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Adam Lambert is featured in today's Sunday NY Times puzzle

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, November 17, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, November 17, 2013


Anonymous said...

Nice of the NY Times to give an easily answered clue.

Anonymous said...

What is the answer?

Anonymous said...

Is the answer singer.

Anonymous said...

The answer is Adam. Very cool,great N.Y. times!

Anonymous said...

Hey lets all share our favorite Adam picture so Admin has lots to choose from for the daily pic!

Anonymous said...

Great answer!!!

Anonymous said...

Nice to see Adam made the NY Times crossword puzzle! That's one answer I would have known!......nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

ROCK STAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

Anonymous said...

how cool is that?

Anonymous said...

WOW!! you know you've made it when you are a clue in NY Times crossword puzzle!! Adam, you sweet little've made it in all of our hearts and stayed there, and will stay there, for a long, long, like forever, time..

Anonymous said...

Yes, Adam has made it! Hope he sees it. No possible mixup there between our Adam and the Maroon 5 singer :))))


Anonymous said...

Isn't this like the third or fourth time he has been in one of the major crossword puzzles?

Anonymous said...

Do you think Adam reads or knows about this site?

Anonymous said...

I believe he reads and knows about this site

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam never reads this site.

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam never reads this site.

Anonymous said...

There was a front page story of Adam on one of Miami's newspaper as well. I saw it on twitter yesterday. Forgot to share it with you. Hopefully Admin can post it.

Finn said...

Does anyone want to split a VIP package in Miami ? It includes 2night stay stay concert tickets and meet and greet and 2concert tickets. Tooooo expensive for just one person.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam knows about this site and IF he continues to come here, he avoids reading the comments.

Anonymous said...

Well, Adam made the NYTimes! That's a great achievement. I've seen his name come up in other crosswords, too. I do a few each week. He's somebody EVERYONE should know!


Anonymous said...

CT I guess you know that that Maroon 5 singer will be named People Magazine Sexist man alive with Friday's issue. I just don't get that at all. IMO there is not one single thing that is sexy about him.

Anonymous said...

3:17 -- Sexiness can be defined in many different ways. It's all in the eyes of the beholder. While I personally don't see or hear ANYTHING sexy in that M5 singer, I assume others may which would explain that cover. I accept it and just concentrate on the artists that bring ME joy,like Adam fricken Lambert!!!

Anonymous said...

Ha, that is Sexiest not Sexist.

Anonymous said...

Why do so many people here insist everybody in the world must love Adam like we do and complains about any other performer getting any recognition? If Adam Lambert had been named sexiest and you saw fans of other people complaining you would be throwing fits.

This is what was just talked about in the new fans post. Imagine new fans coming here and seeing all the trashing of other performers.

Anonymous said...

I think the VIP rooms and tickets are sold out

glitzylady said...

Re the Fontainebleau Miami concert packages on November 30th:

The 2 night VIP (meet and greet, upgraded room, etc..) packages are sold old. Still 3 night VIP packages available.... Not sure if the "regular" Bleau Fan (non-VIP no Meet and Greet...) 2 night packages are still available... But guessing the 3 night pkgs are... Call or check online for details...

Anonymous said...

I think Adam Lambert was in a previous issue of People as one of their many sexy men finalists. But it would be amaaaazing if they did select him for the sexiest man alive cover. I could just imagine all the comments, both positive and negative, from all his loyal fans and then the naysayers. I think he looks the best now than he has ever looked...happy, relaxed, gorgeous and of course, very sexy. If not People mag, how about the cover of GQ in one of those suits we have seen him in lately?

Anonymous said...

4:27 If Adam Lambert was chosen as Sexiest Man, no one could possibly argue, so I guess that's a moot point. ;)

Anonymous said...

Do you have to stay at the fountainbleu to see adam? Can you just buy tickets to his concert? Anyone know. Suppose I could call but I figured someone here would know thanks

Anonymous said...

Judged by sheer good looks, Lambert has it all over Levine. Period. The editors of People might need to make an eye doc appt. LOL. I guess when you're a judge on The Voice, you're more high profile, thus more sexy. Makes no sense, but go figure!


Anonymous said...

It's because Levine is on The Voice.

Anonymous said...

Been attending RL most of the day and just came back on to this site and you tell me this about M5 singer??? No, can't be! IMO he's def not the sexiest man alive..they must have switched the two Adam's again coz if they take another look at Adam Mitchell Lambert they'll realize their mistake. LOL!


glitzylady said...

Yes, you must buy a ticket package which includes a two or three night stay at the Fontainebleau. No tickets are being sold without the package.. at least as far as I've heard. Check the link I posted above..

I also know that some people are looking for someone to share expenses ie split room costs, etc. The VIP pkg includes the M&G with Adam. :)) Let me know if you would be interested and I might be able to put you in contact with someone...

Anonymous said...

Somebody send People Mag. The Featured Pic (sexy version)....... There would be no way Levine could outdo
Adam in those leopard leggings !...... Mercy !........JAK

glitzylady said...

I just saw this and thought of you: I posted it as a comment on a new thread but bringing it back here too:

For anyone interested, there is a contest (link below) to win a room & ticket package to see Adam Lambert at the Fontainebleau in Miami on November 30th:

**You must sign up for the New Times LBGT newsletter, but if you live in South Florida, might be worth a look.