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New Picture: Adam Lambert with Actor Dan Bucatinsky

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, November 17, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, November 17, 2013


Anonymous said...

OMG!! How beautiful can someone be?? Love you Adam! Fan from Finland

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Hang with me, Adam, Hang with me!

Anonymous said...

Adam, I just want to eat you up, swallow you whole, attack you, breathe you in, devour you. Please God, deliver me from this passion, if not, please pray for my soul as I'm going to pay for this passion.

Anonymous said...

Everything's all there in this pic: the mystique, the magnificence, the marvel of his perfection. God, thank you for this modern Adonis. With this gift, proof you do love us.

Anonymous said...

Adam is certainly a sight to behold.
He is breathtakingly beautiful!.....

Anonymous said...

People Magazine doesn't know zilch about "sexiest". Someone send his photo, quick.

Anonymous said...

OMG, I can't find the words, only the feelings.

Anonymous said...

There are no words to describe how gorgeous and overwhelming handsome Adam Lambert is...and soooo sexy..he just keeps pouring it on ... OMG

Anonymous said...

He kinda literally takes your breath away, doesn't he? He is a gift that keeps on giving:))))))


Anonymous said...

@4:55 That's OK with me cuz all I wanna do is get him in a leg-lock on the ground and ...

Anonymous said...

Oh CT that's a good one.

Anonymous said...

KALE doezzzzzz a body goooood:)

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for that so nice to hear that from a fan from Finland. Sue

Anonymous said...

You guys have me laughing so hard my stomach hurts. Word is that Adam occasionally looks in here. I bet a post like this makes him smile. He has said he won't read the hateful ones or go in to certain sites. I hope this site will always be Adam friendly. Hopefully; or he will just jump right out; if and when he has time to come in.

Anonymous said...

@5:04 PM

I guess you heard that E-News said the rumor was that Adam Levine was chosen People Magazines most beautiful. Sounds like they got the names mixed up again; if that is the case.

Anonymous said...

@7:51 PM

If that turns out to be the case; what a giant crock! Are they blind; have they ever seen Adam Lambert?

Anonymous said...


My thoughts are with you and your family; try not to worry; just think positive if you can.

Anonymous said...

Adam reminds me of Stevie Wonder's song he wrote for his Daughter years ago when she was born..

These words especially, changed she, to he:

Isn't he lovely, Isn't he wonderful; I never thought that he, could be, so very beautiful; my Adam.

Anonymous said...

I this this movement doesn't extinguish the right not to marry.

Anonymous said...

Adam in all his bodacious glory! If People mag did pick Levine, they must be blind. LOL. They got the wrong Adam, that's for sure. Seems like we never tire of gushing over the beauty of our Adam. I know I never do!

4:55 and 5:01, You both said it in a nutshell!


Anonymous said...

DRG, the "both" you cite is one and the same person, having split my person. Though it's right that I and myself are nuts in a shell of Adam's making. Ha Ha Ha!

Anonymous said...

7:47, where did you hear word that Adam checks in here??

Anonymous said...

Frenzy after the Sauli thread. Lol.

Anonymous said...

I always thank God for Adam.
Adam's beauty inside and out, in body mind and soul simply glorifies his Creator..