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Speaking about his role, Adam said: “It was such warm welcome on my first day on set. The cast were so sweet and they have a family vibe so I instantly felt I was in a safe, creative place with them and we jumped right in. Excited to be on set again!”

The above is from the article at this link.

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited!!!

Anonymous said...

The rope must be rehearsal footage. It's in the same place as the chandelier. They said some behind the scenes footage would be shiwn

Anonymous said...

Kurt's band has nothing to do with gaga. Adam sings with the cast on a katy perry song later.

Anyway I don't watch tv but I will listen to his song. He sounds good.

Anonymous said...

Well, I think Adam looks great. Cute and hot and sexy and not old. It sounds like things have been going well on the set and that he's happy doing it. I love that top hat! He looks great in it. Counting the days till Nov. 7!


Anonymous said...

OT - interesting bumper sticker on car in front of me.

Republicans need to love their country more than they hate our President.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert 24/7 News is a great site to find info on Adam. The secret to totally appreciating them is 'don't read comments'.

Anonymous said...

Comment section should be taken off this fansite.

Anonymous said...

Loved the promo! Did we think we were going to get Adam in a T-shirt and jeans? Nope its the Glam Rock AL that has a part of our hearts. He needs to be a bit OTT to shake up the cast and bring new life to their story. It's what he was hired to do. I'm dying to see how they weave him into the cast and see their reaction!
BTW I love the comment section just need to ignore the trouble makers. It would be so much more enjoyable. I've read this site for over 4 years and I'm not stopping. Hugs to all.

Anonymous said...

@6:27 it is not in the same place the walls are different. If you have watched Glee they show them practicing their performances and preforming. This is probably not behind the scene footage. IT is them doing acting like they are rehersing.

Anonymous said...

@2:57 AM

Are you 5 years old (don't mean to insult the children). He looks really young and beautiful to me. Of course, he is in Glee character, clothing and makeup included. Sounds like you are jealous; admit it troll and crawl back in your hole.

Anonymous said...

No complaints please about and his role on Glee. All you have are glimpses here and nothing more of his character and his style/look. If Adam didn't like the role or character he would be playing, I don't think he would have done it. I can't wait to see this episode. Just to hear Adam perform will be enough for me.

Anonymous said...

Finnish here, I was hoping for something else than gnt Adam on Glee, to be honest. Something DIFFERENT. There seems to be a lot of prejudice against Finnish fans, as usual. It has nothing to do with Adam's ex. The prejudices existed already before him. Fans were not happy that Adam chose a bf from Finland.

Anonymous said...

@5:53 AM-Poster #2

Of course you agree with the two negative posters before you; are the posters actually you; and you are agreeing with yourself; just asking?

I know that everyone is intitled to their on opinion. But, I would like to ask the people that are complaining about this one gif of adam they don't like, and everything else is so positive, and many people do like the gif, why is it so important for everyone to know? It is such a happy time that everyone is celebrating all the positive things about Adam and the show; and yet some people just have to find something negative to talk about.

That old saying still holds true today, "If you can't say something good to say; don't say anything at all".

Anonymous said...

Correction: at 9:35 AM

"If you don't have something good to say; don't say anything at all."

Anonymous said...

Shitload of makeup on Adam looked good on gnt, but now I prefer a little less.

Anonymous said...

This looks great! I'm so excited to see this! Love Adam twirling from the chandelier!

LOL that Adam in a top hat is what MJ considers drag. see needs a dictionary.

8:47 PM is right, that is not behind the scenes footage. glee does not use any BTS footage in their promos of next weeks show.

6:30 AM, wrong, Adam sings both a Gaga and a KP song. Per Gleek Out Brasil:
5x04 Title - A Katy or A Gaga
Full Song Spoiler
Roar - Unique, Jake, Sam, Marley, Tina, Artie, Ryder, Kitty, Blaine, Kurt, Rachel, Santana, Dani and Starchild
Applause - Sam, Marley, Artie, Ryder and Blaine
Wide Awake - Tina, Unique, Jake and Kitty
Marry The Night - Starchild

Anonymous said...

9:35, no kidding. It's a brief clip, we haven't seen the show yet and some people just need to complain. They should shut up and wait until we see the show.

Anonymous said...

Yes I know he sings both songs, that's what I was saying to the poster who thought he was only singing gaga

Anonymous said...

@9:51 Yeah someone finally said I was right about something ;)

Anonymous said...

I do hope the outcome is better than the promo. This is not what I was looking forward to.

Anonymous said...

To me it looks like Adam is being Adam. Actors have to take advice and Adam hates it when someone tells him what to do. He has told that himself. Don't know if he has changed since then though.

Anonymous said...

@9:50 AM

Since you seem to be so disgusted about Adam's "heavy" makeup; why don't you call Glee and apply to be the makeup artist? Until then, (how can I put this in the classy way that you described Adam's stage makeup); why don't you take your "shitload" of advise and dump it in the nearest sewage tank?

Anonymous said...

@12:31 I just don't like any cabaree stuff. I like drags shows better.

Anonymous said...

This promo trailer is so exciting; can't wait to see the episode. Adam is so beautiful and talented. This man can seriously "sang". This promotion seems to really be focusing on him a lot. The hits and reviews are pouring in. Everyone is so looking forward to seeing Adam. A lot of people don't see him as much as they see some of the other singers; and they are so looking forward to November 7th. I usually don't enjoy trailers that much; but this one is fantastic. The Youtube numbers are constanly rising.

I have seen it so many times; love, love, love that voice. He seems to fit in with all the cast members so nicely, this from reports straight form the Glee Set. They probably won't want to let him go.

Anonymous said...

@12:38 PM

Are you suggesting that people in drag don't wear a lot of makeup?

Anonymous said...

Glee evidently wants Adam to be over-the-top because he can be - no one else can do what Adam does best! It seems like Adam will be used fully and remember Adam did use some of his own ideas per the creator of the show. I can see Chris Coffer's character with his nose out of joint because Starchild has stolen his thunder in the band. All sounds good to me! It sounds like Adam will get a chance to really act this whole thing out with Chris C. I can't wait!

Anonymous said...

A cameo appearance does not really aquire acting, but a role does.

glitzylady said...

I'm wondering if some of the people worried about Adam's part on Glee have actually SEEN Glee over the years??? It's not exactly always "the boy next door" stuff. I've watched it many many times since the beginning and I think Adam will be his usual amazing and entertaining self. Conservative "safe" performer he isn't.... Just saying. (I doubt they had that in mind for him from the beginning. Seriously...)..

I'm really looking forward to the show, with Adam on it, in all of his fabulous glory. Make-up, no make-up, clothes with a little "bling": All good! He's playing a part here..and I assume this is what is called for.

Sheesh, let's reserve a little judgement here until we actually see the whole show, not just a teensy little bit of it. Counting the days. And bet Adam is too. Some enthusiasm and excitement for Adam would seem to be the order of the day, not more grumpy hand wringing that I'm seeing here from some... Have a little faith that its going to be something special.

Anonymous said...

Let the Glee peeps know that you are tuning in on Nov. 7 to see ADAM! Give good feedback to the promo.

Anonymous said...

Glitz is right. Adam was chosen for Gleen BECAUSE of who he is and what he does onstage, not in SPITE of it. I want to see Adam is all his glory, showing everyone why we love him so much.


Anonymous said...

I can't wait for this episode of Glee and his out of this world voice on Gaga's Marry The Night is unbelievable. Hope he will make it no. 1 on all charts!

Anonymous said...

I post sometimes with my tag, but not this time. I watched the last three episodes of Glee, had never watched the show before, and my opinion is that, thank G-d, Adam will be on this show to add some excitement. I would never watch it again if Adam ceases to be one of the characters. Adam is magic, possesses the greatest of charisma, and will so inject a shot of penicillin to this dying ember. Can't wait!!!!

Anonymous said...

Nobody answered me yesterday when I asked who is the other guy at the beginning of the promo with makeup? Why everyone is picking on Adam? There was another guy with makeup as well. Who is he?

Anonymous said...

Please stop trying to change Adam. He is not willing to compromise his integrity to become more famous. He is who he is! I personally love it. If you don't STFU!

Anonymous said...

Ok ok, but if he is only willing to be himself also on the screen, no acting roles then..

glitzylady said...

@Anon 2:22 PM
I suspect that Adam would have done whatever he was asked to do on this show (within certain limits of reason.....). Including playing someone less "flamboyant". Again, it's a role in a show, within a "show" ie the band. Since we've seen literally a few seconds of his scenes on Glee, who knows what the REST of his role entails. I haven't heard Adam say he would turn down roles if they weren't portraying his glittery side. Have you?? This is certainly a great start. Hoping more to follow after Glee. Everyone has to start somewhere!! :))))

Anonymous said...

I think some people are missing the meaning of a cameo; Adam is definitely not doing just a cameo. For example, a cameo would be just what you have seen in this trailer; very short with no story line so to speak; just a quick appearance.

Dictionary definition: Cameo
"A small theatrical role usually performed by a well-known actor and often limited to a single scene". broadly used:
"any brief appearance".

Anonymous said...

I agree that 1st look with the hat doesn't even look like Adam. Then he turns into the Adam of Today. Really, look back to old old Glamnation pics and I feel he wore too much makeup, but back then I thought it was the greatest thing ever. Really this shows all of Adam. I like Glee from beginning then stopped after 2 years don't know why (dvr issues I think) But if you get to know the characters it is really a fun fun show. can't wait till A's shows in Glee.

Anonymous said...

That pic with the hat looks creepy. How did Glee manage to make a gorgeous man look like fat faced fat cheeks unattractive older man? Could have used any of the nite club pictures.