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2013 random gorgeous picture

Filed Under () by Admin on Thursday, December 26, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, December 26, 2013


Anonymous said...

I think Adam's appearance with Angie re-acquainted many viewers who have not been following Adam's career with the young man they saw on Idol. It reminded them that he can, as Randy said on a regular basis "sing his face off".

But, that he was gracious enough to let Angie shine and just accompany her, as he should. It was her night..... It was a good moment for both of them. He's a gentleman............JAK

Anonymous said...

like the caption said gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Obviously my brain is soaked in sugar calories, 5 or 6 or 40 butter cookies too many. This comment at 1:11, of course, belongs on the Adam-Angie thread. Sugar High!!.....JAK

Anonymous said...

The man, the entertainer, singer, song writer and actor I love. ♥

Doesn't make the list 'Things to worry about' JAK ;)

Anonymous said...

If you look up the word gorgeous in the dictionary, this picture of Adam should be next to it. And he is the best vocal talent in music today.

Anonymous said...

Adam's always Glam!!!

Anonymous said...

In this pic Adam shows again (and again and again...) what a picture perfect, fabulous dresser he is! EVERYTHING is soooo thought and matching, strikingly beautiful & handsome. And then some...Love the suit/vest, the sleeves rolled & the tat sleeve (!), the tie (fantastic pattern!), the bracelet, the rings, the gauges, the perfect hair, face & smile and the pinky pointing upwards... Yes, Adam, you're just too good to be true!!!