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Awkward Moments with Adam Lambert at World of Wonder - Via Erin Brown

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, December 15, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, December 15, 2013


daydreamin said...

I have one of those awkward pics with Adam also! Glad I got a better one. I just couldn't believe he was right there and my face showed it. You gotta laugh at yourself sometimes and boy did I.

Anonymous said...

Those pictures are so funny; she look a little over excited. Very cute though; Adam seemed to get a kick out of her reaction himself. He is always so charming in interviews.

If I was that close and trying to ask him questions while looking into the most gorgeous eyes in the world; all bets are off, I don't honestly know what my reactions would be like. Glad she didn't pass out.

Anonymous said...

they were prob shocked at the world of wonder

Anonymous said...

I think he said to her, that red carpet looked like a bath math.

Anonymous said...

I love Adam at his candid, even awkward moments because I want to know all aspects of a very expressive face that communicates even without words. Those smilies could take a page out of the Adam face book, or several pages, that's how talented his face is. What would be fun is if we could write a caption for the photos of Adam, just to illustrate my point.

Anonymous said...

Please note that in these photos his face does not look thin, just normal and relaxed. In some photos recently he has dropped his jaw which pulls in the cheeks making the face look longer and thinner .

Anonymous said...


Yes, I was shouting, but in a good way with best intentions, he he. Wanna hear this - pictures speak louder... my ass!