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2013 Handsome Overload

Filed Under () by Admin on Thursday, December 26, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, December 26, 2013


Anonymous said...

@alambertdotnet: AWESOME!
[around 1:03] TY! RT @KiwiBertling: ET shows Adam Lambert as 1 of the big stars of Idol...

Anonymous said...

Amazing fan art drawing by @ListoffSAY

Anonymous said...

StLouieee: @adamlambert and I after the show! Get it with that fluorescent lighting! #rockofages #vegas

Anonymous said...

@AdamGlitterGasm: @Adamlambert In leather pants oh.....

Anonymous said...

@AdamLambert_INA: Jacob Haren (Michael) & Adam Lambert (Capt. Hook) in Peterpan (2000) and now at Rock of Ages Vegas (jacobdharen IG)

Anonymous said...

becstagram3 IG:Thank you for coming @adamlambert!!! #rockofagesvegas #vegas

Anonymous said...

Adam u still beautiful no matter what u do for ur hair or what u grew on your face, it wont change the way your eyes and nose still standout from the rest of it.

Anonymous said...

has Adam's hair moved in the last 3 months.

Anonymous said...

What a way to start this day with such gorgeous pics of Adam.