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Adam Lambert featured in Star Magazine

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, December 5, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, December 05, 2013


Anonymous said...

Gotta run to store now. :)

Anonymous said...

Singer turned Actor!?!?!?!!?
He's Both, He's Both

Anonymous said...

I guess I will have to get Star today too. Can't pass up a nice picture of Adam.

Anonymous said...

They haven't seen Adam act out in TV Land and he's now claiming his acting abilities. I think it's wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Which issue?
I couldn't find it in the magazine.

Anonymous said...

It's about time that Adam is getting noticed for being such a talented performer. I hope that his appearances on Glee have opened up other opportunities for him and that 2014 will be his best year yet.

Anonymous said...

Hello hair, I miss you.

Anonymous said...

This sounds like his role on Glee is over...that isn't true is it?

Anonymous said...

He got one next year for sure. After that do not know. I have a feeling better offers are on the table. Sounds like a busy year next year and a good one. Sue

Anonymous said...


HK fan said...

Good to see you tag...isn't it your birthday in a couple of days??
is so, Happy early birthday wishes.

Anonymous said...

I'm always eyeing him up . . HeHe

Anonymous said...

The pic format, grey frames, bad copy or scan, make it almost look like a mugshot...even with this GORGEOUS man in it! Hehe.

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmmm, nice pic.

Anonymous said...

3:36 pm you're hilarious! Who wouldn't be eyeing up that gorgeous hunk of man??!!