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【72 min Full-Set】Adam Lambert BleauLive @Fountainbleau, Miami Beach 11/30/13

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, December 2, 2013

Posted at : Monday, December 02, 2013


Anonymous said...

Adam was in high-energy, excellent form the whole concert, but Kickin' In was a playful, fun sexcapade! HOT.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

@DorothyRivers: GLAMBERTS 1 VOTE per Category FOR @adamlambert at the Hungarian Music Daily Awards ► Please share / RT

Anonymous said...

@GlambertHU: Lay Me Down is #1 on the Hungarian chart. :)

(can't link the YT video, sorry) @adamlambert @avicii @nilerodgers

Anonymous said...

@LAMBERTLUST: Email from Adam Lambert Webstore - Cyber Monday Savings Through December 4th

Anonymous said...

@eyso0o: ADAM LAMBERT >>>

Anonymous said...

reminds of a young Ricky Martin. the hair perhaps

Anonymous said...

reminds of a young Ricky Martin. the hair perhaps

Anonymous said...

This full set is great ,thank you! Nothing like actually being there but the next best thing for sure.

Anonymous said...

If anyone is thinking of seeing Adam at Hard Rock in Biloxi, Mi there are not many tickets left, GA front Standing only. All seats are gone.

Anonymous said...

@10:30 AM Nice to know ticket sales are doing well.

Anonymous said...

Adam was on Fastion Queen last night on Bravo. They were talking about his boots he was at the bridegroom premier. They liked them the one fellow said he lived for Adam. It's on Bravo. Sue

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert's still got it going on, and on, and on; don't you ever stop BB!

Anonymous said...

It seems to me; a lot more guys are beginning to tweet & comment on Adam's you-tube viewings and other articles; and in a very positive way. More and more people are taking notice of Adam; and many returning to the fold. I think Glee has helped a lot also.

Anonymous said...

Adam voice is excellent, BUT the band is so dull. Unfortunately.

Anonymous said...

It might just be the video, but I think the drummer is too loud and the band does sound flat and dull. Maybe it was better actually being there in the room. But Adam always sounds amazing and he seemed to be having fun and being very playful. He cracks himself up with those sexy dance moves(Pop that Lock) as if he can't actually believe that he just did that.

Anonymous said...

Go Hungary

I´m waiting for it b a d l y to Finland,


Anonymous said...

This band is not used on the albums is it. I was told this band is/was just for touring. Is that correct?

Anonymous said...

Love Ashley's new hair style. I think that she is very good and an asset to Adam as his bass player. They do look good together also, as per band.

Anonymous said...

Really enjoyed the full set; thank you so much. Adam is so sexy and the best vocalist of my lifetime. This is really great. Can't wait to see what 2014 holds.

Anonymous said...

@12:08 PM

The band consist of more than one person; why don't you critque each with your comments; instead of painting a broad brush. Also, Adam needs a stable band; not here today and gone tomorrow. He has to feel confortable with them; and trust them; because he treats them as a Glamily. Also, people don't work for free; the high profiled artist probably cost big bucks; and move on when someone offers more.

Adam seems happy so far with his band members; and Tommy has said several times that he will never leave Adam unless he throws him out.

Anonymous said...

12:08, I would never judge how the sound was through a cell phone recording uploaded to youtube and listened to through computer speakers. What we usually hear from people there live is that it sounded great.

12:16, correct, different musicians were used for the album than for the touring live band.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he needs excellent sound mixing guy but probably it will cost more money.wish he could hv money to expend his musician so that it will sound more organic n not relay too much on backing track.

Anonymous said...

Many thanks for this concert where I could curl up in bed and watch it in cosy comfort on my iPad.

My husband got worried about me since I had disappeared and came to hunt me down..."are you okay" he asked and using Paula's words I said "I'm better than good"........ What a treat!.......JAK

Anonymous said...

hate to say that I agree about the band..maybe when Adam earns more money he will have a better band..but he loves his band and they get along so we'll see..his voice outshines the band by miles and more..OT..I just read that the TG ep of Glee had the lowest ratings in the shows' history..I am PO'd about this..but, can do nothing, of course..maybe ratings will pick up in Feb...

Anonymous said...

Adam adam sounded frigging fabulous. The crowd was very, very into him.
What I loved was all the guys screaming we love you, love you Adam. He really has got more males. Queen I believe has helped some in that dept. of course ultimately he won them over.
Ladies have always been into him at least lots have. Thanks so much for the great sounding vids. So very grateful for all that posted here. Sue

Anonymous said...

I loved all the Miami vids that were posted. Thank you all very much for sharing! Adam was in great form and I enjoyed everything! I believe Adam has picked up more fans. His twitter number confirms that!

Anonymous said...

If you ever attended an Adam concert you would know that the band sounds great. The videos we see here are not the best quality and I think even Adam does not sound his best. Just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Don't care what anyone nitpicks about Adam's show, although I know it comes from good intentions. For myself, Adam's joy in his "happy place" and love for his audience are so infectious, I don't take much notice of them. The total effect of what Adam does--the playfulness, the emotion, the moves and the expressive face, the electricity, and the peerless voice--is more than what I get from few artists. I would not trade his performance for all the high budget extravagance of richer pop stars. From what I've read, the videos don't do the experience of a live Adam concert much justice, Adam's just that much of a phenomenon.

connie said...

Just watched all 72 entertaining minutes of this concert. The singing was divine and the music superb. No complaints, except I wasn't there.

Anonymous said...

The only problem I heard was on Dragon Attack,their was a sound problem,but Adam just improvised. I think a few times he went over to the sound guy and made lots of hand signals during the concert. I know these vids don't sound nearly as good as live Adam concerts! That is why if any one can go see him live it is so worth it!

Anonymous said...

I watched the individual vids of Adam's performance and then finally this full 72 min set which is better to watch as one cohesive concert. This gives you a more complete experience of his performance and even though there were some sound glitches and the band may have been a bit off at times, Adam's singing was amazing and he seemed so playful, happy and energized. I love his dance moves and the way he cracks up laughing at himself. Obviously the best place to be is right there seeing Adam in person, but we all don't have the opportunity to do that so we rely on these vids for the shows. I'm sure those who were there had a great time.

Anonymous said...

Well i was there, the performances were good, adam sounded like adam ( great). But i think an audition for new band ( members) wouldn't be bad.

Anonymous said...

I watched the live stream and picked up on some difficulties Adam may have been having with some sound issues. Then when the vids came through it confirmed my suspicions as it appeared to be more obvious that there were sound or technical difficulties. The thing is I was stomped on by other fans who attended the concert and some how thought I was a troll. I never put Adam down at all, just concerned for him as I sensed his frustration although he did his best to improvise and cover over the problems, he is an outstanding performer but I'd love to see him performing with a band that has more experience. When Adam sings with Queen or with Nile Rodgers he never misses a beat these musicians help to bring out the best in Adam they compliment each other and this doesn't seem to happen with Adam's current band.

Anonymous said...

Even with sound issues I'm sure people would still have a great time because Adam is a great singer no matter what happens just seeing him on stage is a thrill.
I understand all this, but it does seem sad that his talent is wasted by performing with a mediocre band.

Anonymous said...

Obviously Adam wasn't happy with the sound as he went off stage a couple times and was making his usual hand signals but you certainly can't judge the show from crappy YouTube recordings. That's just ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

I like your second paragraph, but your first? No!
People should enjoy what they paid for, i did enjoy the show,but the idea that the thrill of seeing adam is enough is not true, maybe at first, but over time, peeps will lose interest unless they get premium value, for their money.i was @ the queenbert performance, heard adam,nile and avicii performance ( my friend was there), no way can you compare it to adam's band performance. Thank God for adam's charisma, voice and all, the band did not do him justice!
As much as i dislike kanye west, but when you go for a live performance, God! You go away, IMPRESSED as you should be.

Anonymous said...

Why do you go to a Kanye concert if you dislike him??! Unless you work for the venue organizing the gig and/or something similar and get free tickets...
And for the record I'm always IMPRESSED by Adam!!! Not so much by the constant whiners here! You don't seem to know anything how this business work if you compare Adam's gigs (of this size) with bands and performers doing huge arenas and stadium gigs. For Adam (so far) it's always 'a battle' with local sound systems, local sound guys, mixers etc. And what was the effect of the sudden move to indoors to all these things you are complaining about?! The only thing that is constant is ADAM'S VOICE and his talent to use it and perform LIVE!!!

One other thing that is CONSTANTly present: Soooo FED UP with the BAD VIBE on this site!!! You can SENSE IT in every the almost empty ones, too!

Anonymous said...

Adam's band haven't performed together for a while now, during the Wag tour towards the end the band had a good tight sound to it, even Tommy's guitar playing improved and Rick on drums was sounding really good, so perhaps that's all that's needed more rehearsal time.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 3:09
will you shut up and respect yourself?, if i pay and travel far for an event,i want to enjoy it!,
i am not a negative person, not a whiner either, and for the record, i PAY for every concert i go to,yeah i work hard so,i relax hard too.
If you are impressed with adam, good for u, but honey in case you missed it, YOU AREN'T ADAM's ONLY FAN! i am entittled to my opinion.
On a serious note, take a chill pill,relax and dont be a twat

Anonymous said...

Tommy's guitar playing was really off during Purple Haze, it was so bad Adam couldn't sing it properly, instead he had to improvise, of course he did a great job but rather sad to see Adam's talent wasted like this.

Anonymous said...

@ 3:09 quick question,were you there? All the comments here, all points to the inadequancies of the Glamily band, no body said or wrote some bad about adam as a performer, instead, he is commended for being an innovator even when performing live, a lot of singers cant do that now, well many lip sync.
I was not at miami, didn't particularly pick anything (odd) out of the videos posted here, so i can't *attack* or *defend* , I hope the concert at Winstar is gonna be great, let the Glamily band rehearse.

glitzylady said...

This thread is probably dead but I have to weigh in on a few things. :))

Vids (particularly the fan vids) are often (ie USUALLY..) distorted in sound quality etc.. Depending where the person recording them is standing.. I was standing right in front of a giant speaker along with some others, whose vids I've seen posted here and there. Even the sound mix in the venue was apparently a little off at times but all in all, WHAT A FABULOUS CONCERT EVENT!!!!!

The vibe inside the venue was absolutely electric. There WERE some sound issues but rarely was it particularly noticeable to we who were in the venue. No one gave a s*** (if they even noticed..) because Adam was singing and that was all I cared about.

And he was on fire that night. So happy and animated and it was obvious to me he was having a ball. As were we all! Adam did make a fair amount of signals to the sound people and a couple of times when he had his back turned to the audience he looked a little frustrated. But he is such a pro that I doubt many noticed a thing, unless you were standing at the angle and place I was. He made several trips to the right of the stage to the sound people. Which was FINE with me because I was standing right there. :)) And it brought him very close to ME. What can I say :))))

The band was fine IMO. I only recall one time when things sounded off for a bit (wrong key I think..), but other than that they were quite fine.

My hubby, who is a fan, and has been to some concerts in the past but not since GNT, thought they were great also. He enjoyed every moment immensely. He really enjoyed Brian. He thought Tommy was doing a good job and he thought Ashely was positively gorgeous. He said he missed Isaac on drums tho, because Isaac "is much more fun to watch.." and he's chatted with Isaac a few times and likes him a lot..

I'm just sharing this because while my hubby is a very very supportive Adam fan, he isn't **quite** as involved in the fandom as I am and I feel he is more objective than I might be. He was just ENJOYING the hell out of the whole thing. As was everyone else there as far as I could see. His ONLY complaint was that he would have liked MORE songs, more of Adam's songs. Basically MORE Adam. And I agree of course.. Adam's concerts fly by seemingly in the blink of an eye. We NEVER get enough. Evahhh!

Everyone has their own perspective, this was mine..and my hubby's..

Oh, and Adam looked positively stunning in person. Everyone out there has an opinion of his latest "look", and I can tell you, I LIKE!!!!!! He took my breath away..and still does every time I think about it... Which right now is A LOT!!!

Such a handsome, charming, beautiful man.

These vids and every other one I've seen, "Bring it on back, bring it on ME!!!!".


Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, I just checked back to this thread to watch the video in it's entirety. Adam is such a professional and did an excellent job improvising so I've no doubt that for anyone attending the concert in person as you and your husband did, I'd say you would still have a fantastic time, but that band is really letting Adam down big time, Adam is miles ahead of these guys and it shows. I'd also like to know, why is it that whenever Adam performs with Queen or Nile Rodgers, things always run smoothly, no technical problems or sound difficulties and brilliant musicians complimenting Adam's brilliance. Adam's current band need to do an awful lot to catch up and step up to be at the same level as Adam because they really are letting him down big time. No I wasn't there in person but I wasn't there in person with Queen or Nile either, and the video's that have come through now from Fontainebleau show very clearly that the current band Adam has simply doesn't do him justice, it's very sad to see Adam's talent wasted he deserves far better than this.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Glitzylady! I can tell from the videos that the concert was phenomenal. I think Adam looks beyond amazing with this rocker hair and style. And, of course, that killer smile! You were so lucky to see him in Miami.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Anyone with an ear for music can tell that the band is not up to scratch. While dye hard fans who adore Adam are willing to overlook his band, Adam stands to lose fans who are more into music rather worshipping Adam alone.

Anonymous said...

4:00pm ... it's "die hard".

Band members have changed over the years and Adam has played with superstar bands (Queen?! Chic?!)so he is well aware of the excellence that YEARS of playing together produces. He knows what he's doing and we'll all find out in the future. Everything in good time. Until then, I'm going to enjoy the talented and fun band he's put together now.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

I hope addam really knows about this site, shosh stone definitely knows about the site. Maybe adam is wise enough to know that some of these complaints ( not attack) are genuine from fans, personally i dont care about folks that are quick to judge, especially when you say the obvious truth,
Each time some stuff are aired out, i pray adam, his publicist reads it. Sometimes a pull down is needed for a breakthrough! Every fan has different reasons for following adam, but the top priority should be his music, not his beauty, his personal life etc.
Anonymous 03:09 you asked a funny question, must you like an artist before enjoying their music? I am not crazy about nicki minaj and rihanna ( crazy antics) but i love their music! Liking Wrecking Ball, does not mean i love miley and yes, i might go to her concert! And whatever you wrote about stage, arena blah, blah blah..excuses!
I don't know who exactly, your comment was meant for, but i see you have been responded, i do agree with one sensible thing in your comment, there are threads filled with negativity, but there are threads filled with denial, exaggeration, outright nonsense too!
Do you know,there is a possibility, that not every one in miami concert are Glamberts, so what about first timers, new fans, peeps at the hotel? First impressions last longer.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree that first impressions last longer, they help to give an artist longevity. Worshipping an artist for their appearance rather than their music will not last, but good music with Adam's talented voice and great musicians to back him up are vital, just take a look at artists such as Nile Rodgers and Chic, Queen, these guys have been around for years and there music still holds good to this day.

Anonymous said...

At last, we have a thread where people are bold to speak ( write) their minds. Enough of this bull shit, when R CA wanted a cover album, some people were bold enough to talk, thank God, because some ass lickers in this site,would have cheered him on.
I am sure adam is smart enough to know a genuine comment from a nasty one, some people don't.