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Adam's Beautiful Complexion

Filed Under () by Admin on Thursday, December 26, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, December 26, 2013


Anonymous said...

Where was that beautiful complexion in China?

Anonymous said...

Where is your tact and class now? Idiot!

Anonymous said...

@11:35 PM

Yes; you are a classless A-hole. Adam's complexion is beautiful to me. When I look at Adam I see the most beautiful man; inside and out. You on the other hand, must be the most hateful sarcastic person in the world, to show such disrespect for Adam; I don't know what in in hell you call yourself; but I would not call you a fan of Adam's. If so; heaven help him.

Get help, you need it.

Anonymous said...

@11:35 PM

Adam had acne scarring when he was a child, he said that it used to to be very sensitive about it; and he would cover it with lots of makeup. It is a condition that many people struggle with in their teen and as adults. He said he no longer feels this way.

They have so many skin care treatments now and great dermatologists who teach great skin care along with great eating habits to improve the skin.

I personally like to see the difference between a man and woman; I like when men look more rugged looking.

You come along and try to act like some kind of school yard bully; trying to embarrass Adam about his complexion. You are a rude and hateful person. You should be ashamed of yourself. I love the way Adam looks; I think he has a beautiful complexion.

I also, think he is one of the most beautiful men that I have ever seen. His face shows the beauty and kindness of good character; and acceptance of his true self.

Anonymous said...

why, oh why, you keep reacting to these idiotic burbs of the resident evil?!

Anonymous said...

Adam still has acne scarring. It's obvious in close-up pictures, even when he's wearing makeup. That's not being nasty. That's being truthful and I'm NOT a troll nor a resident evil.

Anonymous said...

WHO CARES??? He sings like an angel, smiles so beautiful it makes your heart glad and he's a deeply good human being. What more do you want??

Anonymous said...

Why was this even posted? Every Glambert knows Adam's best feature is not his complexion. Seems like a nasty set up for more fighting to me.

Anonymous said...

There's no need for people to be so sensitive and defensive and retaliate so harshly. It places Glamberts in a very bad light. Adam's complexion is what it is and those of us who love Adam don't look for flaws.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately the mean-spirited, thoughtless, and cruel people will always be here with us. They obviously don't know who they are. Let's not tell them and ignore as it would only be a waste of time. There are so many wonderful, positive things to focus on for 2014. Adam has new music, Glee, and upcoming concerts to look forward to. Life is good. Peace Out!


jt said...

Ignore ignore. Very difficult to do when someone we all admire gets picked on. We all know Adams complexion has been a sensitive subject to him therefore makeup etc. Whoever is admin on this blog must know this would cause lots of comments so we have to question why? More hits mean more revenue. I guess the Sauli subject has run out of steam until more photos show up so they put these headlines up.
However I do agree Adams face looks much better than it did four years ago so maybe some trips to the dermatologist has helped. I agree with other posts a man looks more manly with a few flaws.

Anonymous said...

I love redheads with freckles!

Anonymous said...

@jt/@6:18 AM & @1:27 AM

Just got through reading all the post here; You, and a couple of others said exactly how I feel. Good on you. Also, I feel the only person that is placed in a bad light; is not the Glamberts responding to this disrespectful post @11:35 AM; but the poster themselves.

I will ignore nothing; unless I choose to do so; we are all free to respond how we feel.

Hope our beautiful Adam isn't lurking this AM; but, if so; "Hi, beautiful one, love you".

Happy New Years to all; and to all a good day!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to all of you too.

Anonymous said...

I imagine someone like 11:35 would mock their own kids too. You just don't get get on a web site and turn into an *sshole you already are one to begin with. What's with the holiday troll frenzy? lol

Anonymous said...

You know what?! That's your fucking opinion. Adam is beautiful inside and out and NOBODY CARES ABOUT WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY ABOUT HIM. YOU MAY THINK THAT HE IS UGLY BUT THE GLAMILY DOES NOT, WILL NOT AND NEVER WILL SO FUCK OFF AND DIE YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!!!!! Never ever insult him. Ever. Because I hope the devil steals your soul and tortures you for eternity in the burning pits of hell!!!! ADAM MITCHEL LAMBERT DOES NOT DESERVE THIS HORRIBLE DISRESPECT AND I HOPE AND PRAY THAT YOU AND EVERY OTHER ANTI GLAMBERT EITHER GETS HELP OR EXPLODES!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@10:26. I am worried, do you live in a state where you can openly carry firearms? You are scary.

Anonymous said...

I have met Adam close up and I didn't notice any scars on his face. Just a beautiful person. HD cameras picks up things that you don't notice them with your naked eyes. BTW I have 20/20 vision. HD cameras are like those magnified mirrors.

Anonymous said...

I put away th magnified mirror in my house; I made the mistake of looking into it on high magnified side; and I did not recognize me. I ran to look in the regular mirror and was my smoothed skin self again. Lord help me; but I will never look in that thing again.

The people taking those pictures were way into Adam's personal space; peeps were complaing about the closeness of this person; seemed very rude of them to be right up in his face; crazy and over the top behavior.

Anonymous said...

Admin, please: Is the comment/reply of 10:26 AM in your opinion appropriate?

Anonymous said...

@10:26am is a Glambert Militia. Dang girl take it easy. It ain't that deep.

Anonymous said...

As one of his fan i dont care what kind of skin problem he has.what i know is he is one of the most fucking hensome man in this world.feel sorry to people who their job are trying to find every flaw adam has including inspecting every pore of adam skin to get something unpleasant to talk about.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to run my finger (very slowly!) through every pore on his face, gently stroke those thick eyebrows, his perfect nose and profile, and also very gently let my finger follow his hairline, study his jawline and then gently kiss his eyelids and those perfect, luscious, freckled lips.... Just once I'd like my dream come true IN A DREAM WHILE I'M SLEEPING!!! Is that too much to ask, Universe???!! Of all the UNimaginable things I see in my dreams... WHY, oh why can't you grant me THIS????? Pleeeeeeezzzz!!!
