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SCREENSHOTS of Adam Lambert on TV

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, October 08, 2013


Anonymous said...

Mmm something's a-brewing; this new Eli pal in Adam's life seems a little more than just a pal. I like Eli's voice and he sings from his heart, with a rather committed and sincere demeanour. Compatibility is high between Adam and Eli. All the best and Adam likes this kind of personality.


Anonymous said...

God you are so nuts

Anonymous said...

Don't think Adam is "involved" with this guy. Not seriously, any way.The look on Adam's face is not that of a man in love. He actually looks angry. I'm looking for a look on Adam's face that says "happy" and "peaceful".If they are a pair, he will let us know, and hopefully with a happier photo than this. By the way, Adam looks GREAT.

Anonymous said...

Ei is too old and too tame for adam. I think adam has a lot of time on his hands and is just making friends with another gay artist. Adam likes cute young guys who are easily impressed

Anonymous said...

This is weird, Eli with a shy smile on his face, Adam looking like he is plotting to murder someone. LOL

Anonymous said...

They look comfortable and confident to me.

What will be, will be
Don't fret, don't be scared
Life is like that lwl!


Anonymous said...

@8:15 AM
"Adam looking like he is plotting to murder someone"

Thanks for the spontaneous laugh this brought out of me. LOL

Anonymous said...

Seems like Adam some how saw Eli's music on U-tube, and commented a "like". Eli saw that and did hundreds of glamberts and others. Eli wanted to thank Adam, and the whole thing has gone viral. It almost seems like, Eli wanted to see Adam personally, and celebrate the success. I will be surprised if it is any more than that. I am sure that Adam is pleased that he was able to help Eli in his struggling career.

Anonymous said...

Lol what? We have seen adam and eli out together on at least four occassions. There were pap pics of them leaving a bar together this summer, they went to the Lovelace premiere together, they were together at a Labor Day pool party. They know each other. Adams friend danielle knows eli as well. I don't think it means they are more than friends but its not like he just saw him on YouTube

Anonymous said...

Sorry didn't know Adam already knew him, I stand corrected. Still I think this was Adam's way of helping a friend, to get his music out. Probably didn't know that a fan let OMG insider see the tweet and the response it caused. Adam does this kind of tweet all the time, to let us know whose music he likes, and this also gave Miley quite a plug also.

Anonymous said...

When has any of Adam's songs gotten that many views in 2 days??
It wasn't the glamberts that got Eli that many views it was Miley's fans.

Anonymous said...

Yea in that case, I think they're just close friends. Actually I feel Chris C and Adam are intellectually, artistically and handsomely compatible; crystal-balling. lol!


Anonymous said...

You are probably right, don't forget Eli has a fan base too. But when Adam says he likes some ones music, don't a lot of us check it out. Specially right now , we want to know if this is the kind of music he might lean toward for his 3rd album. A lot of times we don't like his choice. As far as Eli is concerned, he seems like a nice guy, and good looking. I am sure Adam has shared with him how hard it is to get into the music business, and just thought that a tweet about his music, might help him. Adam probably does like Eli's music. Not sure if Adam is into this meditation stuff several hours a day. But Adam does tweet peoples music all the time.

Anonymous said...

Eli is a year older than Adam so I guess that makes him old too. People say such stupid things. Also I think they have seen more of each other than we know. There is a reason Adam allowed that pic to be shown on web and Tv. Tv needs permission before they post any private photos. I am sure this was well planned.

Anonymous said...

Adam has seen a lot of people more than we know, including Sauli. We got one pic of Adam and Sauli together, going back to Adam's condo. I am sure that was not a one time thing, we just happened to see them together one time. People speculate every time Adam is seen with another guy. Eli is going to get some sales off of this, thanks to Adam.

Anonymous said...

8:54 and 9:15, you better stay off of twitter because you certainly don't understand it. Adam's tweets are public. 8:54, what do you mean a fan let OMG Insider see the tweet? Anybody in the world can see a tweet (unless you have made the account private.) Entertainment businesses scour the internet and twitter and IG for stuff by celebrities, they don't need fans to share it with them. And 9:15, I hope you don't have kids because you don't get social media at all. The pic went out in a public tweet. That means anybody can see it and it is on the internet forever and they DO NOT need permission to show it.

Anonymous said...

Quite often in life you end up living 'happily ever after' with a guy who wasn't your "type" at all. We can't discount someone who isn't Adam's type! My type were rather thin blond guys who were a bit scruffy and were probably sewn into their jeans and faded t-shirts.

Who did I marry? A 6'3" gorgeous hunk who was voted best looking (almost pretty) guy in his school and whose nickname was "Mr. Shirts" because he was a great dresser.
I was smart enough to look past all those obvious disadvantages and find the sweet, funny, steady, make my knees shake guy underneath his facade.

So no doubt one can find a diamond in the rough or in my case find the scruff in a diamond! His favorite outfit for the past 40 years...summer & winter is a faded tee and baggy Cargo shorts. I corrupted him....into " my type" ......JAK

elizie said...

Didn't think I would like this, but I absolutely love it! Better than Miley, IMO.

Anonymous said...

He got that many views because he did wrecking ball. Good timing to she was in SNL. That all helped. Plus Adam tweeted that did help some with Glamberts. Then got on OMG third time Adam been mentioned on there in one week. Twice last week for I Heart. First time showed LP saying Adam killed it and few vids. Monday last week tues. more vids. If Adam had done wrecking Ball last weekend it would have gotten that many views. If he done that he would have been said he ride her coattails and unknown artist can get away with it and put it on I tunes Adam could not do that! His EMA vids got tons if views would have had more they that they took them down after a day. The amount if views is because its wrecking ball MC fans were curious. I do think Adam endorsing it added to it. They sure did not put him by himself they showed Adam and they flashed trespassing quickly was publicity for Adam as well. I think at this point Donald Duck could put out wrecking ball and get a million views couple days! I wish Eli the best of luck. They just may be dating a bit or friends who knows its his life. Now I guess you people will turn this post into a trash bucket as usual.

Anonymous said...

I like Eli`s version very much, I like how he looks and his voice, M

Anonymous said...


I read eli was 36 so about ten years older than adams usual picks

Anonymous said...

Instead of spending all of his time partying and promoting other people's music, why doesnt Adam get off his arse and do his own f***ing music. Seriously, we cant wait forever!!

Anonymous said...

I can and I suggest that if you are so disgusted with him why don't you just scoot along . He's not a machine he deserves a life of his choosing. We don't get a vote.

Anonymous said...

To Whom It May Concern:

Just like other normal people, Adam Lambert probably meets people, and does not even know their age at the time. A person's numerical age and their emotional age is not always the same. So as they say, "age is just a figure".

People should not be so hung up on the age of Adam's relationships; it is really none of anyone's business, as long as each individual is of legal age. No one should be that concerned about the private lives of the people Adam associates with; and frankly his private life either; except what he chooses to share. It is his life and his personal business.

The last I checked; the custom in this Country is that a person can pick their own mate.

Anonymous said...

10.39AM Excuse me asshole! Where the hell did i say i was disgusted huh. Yes, he does deserve a life of his own choosing but if he is really not interested in his music career which he is clearly not, then he must say. That will leave more time for him to party.

Anonymous said...

I am shocked, you mean Adam does not check their height and age when he starts to befriend them.LOL

Anonymous said...

10.42AM Totally agree with you, but unfortunately other fans wont agree as they think because they are fans, they have earned the right to run Adams personaly life.

Anonymous said...

10.48AM That was a bit uncalled for. There is no need for that kind of attitude.

Anonymous said...

10:48 hate and anger destroy the container.

Anonymous said...

By the way, haven't you noticed today's featured picture? So gorgeous! Wow!

Anonymous said...

Go find a child to lecture granny. People come here to talk about Adam. No one is talking to adam, they are talking about adam. See the difference?

Anonymous said...

Eli looks pretty good for being nearly 40 years old. If Adam can bring some good ideas to the table for GLEE, as has been stated, I am sure he can give Eli some good advice too.
Now would be a good time for Adam to shoot out a single, after his Vegas gig, where he got some new fans, even if a cover or one of his own songs, which would showcase his great voice. Nice if one of the A-listers would endorse
him too.

Anonymous said...

@10:26 AM

Speak for yourself, I can wait forever and a day! First of all why in the Hell are you even attempting to tell Adam what to do?
You should have sense enough to know that you have no idea what he is doing. Except for a few litte publicity, and pap pictures. Have you not heard, "the good you do, can come back in two fold." Adam is a beautiful giving person, and I love him for it. Not hurting him one bit.

Adam is always full of surprises, so exciting being this wonderful man's fan.

Just a suggestion, you know you don't really have to wait another day. You can leave now. Pretty sure Adam won't miss a disrespectul person like you. Bye, bye.

Anonymous said...

10:42 good comment.

Anonymous said...

10:26 AM
How many hours there is in one day? 24. Adam has lots of hours to spent creating his music even if he goes out at 9-10 PM (first eating something then to night club meeting friends)and goes home at 2-3 AM. Goes to sleep at 5-6 AM and wakes up at 1-2 PM. So, there are about 8 hours when he is not in any club but home and sometimes shopping. Not that I know this is his schedule but had to count. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

@10:55 AM

Guess a child was found, you seem to fit that description. What's the matter do you have a granny complex. Seems like someone did not lecture to you enough; learn some manners and respect your elders. Ha, ha.

There is a difference between a person who knows how to discuss things intelligently and a person who flys off the handle when the conversation does not go their way. There is nothing that a rude person attempting to insult any of Adams fans, no matter what their age; can teach any of his fans on this site.

Anonymous said...

Why do people insist on jumping to all kinds of conclusions everytime we see Adam pictured with a guy? It doesn't have to mean it's the "new boyfriend" as many seem to imply. Adam has so many acquaintances and friends in his life and because he socializes so much, of course, there will be pics of him with his pals. I like Eli's voice, never heard of him before this blog info and listened to some of his covers. Whether or not Adam is involved with him is none of our business. I am reading all kinds of scenarios on this blogsite about Adam and Eli that some of you could become screenwriters for tv or a soap opera. I have always been interested in Adam's music more than anything and his personal life should be just that as much as possible. Yes, I would be happy if he finds someone because we all need that kind of love in our lives, and it will happen one day for him. In the meantime, let me watch him on Glee and hope that he is working on the music for a third album.

Anonymous said...

@11:03, yep, that is his usual schedule, ha ha, unless Niles calls him, and he has to fix a hangover.

elizie said...

Ok, so after watching Eli's version of Wrecking Ball, I went and checked out some more of his youtube video's. This guy is super talented. And the still photos of him do not do him justice. He's gorgeous. I just watched a the video of his first single "Place of Paradise" from his debut album. I love it! Check it out.
OK, I'll stop gushing now.

Anonymous said...

@10:42 AM & 11:21 AM

Bravo! & Standing Ovations for you two posters. Sometimes the voices of calm and sanity prevail.

Off to real life. Enjoy the rest of the day.

Anonymous said...

Kris allen tweets frequently about going to Nashville for a week of writing, about finishing up a new song, this week he is writing in LA. He was just in the studio doing a song for a movie. Now I am no fan of his voice, I never bought his music. But his fans certainly know he is working on an album. If adam was working on music we would have heard something about it.

Anonymous said...

@11:24 AM

Or Queen may call him to do a concert; or the producers of Glee may call him to be a cast member. Yes Adam said he had a hangover after attending his long time female friend's birthday party.

But, can you come out of one, that was evidently not that bad; run out and make a hit record a couple hours later, as Nile bragged about.

What did you do great the last hangover you had?

You sound like a great fan; always bring up the worse senerio in your mind. Sorry, that dog won't hunt. Ha, ha, back at ya!

Anonymous said...

Well he was hung over at ten pm the next night, so that was a hell of a hangover. Most likely he just spent the day after Danielle's party drinking as well. Just face it, adam is a heavy drinker.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:48 - are you saying Adam is required to tell you/us
if he decides to quit singing? Who's the asshole? I think I'm talking to it.

Anonymous said...

@11:41 AM

Hi Kris Allen fan. Nice of you to visit; glad he is doing well. Adam is also doing well; they are individuals and no need for comparision. Thanks for the information.

Some people here may like to hear about the other idols every now and then. Adam has had and is having quite a bit of success since Idol.

Adam was on the Forbes list of Idols a few years ago and many, many more wonderful thing have happen. But, if you are a fan of both, which may be the case, you probably know all this. Why the need to compare?

Anonymous said...

I don't think david cook, kris allen or adam will ever be on the radio again. David and kris will try to make a living as bar bands I suppose. I don't blame adam for not even trying to work on an album. I'm sure he is trying to get other kinds of work.

Anonymous said...

11 52
I am no kris allen as I said. I never even listened to either of his albums because I don't like his voice. I don't think he is doing well at all. But I do think he is working on music. As opposed to adam.

elizie said...

I agree 11:54, but who cares? Adam is doing ok - actually better than ok. Because of his talent and originality, he will always find work in the entertainment world. People will always pay to see him perform.
And I don't see the problem with him doing a covers album. I think it would do very well.

Anonymous said...

@11:51 AM #1

I will face the fact, that you my friend or a HEAVY LIER. Why are you on an Adam fan site calling him a drunk, I guess it takes one to think they know one. Well if your lies were true; It certainly is not interfering with his life. Just the way he lives his life and his accomplishments, punches holes in your vicious lies. The people that are truly drunks are usually on the nightly news; stars all over the place. Wow you trolls are out heavy today.

This is the kind of shit that dear sweet Adam has to put up with. The good thing is, he has wonderful fans that will always have his back.

I remember in an interview a few years ago; an interviewer overseas
told Adam that he was afraid to say something about him because his fans would be all over him. Adam said with so much pride, "My fans are very protective of me".
Well Adam got that exactly right, and it has not and will not change.

Anonymous said...

Those happy days when Adam was doing his second album. It was so exciting! I really hope we get a third album, not a cover one. Adam doesn't want that. That's why he left RCA.

Anonymous said...

11:41, Adam is working on new music. He has told us himself that he is working on new music several times even though he said he wasn't going to talk as much about it as he did last time. His management also answered a tweet saying Adam is recording. How many more times do people need to be reminded?

Anonymous said...

Adam needs only 4 hours of sleep, so he has enough time to work and play every day, if he wants to. Remember, the clubs usually has music in the background, so that must be the white noise he needs to plug into for creative inspiration or outlet.
JMHO. The man is working, even in the clubs. Also, he doesn't seem never to be without his i-phone, so it could very well be he's also conducting business. What do we know, for sure, except that Adam's not lazy or unmotivated.

Anonymous said...

@12:05 AM

But the thing is, you don't know if Adam is working on music or not. Adam hardly ever talks about what he is doing until things are complete. That is just not his style. Most of the time it is other artist working with him that let stuff slip out. I think Adam likes to keep stuff close to the chest until things are pretty sure.

Every artist has their own way of doing things. Not a good idea to compare Adam with any other Idol; they are all individuals. In comparision though, Adam is doing quite well. Adam is not just sitting around writing; he has to do this in between his Glee rehersals; just finished Iheart performances; he is often hired to appear at different functions. Has received all kinds of awards in helping children; salutations from the Mayors office, GLAAD and many other organizations. Adam is rare and beautiful; love this man.

Be "patient litte grasshoppers", as Adam would say. He also said, "rumors are pasky little things." I have faith in Adam, I am not worried; he will be just fine; and so will we.

Anonymous said...

LOL besides all the industry people commenting on what a nice person Adam is the other thing they comment on is what a hard worker he is. He wouldn't have gotten this far if he was lazy. I think he is working just as hard as ever and we don't need a minute by minute account of his time to prove it to us.

Anonymous said...

@11:54 AM

There you go, guessing. I blame you for making such stupid statements, when you have no idea if Adam is working on an Album or not. It is ok to just admit you don't know. None of us know a thing about what Adam is actually working on. I would bet my bottom dollar that is the case!

Anonymous said...

Does anybody have a link to that tweet from DMG that they have Adam scheduled for recording not travelling to China?

Anonymous said...

12 29
Oh sure thing. Lol
He fucked away his twenties clubbing every night instead of putting in an honest effort at his career and that's why he was in no position to take advantage of the opportunities idol offered.

Anonymous said...

12 44

Lol DMG has to present a positive image for adam. Do you think they are going to say he is sitting around doing nothing? Use some common sense, shoshanna said he was working on an album with rca and that turned out to be a big fat lie.

Anonymous said...

11:54 AM and 12:08 PM -post 1

I disagree with both of you.

Adam said that he did not want to do an Album of covers, that is why he left RCA. Unless he changes his mind, I think that still holds. Have faith in Adam. Fans are suppose to wish the best for their artist; not always second guessing the artist. By the way, Adam has plenty of work to keep his busy.

He may one day ask for our imput again, but until then. Try and support Adam as much as you can.

Anonymous said...

@12:44 PM

Oh no, the potty mouthed fucker troll is back. Where is the pesticide! You sure love to talk about the fucking around that you think Adam did in his twenties.

What's the matter, he didn't want to do it with you? I don't know if you are male or female but you are really messed up.

Get some help.

Anonymous said...

12:47, they didn't need to respond to that fan tweet and they could have just said no he isn't doing a concert in China. Why go on to add what they have him scheduled for. Just saying he is recording isn't a very imaginative lie if that's what you think they are in the practice of doing.

Anonymous said...

12:24 Adam has been supporting himself since he was 18 working on cruise ships and 10 years in theatre jobs or singing in clubs in weho. Dont you dare say things like that without backup. We fans know all that this wonderful man has done. We are the true fans not types like you. There is nothing you can say that will turn his true fans away from him so stop wasting your time here and go pick on Biebers site or Gaga.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I'm smelling a troll.

Anonymous said...

@12:44 PM

When Adam tried out for Idol he was making $9000.00 a week as an understudy acting in Wicked. Also, he was in a band with Monty before that, writing music doing songs for record companies. He worked at starbucks before than. Waiter on cruise ship. Many plays, the "Ten Commandments, among others. His history of songs and plays on the internet and can be seen on DVD from Amazon. Overseas, Germany with Hair. Cast member of the two famous clubs in hollywood; cabaret and another one, can't think of the name.

So much more; and this was in his twenties. I hope he was also having lots of fun on the side as most normal young people do.

Do you even know how stupid you sound. Go back in your hole.

Anonymous said...

If he wasn't working on another album which I believe he is he still being doing better than KA . Few weeks ago a producer tweeted just finished recording with Adam Lambert I got goose bumps the dude can sing. I do believe he working on music. He recorded a song for Avicii and three more songs with them. I do think he working on new music He has said it and his management. You people came in here downing Adam and bragging on K A has anyone seen or heard of this man in over two years on TV any where. Adam was on Idol finale, pretty little liars, Diva hosting and performing, fashion police, I heart music festival televised. glee coming up. None of this had anything to do with normal shows done to promote albums he did many more those shows last year. Over a year ago saw KA advertised on TV around Christmas opening outlet mall around here. He doing that working bars probably doing some writing. Don't give me lecture about saying this about KA they come on here trying to say how great he doing and down Adam it ridiculous and so much bull. Many good things have been happening for Adam and I would never place Adam with KA and DC they are not in the same league.Adam has toured the world as a solo main act KA only here and there opening act. If you don't want a response don't come on here opening a can if worms. If you try and down Adam you will get it back. Adam had good things happen for him lately fortunately he not a one trick pony he has other avenues as well such as Queen and others.

Anonymous said...

God that must be sue making the litany of adam accomplishments. No one was bragging about kris allen. I even said he is not doing well. Kris has no future other than playing in bars. You really can't read or understand very well.

The point was when someone is working on music they will keep their fans aware of writing sessions. There will be trips to collaborate. People from studios will tweet about it. Having complete silence from adam and then thinking he is actually doing music is not logical. It is wishful thinking.

Anonymous said...

First of all there was another post I was referring to not you!1.33 your not the only poster about KA can you not read very well. Do not call other people out if you do not sign very cowardly. I still don't agree with you at all however either I am 1.17. God ill make any litany I so please. That was only half of it want more.

Anonymous said...

I am the only one who posted here about Kris you dummy. As I said you just don't follow the conversation at all.

Anonymous said...

I get it Adam, DMG and Shoshanna are all pathological liars.

Anonymous said...

They are spinning. They are doing PR. That's their job. They aren't going to say we are trying desperately to get adam a label but no one is interested so he is basically lying around drunk all day. No, they are going to say he is working on his album. Working on his album means laying in bed writing a few lines of bad poetry every once in awhile.

Anonymous said...

1:12, did you mean $900 a week?

To the person who says Adam is laying around drunk all the time, why do you bother coming here? I'm seriously curious?

Anonymous said...

This site sure has a collection of stupid people and irrationally angry people with a lot of crossover between the two.

elizie said...

Wow, it seems like you guys are just looking for something to disagree about. Maybe some on you should run for congress. You certainly would fit in.

Anonymous said...

I believe Adam said he made $2000 a week in Wicked and he was not a waiter on the cruise ship, he was entertainment staff-and lead singer which pissed some of the staff off cause he was so young. We understand though, best singer deserves best spot.

Now, resume fighting.

Anonymous said...

And now Eli is nearly 40? Don't be ridiculous!!!

Anonymous said...

Another botched thread.

glitzylady said...

Eli is 29.....sheesh.....And he's a cutie.

Anonymous said...

8:09 PM (Glizylady)
I saw that too. Only 29? He looks a bit older than Adam. But he is cute in an ordinary, guy-next-door kind of way (like Kris A.). Adam is gorgeous in a glamgod kind of way.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to all posters who type in paragraphs between spaces.
Now I read them all even how long for I don't get dizzy.