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New Picture: Adam Lambert at Giorgio's

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, October 08, 2013


Anonymous said...

Hey there beautiful! ;)

Anonymous said...

Ha! Very funny ... especially considering how animated his three companions are! Perfect.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

alrighty unf it is!!

Anonymous said...

alrighty unf it is!!

Anonymous said...

Oooh-la-la Adam photo...the face that sinks a thousand fast-forward 21st century version...the face that launches a thousand! Another faster-forward version still...the face on Mars...oooh-la-la; starring handsome's splash down! Mmm I wanna watch this movie. lol! By the way I really like Adam's version of Bowie's Mars song.


Anonymous said...

He was looking especially great that night.

Anonymous said...

I think he knows that this is the end.

Anonymous said...


The end of what? Tell us please, what happened?

Anonymous said...

9:00 you took the troll bait.

Anonymous said...

Damn he looks good!! :)


Anonymous said...

Whew! He's breathtaking!


leilani Aloha said...

Sexy Handsome Adam always!!!:)
what can I say:)

Anonymous said...

watch Trespassing Bag of Bones by nitenursestat

Anonymous said...

I never seen anyone that handsome ever. Not a model no one. His looks have really improved last four years. Hard to improve on what he was before. But he did he stunning. God he should model some.

Anonymous said...

The botox works well...

Anonymous said...

11.24 was me Sue! Now I really going away. I just had to say that he looks so good. But one thing that makes him more beautiful is he is even more lovely inside. I hope everyone health gets better. Mine sucks right now I fell down think hurt everything. Hope JAK feels better, please do better honey. Well I'm going now before someone insults me like they always do! Good night for a good while again! Sue

Anonymous said...

Sue, get well soon
Peek in when you feel better
For another Adam swoon
For me it's morn, night and noon :)


HK fan said...

Hope you feel better soon Sue, don't stay away too long.

Adam looks stunning in this pic.

Anonymous said...

It should be: "The face that launched a thousand ships."
I have no idea why I used "sinks" lol! Perhaps I was thinking of Adam's powerful voice. Mmm so it would be...The voice that sinks a thousand ships...due to same vibrating frequency, much like exploding the chandelier. lol!


Anonymous said...


Just stare he!he!


Anonymous said...

Adam has cleavage .... :-D

Anonymous said...

Adam's publicist tweeted she just received a call from an artist who is a little bit worse for wear. Sounds like Adam with all the clubbing and partying. Another hangover? I hope he gets his act together and is focused on his music career.

Anonymous said...


Are you sirious?! Adam is only 31 year old and I'm sure he doesn't use any botox and I hope he never will. To me he is the one of the most beautiful and gorgeous man in the world! :)


Anonymous said...

Adam looks great but troubled like when he was in picture with Eli. Maybe he had just heard that Lay Me Down will not be a single?

Anonymous said...

I saw the second picture, and I almost fainted, and now wanna die in awe. Sooooo hypnotically charming.

Anonymous said...

All will be still be fine with LMD not being next single! Have faith fans, it's all good. Glee role (even if just a few episodes), LMD collab (even if never single, which I don't think is totally out of question still for down road) is still a complete win/win scenario. Don't take bait, here on this blog or anywhere where Adam is concerned. Career wise, it's all good. Personal life wise, none of our business but I love the multi-faceted naughty nice complex deep open tolerant bad boy boy next door sweet spicey sexy little Mutha Fricka! And yes, this cropped pic - unf x 10

Anonymous said...

Very sexy pic, Adam. Mwah! you gorgeous man. Love you!

@Lammy that was funny about the ships. I just rolled out of bed and didn't think that sounded right, but kept right on reading. Glad you corrected it, I'm sure it would have popped into my head later this morning.

Anonymous said...

Adam should pack his bags and take a short trip to Finland to see his FRIEND (!!!) Sauli. That would put a smile back on his face, Sauli is so good at making people happy around him:

LOL totally OT but sooo cute:

Anonymous said...

Adam, you are so breathtakingly beautiful. In this pic you remind me of an actor from the past. Possibly James Dean in Rebel With A Cause, if my memory serves me correctly. I love the sexy, brooding look. No one does it better. Did anyone ever tell you, you should be in the

Anonymous said...

Adam does look gorgeous but bored maybe. Or he's just had enough of whatever... Yes, he does have movie star looks, but can he act? We certainly know he can sing the roof off any stage, but as far as acting, we will have to see. I don't know exactly what his role will be on Glee, but we do know he will be singing. We knew that Elvis could sing, but look at all those 'cheesy' Hal Wallis movies he was in. I know movie musicals are not that popular any more so it would really have to be a special part for Adam to be in a movie. In the meantime, maybe he is working on music for the third album.

Anonymous said...

@9:01 PM,- @9:00 AM here

Please, no I did not. I was being sarcastic to @8:48 PM, in the vain of the ultra stupid comment that made no kind of damn sense; written by someone whose mind is not based in reality. Just curious as to what a mind like that called "the end." Sorry was not trying to encourage crazy!

Anonymous said...


Should be @9:00PM instead of AM.

Anonymous said...

When I first typed it, I thought something was amiss. Later, I felt uneasy and asked myself how can such a beautiful face sink so many! That shows I was indeed mesmerised. lol!


Anonymous said...

@5:35 AM Probably not a good idea.

Anonymous said...

So hope u feel better soon husband fell few weeks ago too and is having a hard time .... Sending peace light and love your way sister glambert ....rose petal

Anonymous said...

Adam looked happy and alive when he was singing with Queen. That's what he need.

Anonymous said...

He looks sad. I'm worried

Anonymous said...

If sad is the new hot , bingo:)

Anonymous said...

Yeah so the tweet too, mmm the only thing bothering me is she replied a glambert about not bothering to change adam's wiki page she isn't bothered.
I hope the tweet isn't about adam, the boy

Anonymous said...

Adam needs to surround himself with friends or people who aren't scared of telling him the truth.
Looks like all his friends are ass-kissers .I am not expecting him to a rihanna overnight but geez! I as an obsessed fan wants growth in his career

Anonymous said...

9:22, you mean as an entitled fan?

Anonymous said...

Some of you need glasses. That's not a sad look that's a sexy sultry look. And it works.

Anonymous said...

9:22 you mean obsessed troll. lol

Anonymous said...

What's the whine about Adam's sad expression. He's not sad, but seductive

Anonymous said...

10.50AM Excuse me?

Anonymous said...

You are over analyzing a picture. They are all just posing. What happened to the body language experts, did they go extinct?

Anonymous said...

11:04 AM
Just what I thought. They are all posing.

Anonymous said...

Love how Adam just knows how to stand out--by looking sultry when the camera called for "Cheers!"

Anonymous said...

Did Adam unfollow Bridger on twitter today? No longer following him. Lovers spat perhaps. Maybe explains Adam's sad look in photos lately.

Anonymous said...

@12:55 PM Well that could also explain Adam's sad mood lately...

Anonymous said...

Lol he still follows him on instagram. I don't think they have dated for several months

Anonymous said...

LOL, what would we do without twitter telling us how to think.

Anonymous said...

at 1:41 PM

I doubt there was any dating between those two, ever.

Anonymous said...

Oh please, they were definitely dating. There is a picture of bridger sitting on Adams lap in a nightclub. They were seen together many times including bridger sitting with Adams family at the at and t concert

Anonymous said...

at 2:30 PM

Says who? Care to share some happy couple or romantic pics?

Anonymous said...

he needs Kesha dancing seductive in swavorski fishnets on a table top covered in glitter and maple syrup.

Anonymous said...

there should be an all night trollathon sometime. see how many random people can be called trolls in a matter of minutes.

Anonymous said...

@12.55 PM

FYI, Adam never followed Bridger on Twitter, only in IG.

Anonymous said...

2:30 PM .... Bridger was sitting on Adam's lap so that they could talk about every little thing that came up. ;D

Anonymous said...

The guy furthest right looks like Sauli.

Anonymous said...

Love the Featured Pic.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many more times these pics are going to be posted.