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Roger Taylor talks "Adam Lambert" In New Interview

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, December 15, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, December 15, 2013

Q. What is the prospect of a Queen tour in 2014 given you recently played with Adam Lambert at the I Heart Radio Festival in Las Vegas and six dates before that previously?

A. It was a one-off but it went really fantastically well. He's really come on even more. He's a real dark force now. And he's very theatrical. And he really interprets our songs just brilliantly. And he has that incredible instrument, that voice and I feel he's going away from the pop thing which is good I think. And he's becoming a serious player. He's got a voice which is pretty unbeatable. I do think we will be working with Adam next year, yeah.



Anonymous said...

Rogerbert..bert..bert..bert..berting full of force.who dosent?am afraid if brian knee give some problem.from his tweeter said hes having knee pain eversince from iheart gig.hopefully he is well fit to do mini tour with adam(as per rumor) next year.

Anonymous said...

Well, Roger is sure onboard with touring with Adam. Such great praise once again! Too bad about Brian's knee. The more recent surgery he had done was supposed to fix what went wrong with the previous surgery. Hope it all works out and doesn't interfere with their touring with Adam.


Anonymous said...

Yeah I saw that tweet from Brian about his knees being so painful and right away I thought about the possibility of Brian not being able to tour. No point in thinking negative thoughts coz they haven't announced officially the tour or it's dates.

So glad to hear Roger really complimenting Adam tremendously. I sure hope this tour happens and everyone stays in good health.


Anonymous said...

Ha, ha LOVE Roger... I feel the same way when I talk/write about Adam... There just aren't enough 'Ands' in the world to finish my list ....

Anonymous said...

What a great interview and comments!