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Pictures of Adam Lambert in the audience

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, November 3, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, November 03, 2013

VIA tarainkpr:
@adamlambert making besties with @lesleyabravanel 👯


Anonymous said...

Pearly whites!

Anonymous said...

Good morning!
I loved Devil in time of Halloween and adore this Miami look, woah!
He was checking my SMS on his cellphone hah ha (in my dreams only),

have a nice Sunday! My candies have gone with the wind /Halloween kids, LOL,


Anonymous said...

O-M-G!!!! Melvin be gone forever!
That beautiful-handsome FACE, and his hair is so SEXY!!! Thud!!!!

Anonymous said...

The teeth, so straight and the smile so gleeful. He looks content, perhaps Glee has given him something to gloat about. Just want to thank TAOG Party for the Glee premiere alert because I usually don't turn on the tv at 8am as I come here to check on things first.


Anonymous said...

Yea look at my time above...1 2 3 go ! lol!


Anonymous said...

yes walk across the catwalk gurl.

Anonymous said...

I ask can he look so rested and gorgeous and adorable..he MUST be jetlagged!! Yes, I love him more today than yesterday..and will probably love him even more can that be????????

Anonymous said...

somebody fill me in on the Party for the Glee premier...

Anonymous said...

Is there a better looking human being in that audience??? I know, silly question..

Anonymous said...

Oh lordy! What a divine picture. Suited, clean-shaven .... SPECTACULAR!!!

Anonymous said...

Some more pics of Adam at the Make-A-Wish Ball ......

Anonymous said...

Adam sure knows how to light up a room! He's stunning!....nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

I just love him for being bad and good!!!!:)

I just love him forever!!!:)


Anonymous said...

Exciting night for all who get close to Adam. Exciting morning for me to read about. ;)

Anonymous said...

Have missed this blog for a few days as I have been listening to YOUTUBE straight so I could get Marry the Night down. What a song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now that I have come back, I realize how wonderful this blog is. Thank you for those of you who contribute. I'm hanging in there til New Years Eve. Have my airline tickets ready!!!! Thackerville, here we come!!!!!

Anonymous said...

When you mix with that crowd you have to look the part and Adam certainly knows how to dress up. Adam has learned that he gets just as much attention for looking classy as he did for any of his more theatrical/ over the top looks. What a very handsome man.........way to win over more people too.


Anonymous said...

Looks like there was no need to worry over the pics of Adam and Miley. All the entertainment sites seem to be focused on the famous guy Miley may or may not have have made out with and Adam is merely a footnote. Too bad, Miley is queen of publicity right now and Adam could have had some of the spotlight.

Anonymous said...

Glory be! He's the epitome of a man of distinction .... elite class all the way!!

Anonymous said...

Miley is queen of celebrity now for all the wrong reasons.

Anonymous said...

@ 3:31, thanks for the pics. Ladies, Melvin is still there but very subtle. So nice and gingery. Click on each picture a second time to enlarge. Nice to see his manicured nails, too. Just can't help myself.

jt said...

How much more gorgeous can this man get, my goodness like good wine getting better with age. Just hope his picks come upto his standards lookwise anyway and hopefully careerwise too.

Anonymous said...

Yo mama!! He's a STUNNER!! <3

Anonymous said...

4:50 AM, maybe for you but not for me.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to hear at least some of the performance! He looks amazing, of course. Hope vids are coming.


Anonymous said...

Attractive lady, oh so yummy man.

Anonymous said...

4.49 she is the queen of the spot light for all the wrong reasons. Pretty obvious you are here to diss Adam. Good old PH wrote a story about it and several others. I very glad this quote famous guy was her boyfriend for the night and took that kind of unwanted attention off Adam. He did not need that kind if attention with Glee coming up. I think Adam is very Fond of Miley he had her back when the VMA came down. He got some real criticism for it. He did not care he still firmly took up for her. Then you come here and say your little snarky stuff about Adam. It not Adam fault what anyone on here or anyone else says he always been nice to her. Please get your priorities straight who deserves being dissed.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to sign again, Sue?
(not being snarky 'n I'm not 4:49)

Anonymous said...

I'm having a morning going down memory lane and before this thread gets crazy..

Remember this interview of our gorgeous man:

Anonymous said...

4:50 #2
... With a closer look you can also see his lovely freckles, ooohh!

Anonymous said...

@6:01 AM

BRAVO! Could not have said it better. I was getting ready to call out that one, at @4:49 AM-#1; the one trying to stir up trouble, and get some shit going; since everything is running so wonderful for our dear man. No need for me to waste my time now. You said everything that needed to be said. Done, and done!

Anonymous said...

Now that is the epitome of a beautiful, beautiful man in all of his glory. I am a proud, proud fan, of this talented, humble and kind hearted gentleman who treats everyone he meets with respect. Mr. Adam M. Lambert; I will always have your back! Congratulations, on all the good things coming your way; you truly deserve them.

Anonymous said...

This is Adam's fan site, here to discuss Adam Lambert. You want to tear down and discuss old shit about Adam's party guests; wrong site; old news; Bye, bye.

Anonymous said...

Adam must have had a blast last night. All the pictures are so gorgeous. Everybody is talking about our handsome man. The ladies and men seem to be star strucked.

Anonymous said...

The suit Adam had on, it was just beautiful. Tie, shirt, vest, jacket; need I say more; all put together so beautifully. I don't think he had the back up singers. Was Rick on drums?

Anonymous said...

Just heard that Adam was going to be on Ellen; have not been on site a couple of days. What great news to come back to; I was hoping for something like this before Glee. I am so excited. This is going to be the best week ever.

Anonymous said...

6.11 you are being snarky and did you forget to sign? Sure y I just cannot fine where you signed. Yes it's Sue I did not forget I just did not sign like 4.49 did not sign and you did not sign. You people leave snarky remarks and don't sign. If I want to get my point over and not sign sometimes I won't. But, because I usually always sign I get targeted by bullies. If it make you happy keep doing it it will not hurt me. I will always have Adams back. Thank you 6.16. Sue

Anonymous said...


Good Morning.

Don't pay attention to people who try and bully you; just ignore them. Everyone here knows that you love Adam and are a beautiful advocate for him. Just let the shit roll on back. There are those who have your back on here. So let the crap just roll down the sewer.

Let's just celebrate our beautiful man. So much good happening, no one can dampen it. Can't wait for Ellen @ Glee. Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is a dream walking. Didn't know what to expect from the pictures; these just knocked me over. Could not believe that he is just getting more gorgeous every single day. I am not kidding, he is so beautiful. Wow, just wow at all of the pictures.

Anonymous said...

6.47 thank you so much what you wrote means the world to me. Sue

Anonymous said...

So Miley was "making out" with Benji Madden?? The guy from Good Charlotte?? He's older than Adam, isn't he?

Yep, just checked - he's 34.

Anonymous said...

@Sue, honestly I was not being snarky, your style of writing is so recognizable. You often sign your post in another post saying it was you in the previous post... I love Adam every bit as much as you or any other long time fan.
6:11, also 6:15

Anonymous said...

stick a fork in this thread

Anonymous said...

@6:57 AM

Did you get lost? This is Adam Lambert's fan site; not Miley Cyrus'. Could communicate with yourself about her at her site; where you might find people interested.

We are all about our beautiful Adam Lambert here and what is happening to our beautiful man; not about gossip and rumors about his halloween party guest; old news. Please respect this site!

Anonymous said...

Adam looks are so "GQ" cover. He is so gorgeous, it seems everybody has their eyes on him.

I wish I could hear some good videos of last night. I hear his voice was off the charts.

Anonymous said...

@6:15 - I remember The Talk well..I took off work to come home and watch it..he just blew me away..I like the longer hair in this interview..LOVE adam with any kind of hair he chooses to wear...he is so amazingly beautiful, inside and out...

Anonymous said...

Adam must be in 7th Heaven. All the wonderful things that are happening for him He has worked so hard; and finally things seem to be happening in many good ways. What a wonderful role model is is for young people. Shows if you work hard, and respect yourself and others you will be ok in long run. The compliments are just rolling in from last night. So happy for him.

Anonymous said...

May I say this for all the people who always targeting the real fans here, we don't tolerate the BS and we fight back for sure!!!!:)

That's what we do to protect each other!!!:)

No matter what you say!!! Adam will stay and there is always something to be proud of being his fans indeed!!!:)

You can hide but the truth always comes out he!he!


Anonymous said...

@7:11, you need to get over yourself. I'll comment on what I want to. I'm very interested in Adam. People were talking about Adam and Miley Cyrus, so I added a comment or observation. If any coments are not appropriate on this site, the admin. will delete them.
There are some Adam fans that need to be careful. Instead of spreading goodwill and promoting Adam, thier nasty comments only drive people away. I didn't say anything negative about Adam and Miley. I don't mean to be snarky, but worry about controlling things in your own life and stop trying to control the internet.

Anonymous said...

@6:15 AM & @7:16 AM

I remember the time Adam was on The Talk show as well. One of my favorites; watched many times. The time he flung Sarah over his shoulder because he was asked. The whole show was so great; and all about Adam. The women were going crazy for him. He looked so handsome, his personality just shined. I loved the game they played with him. The hugs he gave the game players for guessing and singing his songs correctly. I think I will go watch it again. I really wish he could be on that show again too. But, love it when he goes on Ellen also.

Anonymous said...

This is 7:24 again. Just to make you happy @ 7:11, I forgot to add - Adam looks very handsome in the above pictures.:)

Anonymous said...

7:24 AM

Whatever. It is still gossip and rumor about another one of Adam's party goers. People can get that information from TMZ.

Anonymous said...

Guys, it is truly happening for our BB; I know that we are all proud. Adam is always thanking us because he knows we have his back. I wish I could have been there last night. I cannot wait to see him on Ellen. He is such a good interviewer's subject. Love this man; what more can I say?

Anonymous said...

7.02 my style of writing is recognizable ok, I get it. I sometimes forget to sign realize it and post it underneath the post. However there may be times that I do not care to sign. Really not anyone's job that does not ever sign their posts to call me out for it. Had I wanted to sign and forgot that would have been my call to do that. When you do not like to sign why was it important to call me out. I very proud that you love Adam most of us here do. That what this site is suppose to be here for to love and support him. I stating here right now most of the time I sign but if I decide not to sometimes that's my call like it is yours not to sign. I have been called out many times for posts that I did not write so as recognizable has you think my posts are you could be wrong. If I don't sign maybe that time I just don't want to and if I forget to sign when I want to I will be the one to let you know. I not be snarky just answering your post. Have a nice day, Sue

Anonymous said...

my God she just cannot stay away always planting negativity getting sneakier by the minute.

Anonymous said...

@7:29,basically, who cares? If admin. didn't want people to comment on Adam and other people, they would not post threads that mention Adam and other celebrities. I just made a comment that wasn't negative, and you attacked.
You can respond, but I'm done. My apologies to the other posters.

Anonymous said...

@7:38, who are you talking about?

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who thinks that the featured pictured looks like an ad for Ciroc vodka?

Anonymous said...

Looks like an advertisement for a stunningly handsome man having a good time to me. That's my Adam! Sue

Anonymous said...

7:57 Ciroc Vodka sponsored Adam's Halloween party.

carolynj said...

@6:15 and @7:16 I love to go down memory lane and look at old interviews. Thanks for the reminder of a great one on The Talk. Now how am I going to get my yard work done? I'll be watching old interviews all morning....

Anonymous said...

I'm blown away by Adam's good looks. That suit with vest and tie are amazing on him. What a guy!


Anonymous said...

Can someone tweet Adam about his suit and ask whom the designer might be? Wow! It was top notch designer and fit him like his gloves. He is so freakin' handsome that I look at other men in disgust when I see them so sloppily dress-I wish that Adam could give classes on how to wear clothes and especially a SUIT! That part of Florida has so many rich rich people and when I visit that area, I am astounded at the beautiful people there, many of them of Latin descent. And, OMG, the way they dress, you would think you are in Paris!

Anonymous said...

can we just get over the comments that call people out for alledgely attacking them..this is beginning to read like a script from a "Real Housewives" episode!

Anonymous said...

Adam said the suit is "D&G Bitch"..his words, not mine...

Anonymous said...

Adam carries himself so well..tall and straight..and with his out of the park looks..he is a natural to model clothes, or anything else for that matter (sunglasses anyone)

glitzylady said...

Adam's tweet "The Devil Wears D&G Bitch" was about his suit on Halloween (and was a play on "The Devil Wears Prada" the movie :))))

Not so sure about the suit he wore last night at the Make A Wish Ball....

Guess we'll have to ask Adam!

Anonymous said...

Way to misunderstand my comment on Adam and Miley and the celebrity sites. I never said anything negative about either of them. In fact I think the pic was no big deal. Whether or not you like Miley she is very high profile now and lots of people love her. As they say all publicity is good publicity. Ready for you to tell me you don't like that kind of publicity. Doesn't matter to me if you like it or not.