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Are You Ready For More Of This in 2014?

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, December 16, 2013

Posted at : Monday, December 16, 2013


Anonymous said...

Hells Bells I am ready.

Anonymous said...

Please let the concerts be in the US!

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me? Yeah, my suitcase is packed!!! Bring it on Queenbert <3333333


Anne Marie said...

Absolutely.. Queen is the best thing that has happened to Adam. Adam in the last 4 years is the best thing that has happened to Queen. They are fantastic together, and just what Adam needs. IMO Adams best performances have been with Queen, he just loves performing with them, and it shows how much they appreciate his huge talent.

Anonymous said...

@1:42 AM

I would say; one of the best things; also, a very important step towards super stardom.

Anonymous said...

Adam's talents are just beyond amazing. I believe we have just seen the tip of the iceberg. I mean it. People will continue to be knocked off their feet in unbelief as time goes by; just wait and see. I will be there to say I told them so!

Anonymous said...

I hope and pray that if this happens; the tickets will fly. I hope the shows will all sell out. That would be amazing. There will probably need to be loads and loads of promotion. I just want it to be a huge suscess! I know I will be there; no matter where it is on earth. I am hoping for US or even Canada; I think it will be from what Roger said a few days ago; if it happen, he said definitely Canada when asked. Starting saving already.

Anonymous said...

This should be very exciting for Adam and Queen. Hopefully there will be some concerts here in the US that fans can get to and see them perform. There is such a respect and admiration between Adam and Brian and Roger and they appreciate his amazing vocal talent. Adam can work on his own album but also find time to perform with Queen. He has the best of both worlds in the music business this way.