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Another Picture of Adam Lambert & Courtney Stodden at World of Wonder

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, December 14, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, December 14, 2013


glitzylady said...

Adam's face :)))

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't it be Work of Wonders....two of them to be specific. And WHO is Courtney Stodden?

Anonymous said...

Because what was missing from this site was more Courtney Stodden. Roll eyes.

Anonymous said...

Oh, her again. Should I know who she is; never seen or heard about her in my life. Is she a new singer?

Anonymous said...

Is she a member of Glee?

Anonymous said...

I think someone posted on the other picture of her yesterday, that she came from a reality show called, "Teen Age Mom". I don't know; never watched that show. Heard of it's existence a year or so ago. Don't know if it is still on. It was quite controversal from news reports about it then.

Anonymous said...

Poor Adam!


Anonymous said...

She's really young and was married to a guy who was in LOST, the TV show. She was blond. She recently separated from her husband . She is a child , really young and not too smart..........Adam probably ddn't even knw who she was.

Anonymous said...

Courtney's claim to fame started when she was a teen and married a 50 some year old man. Then she got a reality show and since then they've split. She's still very young and confessed that she cannot read or write. I feel sorry for myself that I know


Anonymous said...

Not a mom, she is called a teen wife in the tabloids, because she married a 51 yr old man when she was 16.

Anonymous said...

I bet Adam knows who she was. Courtney hangs out with Anderson Brooks who is also Adam's friend.

Anonymous said...

Google will tell you she is a 19 yr old who is most famous for marrying a 51yr old man when she was 16.

Anonymous said...

People here really are too lazy to google.

Anonymous said...

please get me the name of her boob job man and make-up people I don't want to touch them with a ten foot pole. I also feel it is terrible of this awards program to give her an award and encouraging her, she needs help. I feel bad for her.

Anonymous said...

floating devices have been missing off the coast of California. ~*-*~

Anonymous said...

isn't Anderson Brooks a hot piece of a**. just sayin'

Urethra_Franklin said...

5:53 Yes indeed! I cant stop staring at him!

Anonymous said...

5:15, totally agree

Anonymous said...

How could any man, let alone Adam, be interested in boobs like that or find them attractive? How the heck does she sleep on her back all night without suffocating?


Anonymous said...

My sister in law received large breasts from Mother Nature. After years of back pain she had them reduced and was the happiest girl I ever saw. Who wants to carry that around?

Anonymous said...

Not another pic ...... ewwww!!!!

Anonymous said...

She was standing a half a foot to foot away from Adam at least her waist was. Her upper chest still managed to land on Ads chest. She does look better with darker hair opposed to that white blonde hair it may be her hair may be a wig. She does need some help and someone that cares for her as human being not a sex kitten.
I also feel sorry for the girl. Adam looks to me to be very uncomfortable in this picture. I imagine he was ask to take one. I am not a prude at all. But she a tiny girl and would to me look better and more attractive with her own natural self which I am sure was very nice. That's just my opinion. With some help she could be a lovely girl. If she cannot read and write she can still learn all that get a tutor or something like that. She need someone to help her not bring her down. Sue

Anonymous said...

Well, she certainly isn't androgynous .... ha!

The Dark Side said...

He probably thought she was a drag queen he had not met. She defies logic. As a blond I am thankful she dyed her hair . She gives dumb as a rock new meaning.

The Dark Side said...

He probably thought she was a drag queen he had not met. She defies logic. As a blond I am thankful she dyed her hair . She gives dumb as a rock new meaning.

Anonymous said...

Can't read or write O^O but she knew how to get a boob job.

Anonymous said...

I didn't notice that she can't read or write. On her wiki page it says that she was bullied in high school so she dropped out of high school and did home schooling via internet to get her diploma. Her mom is her manager now. I guess she tried to look like Pamela Anderson with all the plastic surgery. Her face doesn't look good. From her younger year pics. she only needed a nose job. But she went all out with total head to toe nip/tuck. She needs good counseling poor girl

Anonymous said...

She looks like a porn star with those boobs and that dress. Why would Adam even be in a picture with her? Please don't show it again.

Anonymous said...

She looks like a caricature with unnatural beauty.i think she is sick in mind to hv body alter young age for satisfaction.i guess adam cautious not to bum into her breast.

Anonymous said...

In this video she tells it all about her surgeries:

Anonymous said...

OMG The young lady needs someone to tell her No! That is not a good look!!!

daydreamin said...

She was on Celebrity Big Brother UK.

Anonymous said...

In interviews she seems like a sweet, but clueless girl. Hopefully she won't turn into a hot mess, if she gets some good advise.

Anonymous said...

Yea I was thinking to I doubt she can't read or write. You usually learn how to read and write at a young age at school. So most likely she can read and write. I really only seen her on TV a few times know really nothing about her. Sue

Anonymous said...

What's this woman famous for? Fake everything by the look and sound of her. People will go to any lengths to be famous for something, no matter what it is. She married someone way older than her and has had plastic surgery .... big deal .... NOT!!

Anonymous said...

"The bold and beautiful". This lady must be something in US cause her photo w Adam is here again.

Anonymous said...

1:04, no she isn't. I think Admin knows she would get more hits and comments than something like Adam's interview on the Trevor Project did. Very sad commentary on what this site and the commenters have become.

Urethra_Franklin said...

Amazing how judgmental so many "Glamberts" are...none of you know her as evidenced by the rampant google searches for information. I assure you he knew who she was (the weho circle is much smaller than you might imagine) and I'm pretty confident his impression of her is based on him MEETING HER in person cause that is the kind of guy he is. Or at least I thought that's what most of you thought about him. Or maybe you don't really think that about him which would explain the catty comments.

Anonymous said...

she could float on out of there with those floating devices. No boat needed for an EXIT.

Anonymous said...

being clueless comes with not reading. Maybe socializing gets in the way of her learning skills.

Anonymous said...

AL is bold for standing in that mix of a mess.

Anonymous said...

The HILLS are alive!!!

Anonymous said...

She must be dyslexic why she can't read or write.
Tom Cruise is same, can't read nor write until Scientology why he's so devoted. . .

Anonymous said...

CS was a 16 year old nobody when this 56 year old actor(don't remember his name) had to get her parents' permission to marry her. He said they were soul mates. Yeah! Then I guess the surgeries began. I think I saw them briefly on some reality show for couples who needed counselling. Obviously that did not help since she and her husband are no longer together. At 19 she looks older than her years and obviously will do anything to still be in the spotlight. She has absolutely nothing going for her and those boobs and poses just get her all the negative comments we have seen here. It's a shame that Adam had to be pictured with her.

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for this young girl, and annoyed at her parents for allowing her to marry someone old enough to her grandfather just for money! I hope someone cares enough to gain her trust and help guide her in the right direction. She could be very pretty with correctional surgery to help give her a more natural look.