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New (Old) Adam Picture

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, October 10, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, October 10, 2013


Anonymous said...

I'm assuming Jonathan is a fan who was lucky to stand next to Adam for a pic. Thanx for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I'm afaird to look directly into Adam's eyes...I'm afaird I'll get lost and I gotta go back to work soon.....:)....lucky and cute fan who got a pic with the gorgeous Adam Lambert ....rose petal

Anonymous said...

So you didn't get fired?

Anonymous said...

@8:58 AM You're the reason Everything has to be repeated 973 times.

Anonymous said...

I am so fed up with the endless boyfriend speculations, and I am also fed up with seeing him with yet another young guy. It feels like there's been at least a million of them since Idol times.

Oh well, weekend's coming, soon there will be plenty more...

Anonymous said...

9:09, it's an old picture, calm down.

Anonymous said...

at 10:05 AM

Whatever, it is still increasing the number.

glitzylady said...

There are plenty of pics over the years of Adam with female fans too. A picture of Adam with ANYONE else is always welcome as far as I'm concerned. It is other people on blogs etc that make a big deal about it, speculate, etc. Keep those pics coming is what I'm thinking. I'm glad people WANT to be in the same pic as Adam.. Like ME for instance :))))

Anonymous said...

It is a good thing that people love to take pictures with Adam. He takes pictures with everybody. Fans interpret these pictures differently. I attended many concerts of Adam and they are all diverse group of audiences. Even the ones who are more vocal are diverse.

Anonymous said...

9.09 I sick of stupid brainless remarks from people like you. He a celebrity he takes 100's of pics a year. Young, middle age, old. He had a two year relationship really dates very little which he should do. Most of the speculation is all nonsense. Only nos. increasing are no. Young fans after glee more will come and some make. If it makes you so sick follow Susan B. only one who boring enough to please you!

Anonymous said...

12.06 that was some will be male.

Anonymous said...

12:06 PM

?? Care to clarify your point?

Anne Marie said...

What did I miss? This pic is 2 years old. Don't know why it was even posted.

Anonymous said...

12.18 I made my point! Those millions of young boy pictures Adam with are generally fans along with the millions of girl pictures, and older fan pictures he a celeb he takes tons of punctures with fans. He not linked with these people geez.

Anonymous said...

No sorry to disappoint ...I told all what happened the next day was quite the crazy deal .... rose petal

Anonymous said...

I'm always happy to see a pic of Adam I have not seen before. There was a time when we wanted that it would be nice if Adam had more male fans...remember? Now that more and more cute guys DARE to take pics with Adam, some DARE to complain... and the craziest comments are those trying to read more into a simple Adam with a random fan pic, making crazy assumptions and speculations... Just enjoy the happy faces!

PS. Adaaam, bring back the eye make up, miss it so much!

Anonymous said...

That was Adam Phase 1 now were into Adam Phase 2.