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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, October 10, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, October 10, 2013


Anonymous said...

Lemurs look vicious.

Anonymous said...

Those striped top pics AGAIN! :D

Not sure about a Lemur.

Anonymous said...

Agree. Lemurs look very scary to me. nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Duz yer duggy bite? Nod to Insp. Clouseau

Anonymous said...

Lemurs are cool unless they are attacked .
Cats & dogs same same

Anonymous said...

Lemurs are cute!

Anonymous said...

No one mentions Gaga and the vid!??
My first thought when seeing the name of the song "Aura" was that this name should be reserved for Adam... No one has the AURA that he has...just no one!

HK fan said...

This song by Gaga is awful.....and I normally really like Gaga....