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More about the Huading Awards: Hollywood Stars to Attend China's Version of the Oscars

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, December 16, 2013

Posted at : Monday, December 16, 2013


Anonymous said...

star-studded affair indeed, I hope Adam is really going.

Anonymous said...

Huading Awards ceremony was two months ago! Nicolas Cage got some award and nobody knows why did he get it:)

Anonymous said...

I think all of this Ting/Huading Red carpet appearance is the rumor. Adam never did respond on these news!

Anonymous said...

Every year, Adam gets nominated and receives prestigious Chinese Awards. Adam is on the right track in building guansi/interpersonal relationships with Chinese business groups, who value this guansi very seriously, which may lead to a breakthrough into China with regard Adam's music interests like concerts or other business. I see this annual invitation to China as the first crucial steps of Adam's guansi with China. Anyway, being beamed into 400 million homes is no small publicity stunt. Adam the entrepreneur and singer is at work here. In Singapore we would say: Don't pray pray! lol! meaning don't play play or this is no child's play, a mispronunciation of play/pray). lol!


Anonymous said...

Lam-my I can't believe that you don't know that years ago Japanese people couldn't pronounce the sound of the letter L. The standard movie had a Japanese person saying "Rots of ruck Rutenant" instead of the proper "Lots of luck Lieutenant." That's where your pray/play comes from. I have no idea if they have mastered the 'L' sound now or not, but they must have or they would be calling our boy Adam Rambert.

Anonymous said...

Dear Lam-my: can you read this and tell us what it says about Adam?

Anonymous said...

No, our pray pray, instead of play play, originated in Singapore lol! In the 50s and 60s we had many Chinese language schools which dwindled and now we only have English language schools which offer Chinese as a 2nd language. So this pray/play mispronunciation was the Chinese language schools confusing play with pray. lol! It only exists as a joke now. So when school kids have some fun in the toilet and refuse to come out, they will be told: Don't pray in the toilet! lol! So it's not the Japanese who gave us this legacy although they have given us lots of Toyotas, Hondas, Yamahas etc. lol! Hey your Adam Rambert is helluva hilarious! Can't stop laughing! Need to go to pray in the toilet. lol!


Anonymous said...

Somebody tell @devanlane that story is from October! Those stars already went for their awards in October. This is a different event by the same award show for different awards!

Anonymous said...

I can only speak Mandarin but I can't read it; partly due to changes made to the words to reduce the number of strokes. Also I don't need to use it in the written form so very out of touch; but I still converse in Mandarin, like with the taxi-drivers, it's passable. Sorry, can't help you there.


Anonymous said...

Sorry everyone, I'm technically challenged bue please, please, please google: Way back when with Adam Lambert: his first kiss. When choices come up, click on the first one. It might have been here before, but I'm devoted to this man and this site and I've never seen it before. You will not regret it, I promise. I'm sure someone here can post the link, but until that happens, google:

Way back when with Adam Lambert: his first kiss

Anonymous said...

12:38 Thanks for sending me to that video. Man oh man what a man! He's so interesting to listen to and oh so heartbreakingly beautiful to look at. DRG - eat your heart out for these eyes baby eyes.

Way back when with Adam Lambert: his first kiss


Anonymous said...

12:38 This is going to settle a lot of arguments that have been going on this site. And oh how good looking can he get?

Anonymous said...

Lammy, I'm 11:21 and am talking about post Pearl Harbor and WWII war movies in the 40's and 50's. I still think your 50's and 60's Chinese came from the inability of the Japanese to pronounce "L's." But I do know that you will fight to the end to be right so I'll leave it there.

Anonymous said...

Hey why do I need to fight about it or be right about it? It was what happened. I was born after the war and in those days everyone was struggling, let alone watch movies. The Japanese ruled us for 3 years after Singapore fell. The Japanese then, could not speak nor understand English. My father escaped death because they needed him to do translations; his English was excellent; which indirectly saved his life. I wouldn't have been born otherwise. I don't see any link with regard the Japanese influence in our then Chinese schools. After the Japanese surrender, all the Japanese left and none were teaching in the few Chinese schools nor English schools. So I don't see how the Japanese influenced the pray/play or the r/l mispronunciations. Absolutely no connection! It was our own Chinese educated students that said pray instead of play. A Singapore sitcom called Phuah Chu Kang had a field day on this local pray pray joke.


Anonymous said...

My fave pics are the 3rd one on the 1st line and the centre one on the 2nd line.

Anonymous said...

@10:25 PM

Someone reported on another post this AM that Adam has arrived there already.

Anonymous said...

5:33 thanks for the info.

Anonymous said...

I just saw a video of Adam's arrival; it was amazing. So many fans a the airport waiting. Yelling out his name and so polite as he walked the roped line signing one thing after another. With the cry's of "Adam I love you, over and over again. Adam constantly saying, "thank you" so sweetly. Then, many saying welcome back and Adam responding, "glad to be back". Such a beautiful sight. All the othr passagers walking by just looking and wondering about all the excitement.

I just loved looking at this video, watch about 3 times, so far! Adam is so nice to his fan; and signed as long as he could; even after someone came up; he looked around to see if he left anyone out. He also looked so handsome. What a thrill for the fans that were there. He looked so happy.

Anonymous said...

There you go again, Lam-my!