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GOAL: 1 Million Views for Adam Lambert's Cover of STAY

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, October 09, 2013


Anonymous said...

just came from listening to it, one of my faves.

Anonymous said...

Same with me. I just listened to it. So beautiful, every time.

glitzylady said...

Adam just sent out this tweet:

Adam Lambert
‏@adamlambert …

What it's about:

"Bullying Not On Your Watch - Friend Movement Walk"

"Friend Movement, in collaboration with The Tyler Clementi Foundation, GLSEN, and GLAAD have partnered to shift the conversation in our communities from anti-bullying to "pro-friendship". "

"On October 5th, 2013 the co-founders of Friend Movement, Elliot London and Ronnie Kroell, will embark upon a 921 mile and 37 day journey across the country. Starting in Chicago and commencing in NYC with a candlelight vigil on November 10th, 2013. A journey to celebrate friendship that was inspired by and is dedicated to, Tyler Clementi."

"For those of you who may not know, Tyler was a student of Rutgers University in New Jersey. Unfortunately, after experiencing a terrible cyber-bullying attack, he took his life (now, three years ago) by jumping from The George Washington Bridge. Instead of viewing this anniversary as a sad occasion, we want to celebrate his life and the lives of numerous others we have lost as a result of bullying."

"It is important to FM and our partners to be on the ground, meeting with the community. We believe that the best way to reduce bullying and promote friendship is to share our stories, educate one another, and take fear out of the equation. This is no easy task, but we are confident that the first step must begin with AWARENESS. Things will get better, but only if we decide as a community to take the necessary ACTIONS that will lead to answers...."

Read more and watch a short vid here:

Anonymous said...

So what happens if we reach a million views on that? It's meaningless.

Anonymous said...

I listened to Adam's great Stay version this morning and last night! We can do this for the great Adam Lambert! - 1 million! YESSSSSS!

glitzylady said...

@Anon 12:35 PM

It might mean something to Adam. And that means something to me. Good enough reason as far as I'm concerned. So it does have "meaning". Even in a small way.....

Off to watch...and listen...

So beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I just listened to it, refreshed it and listened again and the numbers didn't budge. I have listened to this lots and lots since Adam did it and don't know why I can't change the count.

Anonymous said...

This is such a beautiful version of this song..almost too beautiful..heart wrenching..but I love love it so much..Adam is a gift to my soul everyday when I hear him sing..and beautiful to look glad I am able to enjoy these gifts everyday....

glitzylady said...

Often You Tube views don't change immediately. It will eventually... Keep on listening :))

Anonymous said...

Adam does such a great job on the covers I have seen/heard and we all know what an amazing performance he gave while singing with Queen recently. So why does he have such a problem getting radio play with songs from his albums? I suppose I know some of the answers to my own question, but it's so frustrating for me as a fan to see so many untalented, auto-tuned performers have hits and Adam has to fight tooth and nail for every thing he does. And if he gets something, like a role on Glee, well, then there are those with the negative comments even before he has done anything on the show. I will continue to support him and his music and hope that there is a third album in works so that Adam can have success with his own songs.

Anonymous said...

about the Friend movement.
could we give it a try on this sight?

@ 12:35 Maybe you'd like to start
by sharing kind thoughts instead of attempting to draw anger.

I know I prefer to play nice.
Just give it a try.

Anonymous said...

I Bookmarked this performance awhile back. It is truly vocal perfection. Better than the original (as much as I love Rihanna's Stay), better then Jared Leto's (as much as I love his Rock version), better than ANY other version I've heard.

I watch a performance like this and think how lucky we are to have such a beautiful talent as Adam. Unbeatable!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

It's a tough business lots of people don't succeed in getting radio play. Just look at bonnie mckee who wrote katy Perry's big hits but hasn't done well with her own song. And she is just as cute and more talented than katy. Don't think adam is being singled out.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I, too, bookmarked Adam's cover of Stay knowing this is one of Adam's most remarkable performances I'd ever heard (and there's been so many but this one IMO is so very beautiful).

Good idea to give it more some very deserving views. I hope Adam will know when it's reached 1 million:)))


Anonymous said...

1:07 -- Perhaps that Adam should record a new song using a pseudonym (like writers did and continue to do). His voice is out of this world and with a great new song and everyone wondering who this new person is, who knows what could happen????!!! Lorde was on Jimmy Fallon and is on Ellen today. A couple of months back, nobody knew who she was in the US, but with a great song and an interesting artist name, she reached #1 on ITunes US charts.

Anonymous said...

Sheesh...I made a copy of it in mp3 and MV for my iPod and listened to it on replay on my long flight trip recently to South Africa along with bunch of other Adam's songs. Adam's voice eased the pain of this long flight.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! You can count on me!

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

It is a beautiful performance but getting it to one million views doesn't really do anything other than make some fans happy. So go ahead if it makes you happy. I'm not going to do it just to get it to a million. That's really nothing in terms of YT views anyhow.

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid Lieb will get more hits within just two weeks than Adam did in 9 months and it looks like Eli's team is doing a better job than Adam's. They've got a plan and stragegy they follow and keep everything under control. Also, I think some of Eli's YT fan accounts are fake.

Anonymous said...

@2:08 PM You're so cold.
But thanks for your permission.

Anonymous said...

Eli has a team?

Anonymous said...

It's Adam Hump day at The Backlot again. Nice pics and a catch up of his week. Give it some hits:

Anonymous said...

I will listen to it once in awhile but would rather give hits to his Vevo videos.

Anonymous said...

Eli not yet in the league Adam's management would take him. Adam has one best teams in LA same as KP. Being on glee and the I Heart has gotten him way more publicity and will do way more for him than vid. Views. But it never hurts to give any attention to his work which is brilliant. I think Adam people focus on what's more important. TV is! Eli trying to get noticed. He succeeding with loads of help not by himself.hope he accomplishes what he wants. but Adam my man I am here for him he need us to be there for him right now as well.

Anonymous said...

another nice Adam Hump Day at The Backlot. Please give views like on FB and tweet.

Anonymous said...

@2:09 P.M., The Glamberts are the only team Eli has. The only reason he got so many hits is because over zealous Glamberts thought that he was Adam's boyfriend. Aw shucks, even I clicked on the video to see what all the fuss was about. The only way Eli is going to be extremely popular is that he's Adam boyfriend, which he denied. So no more million hits for him. It was the Adam effect that put his name on the map. Personally, I don't care one way or another, because the only artists I'm supporting are Adam and Queenbert.

Anonymous said...

Oh wrong. Adam has tweeted lots of videos that never got that many hits. Did you notice Lucy hale who has over three million followers tweeted his video as well?

Anonymous said...

I never realized Eli was such a good singer and performer.

Anonymous said...

3:25, excellent point, Adam gets paid from the Vevo videos and he won't from this fan video. Vevo numbers count for charts too.

Anonymous said...

4:31, you are wrong, Eli has a fan club that promotes him, it's called Eli street team or something like that. We can't do half a million views for Adam and it wasn't just us that got that for Eli. He has his street team, it was being promoted by OMG Insider, other stars tweeted it, etc. Eli is doing what he can to promote his own career. If you don't like him, ignore him, but his success has very little to do with glamberts. Eli was known before his association with Adam so get over it and move on.

Anonymous said...

Yes people Adam's vevo videos are more important to get tons of views cause it's official Adam's YouTube channel.

Anonymous said...

Not to diminish Eli's marvelling at his cover's achieving viral status in so many days, but I think doing so does not give credit where it is due. At its core is some bragging for having reached viral status, ignoring the elements contributing to the popularity: the currency of the song, the relevance of its original singer, and the possibility that the hits were either to show up Miley for the contrast of the sane rendition to her ontroversial video.
The cover, unfortunately, has caused the green monster to surface and question why Adam cannot do what Eli has, suggesting that Adam's career should emulate similar YT strategies. People. Relax. Adam is already successful, having scaled many rungs in the ladders of success, and reached the pinnacle in many ways. Adam's career path cannot be compared to the trajectory of others; he has already done what few artists in this world has. To say that he is still struggling to achieve success diminishes the magnitude of his accomplishments. Check out Wikipedia, if you have little concept of that, and you will get an idea of what this young man has going for him as brilliant vocalist, charismatic performing artist, accomplished songwriter, producer, celebrated humanitarian, and compassionate philanthropist. How many of his peers would not wish they had half of his acclaim, love, and respect if they could? Adam has worked hard, balancing all the facets of his life in the best way he knows how. It's a journey that is made so much more enchanting for the uncertainty of the roller-coaster ride. It's also why once he's in, he owns our hearts.

Anonymous said...

7:02 hear hear! One of the best posts I have ever read!

Anonymous said...

Adam's voice must be what heaven sounds like...........nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Thank you 7:02 anon. What an uplifting post!


Anonymous said...

You sound ridiculous. You are one of those idiots who posts this kind of crap all over the web and makes adam a laughingstock.

Anonymous said...

THIS is what Glamberts should be doing all the time! More views for his existing music and performances, concentrate on getting him viral on a song (instead of spreading views and hits on tens of different copies of the same song 'from different fan angle').

Rooting for their man, no time to relax!!! ADAM needs hits - and I mean everywhere and everything positive - not just waiting for new songs or concerts or giving praise for his good looks!

There's nothing wrong for NOT choosing to support every singer or band Adam mentions or likes. ADAM should be the main favorite if you call yourself a Glambert and Adam fan.

Let's put those Glambert fingers to work for ADAM!!!

Love Adam 2day and everyday!

Anonymous said...

@11:45 PM
With respect, YOU are the laughing stock.

Anonymous said...

7:02 was lost.

Anonymous said...

Can I still be a Glambert if I also enjoy Bruno Mars, Chris Izaak, Josh Groban, Muse, One Direction, Fun, Willie Nelson, Stevie Wonder, Chris Daughtry, and a dozen others? Adam is creme brûlée but sometimes I like apple pie, cheesecake, even a Popsicle .

Anonymous said...

Absoeffinlutely no!

Anonymous said...

Too bad, I'm in and I'm staying !

Anonymous said...

Been on Internet all nite. Way earlier I came across an E. Lieb comment stating that he realized the best way to get buzz/mileage/attention was to post the pic of himself and Adam. I think if someone goes out of their way to promote your product, then you were already given a big shout-out. If you are truly friends with someone, don't repay them in such a way. Seems a bit self-serving/exploitative on many levels. Particularly with Adam just gaining so much media attention and new fans from IHeart. I sense Adam is trying to not have his sexuality and or orientation be the focus, he wants attention to be about his music and other projects. Even though Eli came out and stated he is not in a relationship with Adam, the initial impression was he and Adam were more than friends. Just because Adam takes countless pictures with people in clubs and with fans, there's no need to misrepresent an association. Perhaps Adam will learn something about people having boundaries and who he can and cannot trust. Lets see how many future pics Eli gets with Adam. It's not about Eli's management team pushing this-it's about his character and morals.