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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, November 17, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, November 17, 2013


Anonymous said...

YES! Yes he is! ♥
Thank you for sharing your pic of the love of my life.

Anonymous said...

Cutie pie

Anonymous said...

Where was this? Someone said he worked Glee today. He looks beautiful! Anyone know where this was.?

Anonymous said...

These two wonderful pictures were taken at the "Freedom to Marry" event. Doesn't it seem strange that this is still an issue? People should be left alone to pursue their happiness ... and marry whomever they want to. Who is society to tell Adam, Ellen, Rosie and the many brothers and sisters that are gay that they don't get that right? In this day and age is seems so weird.

And Adam here is looking sooooo marriageable!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

He so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Anybody would be standing in line to marry him. No matter what sex. Adam has just become he most handsome man. Guess my retirements over. Had to say something. Sue

Anonymous said...

Now that is a sexy man! Natural looking gorgeous man.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There is a great review and its new about Glee by Digital something about Glee. They did a review before but have another I guess. Saying how great Adam acting was.
Really complementing how fabulous MTN was. Saying more or less what an asset he is to glee.
Keep my grand kids in your thoughts she taking to dr. Tomorrow she just told me think caught something day care. The two year old has bad caught and baby catch it all. Just keep them in your thoughts just found out and I worried. I know kids get sick. The kid at day care had phenmonia just started getting bad the coughs. Started yesterday just getting bad. That bad cough. Upper chest congestion can go into that when that young easy.
Aimie there mom had it very young. Please just keep in you thought and hope its ok. Grandmothers worry. Correction to word above cough. Sue

Anonymous said...

Adam looks terrific here. I have always liked those military style jackets with the epaulets and double rows of buttons. The military style jacket and coat has also been popular in women's fashion. Adam looks great whether he is in casual clothes or in a suit and tie. The man certainly knows fashion and he would catch your eye no matter where he was. Hoping that one day in the future Adam will find that one special person he wants to share his life with on a permanent basis and be free to marry if he so chooses.

Anonymous said...

juicing is the new black.

Anonymous said...

Marriage will happen one day in the future for Adam if he so chooses. Right now; I think that Adam being in the prime of his handsome life; is just enjoying the single life and the independence being able to do all the things he needs to do without worry; to advance his career.

He seems to be very happy. He seems to be loving all the fan adulation. The Glee Gig; new album coming; hopefully the Queen collabrations. I wish Adam could be involved in some kind of way with the baised AMA Awards; since in my opinion he is the best vocalist in the world. Bet it will be the same old, same old. Just shameful; if he is not ask to present or invited or something.

Anonymous said...

Adam is so gorgeous. Swoon, swoon, swoon.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks just wonderful!

Anonymous said...

His day will come soon. However I think the main thing Adam cares about is doing what he lives.

Anonymous said...

Eating is the new white.

Exerice is the new green.


Stupid is the new smart.

Anonymous said...

I also think LMD ma me a single as well next year. Adam was sure talking it up. A new album and hopefully lots if Adam on TV. Sue

Anonymous said...

Adam is an amazing talent and my hope is he will finally get the award shows and nominations he deserves. He should of had an AMERICA music award nomination for WWFM. But he was being punished while Miley is rewarded. That's the way I feel. I wrote the above three or four trying to put good comments on here. Instead all that negative stuff. Got to go to sleep I had none. Sue

Anonymous said...

Sue, I dig your passion about all things Adam so no need to "retire"! Hope all will be okay with your grandkids.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much 7.52. Little kids get sick really worry you. When my first child was little I worked at a hospital we got discounts on emergency room. She sneeze I be worried out of my mine and take her in. You kind of get over that some but sometimes they do get really sick. I am real tired tonight no sleep. So think I will just retire tonight. Making more type mistakes than usual if possible. Thanks for your concern I appreciate it a lot. Sue

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, So sorry the grandchildren are sick. I know what you're going through as my kids had the same sickness when they were small. Try to get some rest-think about our darling Adam and you will have happy thoughts to temporarily, at least, ease your mind a bit. Take care.
p.s. Don't think about retirement.
What would the fandom be like without us.haha

Anonymous said...

Sue, it sounds like you've got a lot on your plate right now. My thoughts and prayers to you and your grandkids. They are your first priority. Love your passion for Adam amidst all you have going on in your own life. He just brings out the best in people.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sue ...

I feel for you. It's always scary when tiny ones get sick. The love and protection we feel for these little souls is beyond compare. Your grandchildren will be under a doctor's care soon, so try to rest yourself. They don't need their dear grandma getting sick! :) Children are amazingly resilient and I'm sure they'll be running around playing soon.
It has been an unusually bad cold bug going around, but it passes. Healing thoughts are with you ... take care.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Website of the organization Adam was supporting.