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Adam Lambert was Beautiful Last Night!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, December 9, 2013

Posted at : Monday, December 09, 2013


Anonymous said...

Paula looks dynamite..Adam is, of course, his beautiful self..but man he NEEDS to let the hair grow a little..I know I'm being picky..but his hair is part of his beauty..a see that alot of men have this hairstyle - but come on Adam, you are a trend setter - not a follower LOL...

Anonymous said...

Yes he needs to grow out his hair on the sides. I love his luxuriant hair. Show it off! Otherwise he is beautiful and handsome, that face!!

glitzylady said...

Beautiful picture posted by Adam on twitter: unrelated to these? But stunning..

@adamlambert: Just posted a photo

glitzylady said...

Oooops!! Didn't intend to have a question mark after "..unrelated to these.." In my above post...

Anonymous said...

Adam is so beautiful no matter what hairstyle he has!!

Anonymous said...

Adam is lucky that he gets to try out so many hairstyles because his hair grows back so quickly. I happen to think Adam looks sharp with this hair so I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts!

Do I have this right ... Michael Orland was on piano with Adam? God, his arrangement was stunning! And Adam sounded fantastic and looked like a tall drink of Christmas Joy!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know where is the picture from Adams instagram taken from? He's performing somewhere in it

Anonymous said...

If adam was bald headed he would still be a stunning man. This picture is absolutely stunning. That face those eyes. That vunerable look. Somebody catch me I am getting weak in the knees. Every picture; he is just so beautiful. No complaints here.

Anonymous said...

12.55 you said to the letter just what I feel about Adams head and hair. Sue

Anonymous said...

Adam is beautiful every night,
And everyday,
and even when he's wearing wall paper.

Anonymous said...

1:12, LOL, I like your humor. I like Adam's suit, but it does have a certain "wall treatment" quality. Looks good on him anyway.

As for the hair, I am a sucker for his fuller, longer, softer looking hair. He's gorgeous all the time, but I like the longer looks the best. Adam once said, "I'm a grower," when he was asked about his hair in an interview. Most guys stick with one style all the time. Adam is lucky to have hair that he can do lots of different things with. I never worry about it. It always grows back.


The Dark Side said...

In all honesty I had a moment of adjustment to the suit, but why not. He has been very vanilla lately, so this was a great change if pace. The females aren't the only one who can rock fashion.

Anonymous said...

Just stop it with the complaining about Adam's hair. Some of you are never happy. Adam is a person not your dress up doll.

Anonymous said...

Whatever Adam wears, he owns it 100%. I adore his taste in fashion from head to toe! He is unmistakably Adam and that's what I love. Bring it on Adam!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Adam has the height and body to wear anything. I like the suit on him, but other people might look really bad.

Anonymous said...

Quit complaining about Adam's current hairdo. He has plenty of hair on his head and too much hair on his face ..... ha!! (I can hear people screaming at me already!)

Anonymous said...

Love the shirt, love the jacket but the pants in the same design as the jacket are overkill.