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Random Gorgeous Pictures of Adam Lambert (Wednesday Edition)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, October 09, 2013


Anonymous said...

oh my cannot breathe looking at all those beautiful pic of Adam..perfection

Anonymous said...

Totally love you, Adam, you gorgeous hunk of a man. YUM!!!!

Anonymous said...

love that glitter drip jacket Adam wore on VH1 Diva's program.

Anonymous said...

Adam is eye candy overload. So much pretty in one man! Love it!

Anonymous said...

These pictures of Adam are beyond gorgeous. They make my heart skip a few extra beats. What a great way to end the evening.

Anonymous said...

He's like fine wine and gets better with age. I wonder if his healthy eating over the past few years gives him that healthy glow that seems to come from within...I know my complexion looks better when I eat better. Not so puffy. :)

Anonymous said...

The color of his hair in the last pic is my favorite for him.

V Camilleri said...

Love all the pics thanks for sharing I feel so much better :)

Anonymous said...

I ADORE all the pics without Melvin.

Anonymous said...

Sexy beast. <3

Anonymous said...

Shirtless ..... yum!

Anonymous said...

Swim suit pic. Doesn't the GB ever relax?

Anonymous said...

I am totally fascinated with the pic of Adam from the crotch up and his new sleeve tat. He looks like he is 19 years old again. If it wasn't for the tat I would believe he is 19 there.