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Adam Lambert Quote of The Day

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, December 15, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, December 15, 2013


Anonymous said...

Lamberlust, you have a great sense of why Adam deserves our admiration. This philosophy requires that we love ourselves so that we can love others.

Anonymous said...

Yes, that's how I've lived, not deliberate, it's just my subconscious. Adam is referring to the Self in each one of us...a lot of which could be innate but a huge part molded by circumstance/environment/competition. In Adam's case he evolved it in a much harsher environment than mine; still a large portion is due to his innate strong will and his exceptional talents.


Anonymous said...

Curious. Who runs the 24/7 blog? Anyone know? TY.

Anonymous said...

Adam has lived exactly as this quote states. It takes a very strong individual to march to the beat of his own drum and often suffer the slings and arrows of those around you for those beliefs. We may not always like the color or style of his hair, the clothes he wears, the friends he hangs around with or the songs he sings, but Adam has never waivered from who he is and what he wants. He is not afraid to express himself throuogh his music and his fashion. His message of love, understanding, acceptance and respect needs to be a part of everyone's life. I think Adam is the most talented vocalist in the the music industry today and I am hoping that 2014 will be the best year for him yet.

Anonymous said...

However Adam's career pans out musically, one of his many legacies will be what this quote expresses. He has always been true to himself, unapologetic, confident and honest. It's not always easy.


Anonymous said...

I ADORE that hairstyle. :)

Anonymous said...

Totally agree! Thank you for bringing that "ADAM GEM" in front of our eyes with that beautiful pic.

@Anon 7:14
Thank you for your most eloquent and 'touche' post. Should be posted on a bulletin board here (if we had one, he he) as a must read for everyone entering AL News 24/7!!!

Maybe that way the atmosphere here could be a bit more accepting & loving?! Loving comments about Adam are expressed in so many beautiful ways. NOT liking something Adam can and should be stated accordingly... Adam style!

And finally would like to clear up something, at least from my own part: Loving Adam unconditionally does not mean that I'm not in touch with reality. It's because I'm in touch with reality that I love Adam unconditionally.


Anonymous said...

LTAF I agree 100 percent with your post. And the last two sentences especially. :)

Anonymous said...

7:08 pm I haven't seen Admin named anywhere. Glitzy lady knows him/her though. He/she may wish to remain anonymous, but I don't know that for sure.