Adam Lambert Says He Is Currently SINGLE
Filed Under (news ) by Admin on Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Posted at : Tuesday, November 05, 2013
RT @Medolive: RT linstro537: He says he is single! Adam Lambert on Ellen.
— Linderella ;) (@ScorpioBert) November 5, 2013

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Adam is going steady with us Glamberts.
Tie yer paws! He's MINE!
ADAM - YOU make me feel sooooo good all, all, all over!!!
Adam is my steady date every night when I go to sleep. We are in a very committed relationship till the sun comes up.
DRG, love your comment. Real life is great, but the fantasy one fills in the dull times. In the latter I'm much younger.
He is single until Sauli gets back :))) some Adam for me!!! I like the no-makeup look so much better..hope he keeps it this way..
@9:19 - that's what I keep thinking (and hoping too). Just giving each other some space. Both seem really happy. Que sera, sera.
you can really tell by comparing the first pic to the ones taken on Sat nite that he has definitely had work done to improve his complexion...he is just more handsome than his Rolling Stone article he said that he was concerned about "skin problems", I am so thankful for him that this issue has been "cleared up"..
I think Adam looks so much better without the heavy makeup; he looks younger without it.
I liked the eyeliner. Something does look different about his face especially around his mouth. Maybe it is all the weight he lost. He is a little too thin.
His pic of when he was in Miami, looks like he has no makeup, but in a closer photo, you can see a lot of it had rubbed off onto his collar. It looks natural, but Adam has always worn makeup, and probably always will. Not saying he doesn't look great, and I personally prefer only very light makeup around his eyes, he is a very handsome man, IMO, and he knows how to use makeup to his advantage.
Most performers, male and female, where some make-up when they get up in front of an audience. They just look better and more finished. Adam is no different.
I love Adam
Adam is single, but probably looking for that special partner to share his life. There are some good role models in show biz who seem to have great relationshps and even children: NPH, Ricky Martin, Elton John, Matt Bomer, etc. Adam has plenty of time "to settle down" and in the meantime he seems to be enjoying himself and having fun with friends.
Too thin???? He looks just fine to me :))))
Yep, a little too thin in his face. Hope it hasn't harmed datass.
Adam is not too thin, he looks that way sometimes because some of the people he take photos with need to lose a few lbs :) He looks healthy and very svelte.
I think Adam may be too immature to settle down.
Think he has such a selection to choose from now must be difficult who to choose. Personally I still have my fingers crossed for Eli, not a club kid more mature than the others and has his own careerwhich he is working hard for. however, I think Adam still is attracted to the "young" ones unfortunately. Time will tell I guess.
Please don't start choosing partners for Adam or picking relationship models for him based on your "straight and narrow" views regarding relationships... Adam does not fit in those frames!
wonder if he would date a female just as an aquaintance. not romantic. I would think he likes female company, so why not go dancing or out for some coffee and a bagel. maybe he has in the back of his head that a woman wants him in her bead. I think women and men can date without sleeping together.
bed not bead anon 5:26
Is that news? That he is single, I mean. Hasn't he been almost a year? I don't believe he will settle down for a long time. Seems that he enjoys being single. He is not like Ricky, Elton or Matt. And on the other hand didn't they find their significant others when they were older than Adam. He has time.
I prefer this one.
Neil Patrick Harris has lived with David Burtka from the age of 31 (he is now 40). He said in some recent interview that the paps are not interested in them anymore b/c they have children and because they don't live in the trendy area. His family life is not interesting enough for the photographers. He says that the paps usually stalk the "party guys/boys", people who get scandalous headlines.
I admire their relationship and hope that Adam will find someone special too. Although it seems like he loves to be single at the moment and is not ready to settle down yet.
enjoy some cherry pie with whip cream ADAM:)~~~~~~~~~~~~~
NPH is a nice guy but his public person is as interesting as watching the paint dry.
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