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Great 2013 moment: Adam and Angie Miller

Filed Under () by Admin on Thursday, December 26, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, December 26, 2013


daydreamin said...

And I was there!

Anonymous said...

Angie's clutching Adam closer than her idol. Telling!

Anonymous said...

1:53 AM
Telling is your imagination!

Anonymous said...

It's a shame Admin didn't include Jessie J's name in the title of this thread - also Angie's Mom & Adam's Mom. Perhaps an oversight.

Anonymous said...


Angie isn't clutching Adam more than her idol. You are seeing what YOU WANT to see.

Anonymous said...

the bottom pic with Angie Miller is really good of him. the hair style is very cute.

Anonymous said...

Not a good look on Jessie... And as a loyal & loving, long time Adam fan this particular moment on stage was painful to watch and I'd like to forget it...

Anonymous said...

Moms of grown children can still be beautiful! That's nice to know.