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Adam and Friends - "Party time up in the Cherry Soda Studios"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, December 16, 2013

Posted at : Monday, December 16, 2013


Anonymous said...

Well the suit is much better looking than the trees.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful picture with Godfather Adam with his Godson and his long time friends. Everybody looks so beautiful, surrounded by beautiful festive decorations.

Anonymous said...

Adam and everyone looks beautiful. Precious children! Sue

Anonymous said...

like #86 is from me on the first instagram. Just FYI. lol

Anonymous said...

This was posted this morning too. What is going on with the multiple posts and not deleting offensive comments about Adam?

Anonymous said...

Wonder if Adam is doing some photos with Lee Cherry? They do good work together. Love seeing Adam with him friends and godson Riff.

Anonymous said...

Its Sunday, give Admin some time off. Its alway a slow news day.

Anonymous said...

Actually it's late Monday night in the US.

Anonymous said...

I'm happy to see Adam with Cherry family!

Anonymous said...

I saw few photos of Adam on twitter. He is completely drunk on these photos but people say the he is very hot!i want to know what they would say if somebody will make a photo of Adam when he vomits in the restroom! This is very hot:D

Anonymous said...

of course,he is gonna be hot, his tall frame on the floor is just too erotic for me to bear and the smell of alcohol..o dear lord *swooning*
i hope i answered your dumb question?

glitzylady said...

Noticing that Scarlett appears to be expecting again.. Very cool.. Another little Cherry blossom on the Cherry tree :) (I could be wrong but seems like it...)

glitzylady said...

Adam looks fabulous and happy here. He is so fortunate to be surrounded by those who love him, and those he himself loves..

And excuse me, but do some of you really have to ruin this beautiful picture and thread about Adam and his wonderful long time close friends and their exquisite children, with your rude speculative and totally-unrelated-to-the-subject-of-the-thread comments about Adam?? Please have some respect and take your wank elsewhere..... Thank you.

glitzylady said...

Sorry, I should have said "one of you"....

Anonymous said...

Glitzy, why don't you ask Admin why she isn't deleting those kinds of comments instead of responding to the trolls?

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:18 PM
I don't mind the first part of your question. Perhaps I'll do that. The second part was unnecessary.

You know my "name", what's yours? :))

HK fan said...

@Glitzy...I thought Scarlett looked pregnant in this photo too. Exciting for them if she is.

Anonymous said...

Somebody is in a snippy mood again.

glitzylady said...


Anonymous said...

Babies getting so big . . . and our baby cute as always

Anonymous said...

Just as I thought with the sincerity.