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GLEE Tonight

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, December 5, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, December 05, 2013


Anonymous said...

Does anyone know when Adam will be on Glee again? It was posted somewhere. that this episode was taped before he started Glee and that he will not be on Glee tonight.

Anonymous said...

I think Glee is back Feb 25.

Anonymous said...

What? Feb. 25? Why? I know, too many questions. But there have only been 6 or so episodes since the season started. What gives?


Anonymous said...

I'll be watching, I want to support this program even when Adam is not on it. I buy all the music but I only dl the iTune programs Adam is on.

Anonymous said...

I won't watch it until Adam is on Feb. 25 episode 10, frenemies.

Anonymous said...

I like your attitude 10:18AM! Support Adam!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I meant l0:11AM!!!! It's just fun to keep up with the story.

Anonymous said...

Adam is getting very good press for being on Glee so the show's ratings are important. He blew them away with the song "Marry the Night!" Hey he's in the rags! Love that Adam!

Anonymous said...

No watchee Glee for me, unless Adam's on to see.

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting impatiently for Feb. 25. I have other Thurs. night TV that I watch. But on Feb. 25, it will be GLEE.


Anonymous said...

9:57, another hiatus. The last one was due to sports. Not sure about this one but several shows are running reruns or are on hiatus for the next few weeks.

Anonymous said...

I don't see the point in needing to notify everyone when you won't be watching Glee.

Anonymous said...

I'll support Glee because Adam is still in the cast.

Anonymous said...

I think we should all support GLEE each week, as a "Thank You" to Ryan Murphy for giving Adam this excellent opportunity.

HK fan said...

I think Adam maybe on ep 9 too...

I don't get all these mid season hiatus's, seems to be a US thing.

Anonymous said...

Episode 9 (2-25-14) Kurt/Adam duet and pole dancing. Episode 10 Lea/Adam duet.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone catch tonight's episode? Someone posted that Kurt and Blaine broke up on another thread and I wondered if that was true and what the circumstances were...

Anonymous said...

As a thank you to ryan murphy? Adam is working hard for his pay, nothing is free, even in freetown.
If you dont want to watch Glee because adam isn't in it, good for you, it wouldn't do anything to the ratings

daydreamin said...

Yes Kurt and Blaine broke up. I didn't see it last week when they must have shown why and how that happened. I was surprised when I watched tonight.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reply Daydreamin. Last week already, huh? I really like Kurt. And of course Adam!

Anonymous said...

I'm a world away and my DVR is on With Glee as series.
with or without Adam, I'm recording Glee.